#commonlisp #sbcl #wayflan is now in #guix
special thanks to @sharlatan
yeeeah! #commonlisp #sbcl #wayflan is now in #guix special thanks to @sharlatan
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@wildebest I assume this means you've set up a wiki or other static page based documentation for your own open source software? #Emacs + #Treemacs #elisp snippet for auto-toggling treemacs in prog and text-modes author: @ichernyshovvv «Friendship is over with Guile Scheme. Now Common Lisp is my best friend» Just kidding. #guile #scheme is very good and I love it. Mostly because of being able to access whole #guix ecosystem. I just couldn't afford taking more time on fixing existing lib or rewriting it. i just wanted lisp and stable wayland interface for it. Then i saw sbcl+wayflan. «hey, how bad can it be?» - I asked myself. Also: CL has some good things like ASDF. I like the approach. Had to move my own project of the last ~6 month (#hatis) to #commonlisp from #guile #scheme just because first one has stable and well-tested #wayland library. Working localy for now but I'll push the changes in a few weeks. Then my #guix + #rde - flawored + #sbcl + #sly dev setup will be available for public display Blockchain currencies (fuck you, I'm not calling it crypto, that's our word) were a scam. What do these scams have in common? They all accelerate climate change so that useless people can be more useless. Stop enabling them. Nothing quite says "Clojure is not a cult" like organizing the biggest annual conference at a freemason temple. Fully-declarative deployment of 2-nodes Kubernetes cluster :kubernetes: successfully done with Guix :guix:! The only manual step was generating a worker token to connect a worker kubernetes node to the controller and copying it to the respective host. It can be automated, but not today. Check out the source code: Imagine, what kind of fun we can have with it now?
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@abcdw Sounds awesome - hard to see exactly whats going on fully just in that screenshot - would love to see a short video going thru what you've got working here.
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As a millennial programmer, I find it almost mind-blowing that younger generations don’t really know what files or directories are. Don’t they organize stuff on their phones or in the cloud? Such is progress, I guess 🤔 when do you graphics programming as a hobby you are doomed to rewrite spinning cube examples until you die. this time I'm using guile bindings to sdl3 gpu. rendered using vulkan. in sdl2 and sdl1, you mostly deal with opaque handles to sdl objects. this makes writing bindings easy as there are very few C structs that your host language needs to fiddle with. this is *not* the case with sdl3, especially when it comes to the gpu api. by my count there are 31 structs that need to be dealt with. I've put in considerable effort towards making an api that makes this doable in guile. @dthompson Well, at least I put a spinning cube in an AR view on the G1 developer phone. Would've been around 2010 or so? I feel that's worth doing a spinning cube for. (Somewhere I may still have the video I did for that... maybe) So I've started a little project that I'm using for friends and family. The goal is to create a "chromebook like" unbreakable computer to give to basic users who know nothing about Linux and won't need to ever worry about updates / upgrades. Thoughts and feedback appreciated
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@codemonkeymike If I understand, you are taking on the job of being NixOS admin for these people (that's the purpose of pulling the git repo?). That is a lot of trust to put in you! Possibly okay for family, but I would never ever recommend or expect that kind of trust from a friend, much less a stranger. @codemonkeymike I like this idea. It has a lot in common with what Universal Blue/Bluefin are trying to achieve, except one is image based and one is Nix based. They both have a lot of merit I think. The challenge they both have on Chromebooks is disk space unfortunately. I think Nix might have the upper hand there but not by a huge amount. I don’t know how we truly solve it. @codemonkeymike This is cool. I recommend using flakes, because they allow you to freeze the nixos channel to an exact version. If you do this, you can test the configuration in github actions and if it builds - it will most likely build fine for the users.
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@rayslava макбук идеален для дома и хобби, но пользоваться им на работе linux-программисту вообще невозможно. Тот же huawei s16 стоит сравнимо, но гораздо-гораздо удобнее. С тачпадом вопрос спорный. У тачпада огромный плюс как он нажимается в любом месте. Огромный минус — что он огромный и постоянно от ладони срабатывается, это очень бесит. Я для второго дома купил себе macbook air m3, вот там вообще perfect для дома: лёгкий, компактно, удобно и всё такое. @rayslava У меня макбук 16 про, тоже выдали. Я ипользую его как прослойку для нормального ноута своего на линуксе. Потому, что это говно все время что то обновляет и ничего не дает сделать кастомного. Сама ОС где "у нас все по особенному" крайне неудобна, даже винда удобнее. Просто потому, что то, что на маке по особенному, сделано не ради удобства, а ради особенности, что бы народ привязать привычками к макам. Для дороги же я использую Intel EVO ноут, он тоже работает долго. |