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Dr. Quadragon โŒ

Arch users, please get off your high horse and chill the fuck out. Stop pushing Arch on any rando you meet.

I'm an Arch user, and believe me when I say: Arch is NOT a desktop distro. It's not a server distro, either. The value of Arch is precisely that: it's a non-specific Linux distribution.

That means that things that are expected in, say, desktop use case may not come out of the box and need to be installed in post, by the user themself.

Most of the supposed advantages of Arch can easily be chalked up to drawbacks, when you want a nice-and-ready desktop OS, just because of Arch's low-assumption nature.

You only install Arch when you know you need Arch and can handle the jank. Otherwise, choose another distro.

Moana Rijndael ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•

@drq what a long way to say ยซI use arch btw, and it sucksยป

Dr. Quadragon โŒ

@mo It doesn't suck. For *my specific use case*. I know my way around the OS, and can add or fix whatever's needed adding or fixing.

If you're a rando off the streets, it will suck, big time. But a rando is, I would say, already served well enough with your Manjaros and Ubuntus and Fedoras or what have you.


@drq >You only install Arch when you know you need Arch

The only thing I kinda disagree with.
I didn't need it, had no idea why the hell I could possibly need it for. Installed it anyway just to see what all the fuss was about, first on a low end laptop about ~6 years ago or something where it's still stays to this day, and then for a couple of years it was the main system on my desktop too.

Ended up being surprisingly fun and educational. Gave me some cozy sandbox game vibes that I didn't get with other systems I've tried before.
There is no point on _pushing_ it on somebody (as with any other OS tbh), but if you (not literally you, just anyone who at least has touched ubuntu or manjaro before) have some spare time, patience and general curiosity - I'd say give it a go even if you have no freaking idea what for.

@drq >You only install Arch when you know you need Arch

The only thing I kinda disagree with.
I didn't need it, had no idea why the hell I could possibly need it for. Installed it anyway just to see what all the fuss was about, first on a low end laptop about ~6 years ago or something where it's still stays to this day, and then for a couple of years it was the main system on my desktop too.

Dr. Quadragon โŒ

@lnkr_ You installed it because you were tech-literate and curious, that is need enough.

What I'm saying is, pushing Arch on people who are neither is wrong.

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