Title: Rain at Miekawa, Soshu (1932)
Artist: Hasui Kawase
https://japan-forward.com/shorenji-temple-prays-for-good-weather-with-3000-teru-teru-bozu/ #ShinHanga #Art #HasuiKawase #Showa #Summer #Rain #Japan
Title: Rain at Miekawa, Soshu (1932) Artist: Hasui Kawase https://japan-forward.com/shorenji-temple-prays-for-good-weather-with-3000-teru-teru-bozu/ #ShinHanga #Art #HasuiKawase #Showa #Summer #Rain #Japan I am a bit confused about this Oasis reunion. Do all their songs suddenly not sound the same live? I mean if you have their record do you need anything else? Something I learned the wrong way (via burning out hard): @tikibunnyimports OMG we've hit 38 likes, only 99,962 before #Nissan pays attention and makes this happen. LET'S GO! https://en.nissan.com.eg/experience-nissan/design/nissan-pike-cars.html
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@inktrap If guessing is allowed, the following are C library functions: - mbsrtowcs @inktrap Very annoyed that the C or C++ functions in this are *not* in the C standard library! "wcs" is a wide character string - and are not a standard C type. As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself coming downstairs, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.
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@nordern I love how you post a witticism and we all just all immediately and instinctively start becoming a problem Remember that day when you first compiled ACPI support in, and `shutdown -p` actually shut the power off? #MagicalMoments #OldPeopleStuff As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I think: Wow Google Maps, you really fucked up this time
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@quaap what did they do? I'm about to work on a thing kind of similar to Google street view on my mapping team at a self-driving car company. I did a calculation yesterday that made me want to scream. If you look at the *current* density of satellites in 1km altitude bins in Low Earth Orbit, and assume they are travelling at circular velocities (generally true), then Starlink satellites pass within <1km of each other EVERY 30 SECONDS. At Starlink altitudes, everything is travelling at 7 km/second, so <1 km close approaches are terrifyingly close. Every 30 seconds. WHY.
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@sundogplanets why is that terrifying? Even worst case scenario and they all collide with each other being a LEO all that debris will just come down to earth in a few years anyway. But that happening is extremely unlikely. There are no satellites at 1km altitude: Satellites do not orbit below 160 km because they are affected by atmospheric drag. The lowest orbiting satellite is the Japanese satellite Tsubame, orbited at an altitude of 167.4 km ๐ค Generative AI is just digital cigarettes. It looks cool and fun and itโs easy to shove into every moment of your life. But thirty years from now youโll be upset you ever started. |
@atomicker I particularly like the color choices.
Beautiful ๐๐
@atomicker by the way, thank you for solid alt-text :miku_love: I try not to boost posts without it, and it's nice when I can boost art posts I like :eevee_joy: