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91 posts total
Grigory Shepelev

Researching #srfi 125. All I need is hash-table=? in guile.

It was broken in the "upstream".

Fixed in this pull request

Trying to build and use with #guix.

After "guix build -f srfi-125.scm" or "guix shell -f srfi-125.scm guile -- guile" it builds with no error, but guile won't see the module. Although when I just do
"guile -l srfi/125.body.scm -l 125.scm"
"cd <build-dir/share/guile/site/3.0/srfi>; guile -l srfi/125.body.scm -l 125.scm"
works fine.

Researching #srfi 125. All I need is hash-table=? in guile.

It was broken in the "upstream".

Fixed in this pull request

Trying to build and use with #guix.

After "guix build -f srfi-125.scm" or "guix shell -f srfi-125.scm guile -- guile" it builds with no error, but guile won't see the module. Although when I just do
"guile -l srfi/125.body.scm -l 125.scm"
"cd <build-dir/share/guile/site/3.0/srfi>; guile -l srfi/125.body.scm -l 125.scm"

Grigory Shepelev

Stolen from #reddit. It was just too good not to share.

Grigory Shepelev

Next Guix meet-up is next Wednesday (29th) - @daviwil will be giving a talk about how he manages his system configuration and development workflow.

If you want to ask David a question or register for the session get the details:

#guix #guile #scheme #lisp #systemcrafters


Will the talk be available digitally during or after?
@daviwil @dthompson

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David Fi&er

@mwl I'm a fan of the old poster: "That which does not kill me only postpones the inevitable."


@mwl totally misread that as "That witch did not kill me..."
And honestly, is also likely true.

Luis Felipe

@shegeley Hi,

I think it would be good to mark up the package description using Texinfo so that the list looks good not only in CLI but on the web too.

For an example:

Which would translate to:

More info on Texinfo itemization:

And info about marking inline code:

#gnu #guix #texinfo

@shegeley Hi,

I think it would be good to mark up the package description using Texinfo so that the list looks good not only in CLI but on the web too.

For an example:

Which would translate to:

Grigory Shepelev

@shegeley I think one of the main reasons for living in the country is that you don't have to work a 9-6 job to make for living. There are options, like agriculture, herding animals, but also remote jobs if one's lucky to find one.

I agree there's a lot of maintenance that needs to be done though and that it can be expensive. On the other hand I bet property prices in the city are much higher, even rent can take up a large chunk of one's income, so there's that cost that's lower in the country.

Grigory Shepelev

@shegeley living in a country side can be a pain yes, but I like it because potentially you can be fully autonomous. Your own food, your own water, your own electricity and so on, but it is harder in many aspects. Compared to an apartment it is much easier to own bigger place in a country side.

Grigory Shepelev

What do you mean be independence exactly?

Living in the city I can take a cheap taxi a public transport, a bike or a car ride (if I have one) to the place where I need. So even if the car or bike breaks there are still options. In countryside your are much MORE depended on car for example. Of course you can do some basic maintenance (oil + filters change etc) but I doubt that you can repair broken engine so easily. So it seems for me that you are even more dependent on tech+supply chain

Grigory Shepelev

Observation on the country-life maintenance

Story: Since my father died I moved to countryside where my parents have a home. They bought this land about 20 years ago in their mid-30. The gravitated towards country life very early: own house, land, garden with flowers and vegetables. And throughout this years built a big house (theirs "life project"), big greenhouses that are small family business and bought a separate land piece and build a stables for 3 horses on it. My mom owns 2 horses.

Grigory Shepelev

So, observation is the cost (time AND money) of living outside in the given setup + maintaining all the communication (electrical, water, gas, septic, etc) is just incredibly bigger than living in the city.

I have to mow the grass for at least 10h a week to keep it in place. That's just some idiotically spent time when I could be coding something cool (or anything other "productive" like creating something, not maintaining the existubng) or just resting. And that's plus gasoline & oil cost.

Grigory Shepelev

The simplest tasks on iPadOS are either incredibly difficult and time-consuming, or they’re so unintuitive that even a 25-year Apple veteran can't figure them out. Frankly, neither reflects well on iPadOS.

Grigory Shepelev

@shegeley you want SRFI-125, specifically the "hash-table=?" API. SRFI-125 is built-in to MIT Scheme, STkLos, and is available for Chez via this library. For Guile and Gambit you should try installing it from the SRFI website which points to this GitHub repo.

Grigory Shepelev

While working my personal project I coudn't find any simple way to compare hash-tables equality even in extrernal libs.

Also hashing the hash-tables (hash ht) is not reliable:
(hash (alist->hash-table `((b . 2) (a . 1)))) ≠ (hash (alist->hash-table `((a . 1) (b . 2))))

So I'm thinking about one for myself. What about this one?

#guile #scheme

Ramin Honary

@shegeley you want SRFI-125, specifically the "hash-table=?" API. SRFI-125 is built-in to MIT Scheme, STkLos, and is available for Chez via this library. For Guile and Gambit you should try installing it from the SRFI website which points to this GitHub repo.

Grigory Shepelev

this won't work. damn. have to pack srfi-125 on guix

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@dgar In Uttanasana yoga pose 😄


@dgar 🥽💦💧🌊

Has anyone got a snorkel ?


Grigory Shepelev

Any company right now: You want some AI?

Me: Not particularly, thanks

Company: Got it, here's a big huge heaping helping of AI

Me: No thank you please

Company: Make job go fast, do vroom vroom on your career:

Me: I don't really…


Me: Kinda but not really

Company: Here's AI tools for your software engineering

Me: These are really obtrusive and in my w…


Me: …

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@tjdraper AI needs to die the dirtiest, smokiest death possible. Just smoldering and everyone pisses on the stinky carcass to celebrate the restoration of humanity's collective sanity.


@tjdraper Oh.. This is how AI takes over the world uncontrollably . It's already begun, but we thought it just a nuissance and benign.

Grigory Shepelev

i cant login to discord because they forgot to add the 0 key to the numpad

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Alex Helvetica 🏳️‍⚧️

@lexd0g apple used to have an app to help people migrate from an Android phone to an iPhone. To use the app, you'd type in a number displayed on the new iPhone into the old Android.

It didn't allow you to use the phone's software keyboard, instead it had a keypad on the screen. The app also assumed the Android device has a 16:9 aspect ratio screen.

A family member's phone had a 3:2 aspect ratio screen, so the keyboard went off the screen. I can't remember if I couldn't click the summit button, or the 0 button, but needless to say the app was useless.

Apple made it so much harder to move a family member to an iPhone. I had to use a 3rd party application. It's incredibly frustrating

@lexd0g apple used to have an app to help people migrate from an Android phone to an iPhone. To use the app, you'd type in a number displayed on the new iPhone into the old Android.

It didn't allow you to use the phone's software keyboard, instead it had a keypad on the screen. The app also assumed the Android device has a 16:9 aspect ratio screen.


@lexd0g use the fucking keyboard if it lets you


i have seen a lot of people think this is discords fault, this is the android app running in meta horizon os, the keyboard is not from discord it is from the os itself, it was a one time bug that fixed itself after restarting the app its not a big deal

Grigory Shepelev

We released Arei Guile IDE 0.9.4. It's already available in Guix.

It has eldoc and xref (go to definition) features, better completion and a few other improvements.

Big kudos to @krevedkokun for implementing them.

We are working hard towards 1.0, which will be even more exciting:

#guile #scheme #lisp #guix

We released Arei Guile IDE 0.9.4. It's already available in Guix.

It has eldoc and xref (go to definition) features, better completion and a few other improvements.

Big kudos to @krevedkokun for implementing them.

Go Up