В Иллинойсе вступило в силу новое трудовое законодательство! Теперь работодатель обязан предоставлять 40 часов оплачиваемого отпуска в год. Вдвойне радуюсь, потому что я уже не планировала отлучаться до конца года. А тут такой подгон
В Иллинойсе вступило в силу новое трудовое законодательство! Теперь работодатель обязан предоставлять 40 часов оплачиваемого отпуска в год. Вдвойне радуюсь, потому что я уже не планировала отлучаться до конца года. А тут такой подгон
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@inktrap If guessing is allowed, the following are C library functions: - mbsrtowcs @inktrap Very annoyed that the C or C++ functions in this are *not* in the C standard library! "wcs" is a wide character string - and are not a standard C type. While Signal messages might be e2e encrypted, people tend to forget that the platform collects phone numbers of its users, which can be used to identify people. This makes Signal an effective metadata collection tool that resides on a central server in the US. By cross-referencing these identities with data from other companies like Google or Meta, the government can create a comprehensive picture of people's connections and affiliations. 🧵 This allows identifying people of interest and building detailed graphs of their relationships. Signal may seem like an innocuous messaging app on the surface, but it cold easily play a crucial role in government data collection efforts. It was originally funded by CIA cutout Open Technology Fund, part of Radio Free Asia. Its Chairwoman is Katherine Maher, who worked for NDI/NED: regime-change groups, and a member of Atlantic Council, WEF, US State Department Foreign Affairs Policy Board etc. @yogthos Just to play Devil's advocate: What are the alternatives? XMPP might be, but they haven't been able to get their shit together for a decade and a half regarding... well, everything. Jabber is in shambles, especially regarding E2EE: https://soatok.blog/2024/08/04/against-xmppomemo/ Matrix just has awful protocol design that crumbles under its own weight. Don't believe me? Try visiting #matrix:matrix.org. So... We're kinda screwed, aren't we. The state of geopolitics is like one long episode of Game of Thrones, sans fuckable characters. Did I miss a memo or did the US told to outright ban all russians? So far it seemed like those targeted enterprises only and free single users remained unaffected. Still cannot fathom how can you just say ‘Because you are a person of a nationality deemed wrong now, you have two weeks before we delete all your data you could've accumulated throughout years of using our services. Get out.’ @brawaru This is the world we live in right now, apparently. To me, the more I watch the international situation unfold, the more it looks like it's fascists all the way up, no matter the country. Степан тут соблазняет меня наконец-то записать песню про Дурова, которую я написал давным давно. Точнее, про его стену. И точнее, Степан уже всё и записал. Мне только напеть надо. То ли сделать привет @rf ! нас давно просили написать список ботов на press.anyaforger.art, и вот @MrClon это сделал! его стараниями появилась таблица, где указаны название, хендл со ссылкой и описание каждого бота :anya_whoaa: https://press.anyaforger.art/about :anya_whoaa: @wonderfox@mastodon.ml найс, +4 аккаунта через этот список нашёл :ablobcatwhackyfast: |
Меньше двух дней?
Может быть 40 дней?
@kidchai ни к о еще не заявил о коммунистическом перевороте? :-)