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480 posts total

I have received an update on the upcoming D'Ancey LaGuarde collection, and am slightly embarrassed by how excited it has made me.

Also, I feel like there should an Extended Bugleverse community on Mastodon, so I am going to throw out some hashtags in hopes of either finding it or creating it.

#TheBugle #Bugleverse #TheGargle
#DAnceyLaGuarde @AliceFraser

(Yes, I have verified the spelling of the authors name.)


Puisqu'il semble y avoir ici un soudain pic d'intérêt pour l'illustration "Valley Questcaller" de Steve Prescott, je me permets de vous la poster en meilleure qualité :blobcatgiggle:

Détail de l'illustration "Valley Questcaller" peinte par Steve Prescott pour le jeu Magic The Gathering : une souris qui joue du banjo en chantant à tue-tête.
Steve Prescott posant devant le tableau complet "Valley Questcaller".
On voit une troupe constituée d'un lapin, un oiseau, une souris, et une chauve-souris, qui partent à l'aventure. Le lapin brandit d'une main une carotte telle une épée et tient un grand drapeau dans l'autre, l'oiseau tient une feuille d'où émane de la fumée tel un bâton magique, la chauve-souris brandit un sceptre en forme de demi-lune, et la souris (que tout le monde connaît maintenant) joue du banjo en chantant à tue-tête.
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Deep Mud

@nathanlovestrees I wonder if these are the "big laughing cap".



I'm a big fan of bright orange accents, and those cuties are doing an excellent job of it.

Are they edible or is that lovely color a sign to keep away?


The hour has struck midnight.

It is the the start of a new day.

And so the ancient rite must be said.

It's my birthday, give me boosts.


You know someone is setting up for some serious physics when the 50mm thick lead wall comes out to play.

A lead wall made of interlocking lead bricks. It's 3 X 3 bricks in size, each brick is 50mm thick. 
It's on a bench in front of a machine with a radiation treefoil showing.
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Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

@Dtl One of these days there will be a particle that goes around corners and then everyone will be in trouble. Meanwhile I’d be worrying about radiation reflecting back off the far wall to come up behind the researcher 😂


@Dtl I'd like to call it Shield-o-tron please.




I'm super excited to share with you the hottest new methodology from ✨ actual working engineers ✨!

We are calling it Relearning Lessons of the Past as a Service, or RLPS (pronounced "relapse")

In this talk, I'll...


@kerrizor … but, for some reason, trying to sell a “Pro” version to enterprise clients failed.


Ну кто-то должен быть Ницше для поколения коммунстов… так вот: Ленин умер.


GIMP maintainers respond to criticism of project name, change it to GNU Open Art Tools Supporting Editing.

mx alex tax1a - 2020 (4)

@mathew we know a minority of people who call it the Free And Gratis Graphic Operation Toolkit



i know, the jokes

but like, i will DIE on the hill that GNU Image or Glimpse or whatever would have eaten a MASSIVELY HUGE CHUNK of Adobe Photoshop's lunch many years ago if the powers around it grew the hell up and changed the name

#opensource #freesoftware


Only after getting a NAS with spinny disks have I understood how much I missed the HDD chirping in the background, such a soothing sound!


Went to visit Kells today. Apparently, visited the wrong one, but I don’t care, this one had friendly cows!

Old monastery ruins
Kids socializing with cows

Her: "Oh you're cute, can you send me some more pics?"
Me: "What kind of pics?"
Her: "You know... the ones you get sent at 3am ;)"
Me: "Oh... those pics"
<Sends a picture of a server crash incident log>


petition to rename "width" to "widgth" for monospace consistency with "height" and "length"


Zillions spent on generative AI development and not a single thing produced that's anywhere near as novel as this

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@jonikorpi This sort of shit is why the whole "Internet" thing is worth it in the end.

Maddler the Badger

@jonikorpi @cianhan that's the perfect explanation of "creativity"! 🤣

Niavy :bearn: :verified:

I'm sure it is a J-RPG music but I cannot remember which one. Tales of Phantasia ? Chrono Trigger ?

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