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Tess:Rabbit-eared troublemaker

Apparently mathematicians think I should use the term "large positive integers" and not "big naturals"


@diffractie "Great old ones"? Weird way to say "big unnaturals", but ok.

skategoat 🐐

@diffractie put pictures of big natural bodybuilders as an example for extra clarity

Sky, Cozy Goth Prince of Cats

@diffractie Oh, gosh, don't I know it, for some reason they want "high dimensionality" instead of "big D"


@diffractie Perhaps: they are just trying to make a couple of points and
just end up making bigger boobs with their calculations and roundings up? 🤗


Sufficiently large positive integers. Please. Always specify the sufficiently.

Klaus Stein

@diffractie I'll try to search for “large positive integers” on the porn site next door :-)

Jon Baker

@diffractie those nerds are doing nothing to fight against the stereotype of being sexless virgins

Ellie 🐍☃️ :blobsnowedin:​

@diffractie This just showed up in a Discord I'm in, and I'm trying to imagine how it got there.

edit: oh. from my perspective it only has 8 boosts >_>

Riley S. Faelan

@diffractie Tirritate them by speaking lengthily of "integral numbers".

Riley S. Faelan

@diffractie And if a further escalation step should become necessary, you could mimic a Pumpkin's lawyer: "As a mathematician and a numerologist, number integrity is very important to me!". Mathematicians hate numerology being brought up. :blobcattea:​


@diffractie They're wrong, as they're literally synonoums xD

Bernie Does It

@weaselx86 @diffractie

Proof: try to post a counterexample on Fedi and see what happens.

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