NOTE: in the early 90s late 80s, on a road trip I was camping along the Mississippi River somewhere, id eaten and it got dark, mosquitos were hell, so I was sitting on the sites picnic table, long pants and sleeves, hoody over my head strong pulled into a small hole to breathe through. I had ingested some lsd and was sitting utterly silent, long enough that in the pitch black, large birds arrived to raid the trash can next to me. They did not know I was there!
I sat for hours listening to the incredible orchestra of animals, mostly birds I assume... The cacophony was loud, dense, relentless. After I while I noticed it was patterned... Birds were singing in rounds. A bird squawked, then the next, each waiting for a gap to speak in. I could hear the same, or similar, voice repeat on loose patterns of a few seconds. Probab ly some of the "same" voices were birds of the same kind talking. It was like a party line phone with a thousand simultaneous conversations...
... Every night, forever. Absolutely fucking amazing. Profoundly profound and all that.
So I'm making a simulation of that.