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91 posts total
Grigory Shepelev

Hands are itchy to do something "new", not setting up "old" stuff.

Grigory Shepelev

I kinda hate all that "SRE/Devops" fuss & hustle "setting up something". Kinda drained. Keep saying to myself that it'd be 100x more painful on most other distros and a little bit alike on Nix.

Grigory Shepelev

Spend last couple weeks figuring out small home lab servers from old laptops on Guix. Not completely done yet, but at least have some understanding of the caveats of "guix system init" installation (gotta be super-careful here).

Grigory Shepelev

There are some rumors, that a new guile release is comming soon! :)

It's especially important, because we use cutting edge (ice-9 textual-ports) in guile-ares-rs, backend for Arei Guile IDE:

That means everyone would be able to use it without relying on guile-next guix package and all the hussle associated with it.

#guile #schemel

There are some rumors, that a new guile release is comming soon! :)

It's especially important, because we use cutting edge (ice-9 textual-ports) in guile-ares-rs, backend for Arei Guile IDE:

That means everyone would be able to use it without relying on guile-next guix package and all the hussle associated with it.


@abcdw oh this is news to me! hoping we can get a few more fixes in for hoot before then.

Grigory Shepelev

Took ~ 10 hours to mow the lawn on the land and around it.

Grigory Shepelev

it's not the lawn actually. just wild grass

Grigory Shepelev

I'm working on personal software projects with the speed and determination of this guy

Grigory Shepelev

Summer in the city. 2 african girls (students) in front of concrete artillery&drone-stike shelter in #belgorod

Grigory Shepelev

This bad boy bitten me today for the first time in my life

Grigory Shepelev

hell-of-a-week. On Monday I tried to move my desktop guix system from 500GB to 2TB drive from laptop. fucked up and overwrote my laptop's boot partition. Spend all week recovering because I was on a broken commit (bug with luks device mapping
Just recovered the laptop yesterday.

Grigory Shepelev

I was trying to do guix system init onto 2 SATA drives connected to my laptop via sata-usb and fucked up and overwrote my own laptop's /boot/efi directory. Can't use it for now.
Work on #hatis is on pause untill recovery.

Grigory Shepelev

Short video intro into my guile scheme project hatis (Hackable text input system). Currently in very early pre-pre-pre alpha dev/research stage
#wayland #guile #guix #hatis #text


@shegeley That's awesome! I've been talking to others about such an idea, but never tried to implement it. I'll take a look on it :)


@shegeley nice little video, I will follow the development 🙂

Grigory Shepelev

Started slowly working on the project I've had in mind for the last 2.5 years


@shegeley totally nerdsniped. hope to learn from you and make something beautiful.

Grigory Shepelev

Yesterday my dad died of stomach cancer. I was living with my parents for the past month. Supporting and helping. And I saw he was keeping a diary.

The last two notes are:
- 02.01.2024
I thought, after everything will change, it would be nice if my soul would transit to one (or to all at once) thujas that I planted in the garden recently. To watch my beloved wife and son and so they would watch me and wouldn't forget.
- 23.01.2024 (2 days before death)
It was hard.


Yesterday my dad died of stomach cancer. I was living with my parents for the past month. Supporting and helping. And I saw he was keeping a diary.

The last two notes are:
- 02.01.2024
I thought, after everything will change, it would be nice if my soul would transit to one (or to all at once) thujas that I planted in the garden recently. To watch my beloved wife and son and so they would watch me and wouldn't forget.
- 23.01.2024 (2 days before death)
It was hard.

Grigory Shepelev

When the war just started my older pro-putin relatives argued that if Putin wouldn't start it Belgorod and nearest cities would be bombed by Ukraine and NATO in a few days.

2 years later: Belgorod is being bombed. 😑

Rasmus Lindegaard

@shegeley well sh&t. I hope you'll all be alright.

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