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Dr. Quadragon ❌

I'm kinda getting tired of that usual handwaving "oh, I'm a Jew, I can't be a Nazi", or "I'm an Asian, I can't be racist", "I'm a woman, I can't be misogynistic", or "I'm gay, I can't be homophobic".

This is not how it works. This is not how any of this works.

Your *identity*, even if marginalized, doesn't magically make you invulnerable to bad *ideas* and *behaviours*. And your *actions* are not exempt from criticism, ever.

Yes, given enough self-awareness and constant vigilance, it makes it a whole lot less likely for you to catch a bad meme, but keep in mind that either way *you are not immune to propaganda*. Especially not when you use handwaves like these.

So stop saying this, because it's rubbish.

I'm kinda getting tired of that usual handwaving "oh, I'm a Jew, I can't be a Nazi", or "I'm an Asian, I can't be racist", "I'm a woman, I can't be misogynistic", or "I'm gay, I can't be homophobic".

This is not how it works. This is not how any of this works.

Your *identity*, even if marginalized, doesn't magically make you invulnerable to bad *ideas* and *behaviours*. And your *actions* are not exempt from criticism, ever.

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Ламотриджиновая Ломка :tsf:

@drq Да, но... По моему опыту, большая часть окружающих меня (хороших /j) людей, не была подверженна повестке. Т.е. среди геев ровно такое же количество трансфобов и неграмотных, сколько среди цисгетеро.

Отличие в том, что они часто не меняли паттернов поведения, если я не прошу об этом прямо.

Galactic Jew 🇮🇱


You got a point, but seriously, don't mess with Jews...

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Rae Patterson


If he gets angry at you, you can say "Whoa buddy, big feelings!"

Lucy Nelson



i fucking love this woman

Deirdre Saoirse Moen

@courtcan I love this post so so so much (and have reposted it more than once, but not in a while).

Dr. Quadragon ❌

:blobcatlul: Набрёл на алиэкспрессе на лот с нашивками, по большей части солдатскими. Прощёлкал его из любопытства и встретил прекрасное:

Чередующимися красными и белыми строчками на чёрном фоне:
моя работа
что я не знаю
что я делаю
Dr. Quadragon ❌

Hmmm... I kinda wonder - don't BTRFS shapshots negate the need for an A/B system?

I mean, do we really need to save only two last versions of the OS, when we have the whole snapshot history to choose from?


@drq for power users — maybe.

But the vast majority are casual users that would prefer to not deal with this at all. All they'd rather see is if an updated OS fails to start, a reboot boots them back into a system that's known to work. With requirements this low, anything more complex than A/B seems like overengineering.

On top of having more moving parts that might fail and requiring more tools for proper maintenance, it has a less obvious downside of requiring all versions to use BTRFS, so no embracing the latest and greatest in FS development through just an OS update, as unlikely as that may be with how short-lived so many digital systems are these days.

I hate it, but I understand it.

@drq for power users — maybe.

But the vast majority are casual users that would prefer to not deal with this at all. All they'd rather see is if an updated OS fails to start, a reboot boots them back into a system that's known to work. With requirements this low, anything more complex than A/B seems like overengineering.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Наполняющие наш быт электронные устройства потребляют все больше энергии. Решением проблемы может стать переход к устройствам спинтроники, которые в своей работе используют спиновые степени свободы электронов. Благодаря этому можно снизить энергопотребления, улучшить скорость работы оперативной памяти и расширить возможности обработки данных. Поиск подходящих ферромагнитных материалов для спиновых устройств — сложная задача, поскольку такие материалы должны быть совместимы с доминирующей в полупроводниковой промышленности кремниевой технологией и удовлетворять ряду других требований.

В качестве подходящего материала ученые из ФИЦ «Красноярский научный центр СО РАН» выбрали германид марганца. Полученные с его помощью пленки стабильно работают при комнатной температуре. Это значит, что их уже можно использовать во многих устройствах — например, в датчиках для сигнализации и элементах управления умным домом.

Наполняющие наш быт электронные устройства потребляют все больше энергии. Решением проблемы может стать переход к устройствам спинтроники, которые в своей работе используют спиновые степени свободы электронов. Благодаря этому можно снизить энергопотребления, улучшить скорость работы оперативной памяти и расширить возможности обработки данных. Поиск подходящих ферромагнитных материалов для спиновых устройств — сложная задача, поскольку такие материалы должны быть совместимы с доминирующей в полупроводниковой...

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Астрономы выяснили, что найденная пару лет назад очень яркая вспышка в далекой галактике оказалась не сверхновой, а уникальным явлением — событием разрыва сверхмассивной черной дырой звезды, которая стала рекордно массивной в такого рода явлениях

Dr. Quadragon ❌

the debugging manifesto poster I've been talking about is finally available for sale! You can get it here for $20 US + shipping:

it was redesigned and riso printed by Inner Loop Press and I'm SO delighted with how it turned out (

a debugging manifesto poster, risograph printed, neon pink and blue

* inspect, don’t squash
* being stuck is temporary
* trust nobody and nothing
* it’s probably your code
* don’t go it alone
* there’s always a reason
* build your toolkit
* it can be an adventure
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Steve's Place

@b0rk I was sitting next to another programmer who, after much trying, threw his hands up and exclaimed, "Well, it won't work," then a half-hour later had it working. A puree of 2 and 4.

Dan Kim

@b0rk Love this and purchased! Literally just went through a problematic debug yesterday and thought of this.


Yay! Just confirmed that it's working now with any Epic account :blobhappy:

Before I had to add every mail manually to the "dev console" but now it's approved and can be public used ✅

Just a goofy little side project where I learned a load

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@a1ba @rf Ого!

@mittorn С днем, братан! Спасибо за все, что делаешь!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

it's been really fun to see zines in libraries -- the folks from Swarthmore ( sent me this photo of How Git Works in their zine library

the “How Git Works” zine in front of a sign that says “Zine Library”, as well as many other zines wrapped in plastic and in file folders
Dr. Quadragon ❌

If, for the sake of argument, you are one of the lead developers of a prominent DE, and you have an extension store that tracks the number of downloads, please be inclined to treat those numbers as data points as to what features to include in the next release.

When a user downloads an extension, they are telling you: "I use this DE, thankyouverymuch, but I need this functionality in it for it to be complete."

I mean, I like that you're very deliberate in your design choices (that's why I use your DE), but...

If that number on some extension gets *millions* high, then it's one hell of a hint that your DE is incomplete for a lot of people, and something critical is missing, so... get to work!

(post inspired by @BrodieOnLinux 's video here:

If, for the sake of argument, you are one of the lead developers of a prominent DE, and you have an extension store that tracks the number of downloads, please be inclined to treat those numbers as data points as to what features to include in the next release.

When a user downloads an extension, they are telling you: "I use this DE, thankyouverymuch, but I need this functionality in it for it to be complete."

Мя :sparkles_lesbian:

@drq «seeing those huge download numbers on extension, our team concluded that users are smart enough to use extension store. So, in the next release we're planning to remove ability to open files»

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I was told by competent businessmen that I must constantly imagine my goals so that I can materialise them.

I was imagining a big breasted fox girl for the past 6 months and still she had not appeared.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Conclusion: I was lied to. You cannot wish thoughts into reality.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Deiru The guy who told you that, missed out the important part:

- getting to actually make or get what you imagine.

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