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97 posts total
Grigory Shepelev

hell-of-a-week. On Monday I tried to move my desktop guix system from 500GB to 2TB drive from laptop. fucked up and overwrote my laptop's boot partition. Spend all week recovering because I was on a broken commit (bug with luks device mapping
Just recovered the laptop yesterday.

Grigory Shepelev

I was trying to do guix system init onto 2 SATA drives connected to my laptop via sata-usb and fucked up and overwrote my own laptop's /boot/efi directory. Can't use it for now.
Work on #hatis is on pause untill recovery.

Grigory Shepelev

Short video intro into my guile scheme project hatis (Hackable text input system). Currently in very early pre-pre-pre alpha dev/research stage
#wayland #guile #guix #hatis #text


@shegeley That's awesome! I've been talking to others about such an idea, but never tried to implement it. I'll take a look on it :)


@shegeley nice little video, I will follow the development 🙂

Grigory Shepelev

Started slowly working on the project I've had in mind for the last 2.5 years


@shegeley totally nerdsniped. hope to learn from you and make something beautiful.

Grigory Shepelev

Yesterday my dad died of stomach cancer. I was living with my parents for the past month. Supporting and helping. And I saw he was keeping a diary.

The last two notes are:
- 02.01.2024
I thought, after everything will change, it would be nice if my soul would transit to one (or to all at once) thujas that I planted in the garden recently. To watch my beloved wife and son and so they would watch me and wouldn't forget.
- 23.01.2024 (2 days before death)
It was hard.


Yesterday my dad died of stomach cancer. I was living with my parents for the past month. Supporting and helping. And I saw he was keeping a diary.

The last two notes are:
- 02.01.2024
I thought, after everything will change, it would be nice if my soul would transit to one (or to all at once) thujas that I planted in the garden recently. To watch my beloved wife and son and so they would watch me and wouldn't forget.
- 23.01.2024 (2 days before death)
It was hard.

Grigory Shepelev

When the war just started my older pro-putin relatives argued that if Putin wouldn't start it Belgorod and nearest cities would be bombed by Ukraine and NATO in a few days.

2 years later: Belgorod is being bombed. 😑

Rasmus Lindegaard

@shegeley well sh&t. I hope you'll all be alright.

Grigory Shepelev

The best compliment I've had in years: today at the gym little kids were giggling in the corner looking at me whispering "look, gigachad, he-he-he"

Grigory Shepelev

To be fair: I woke up at 05:00 (am) today and had good worksession (figured out the thing I was working on since Thursday) (breakfast, dinner) and ran a 5km at the gym. So, I am kinda proud. Just a good day.

Grigory Shepelev

Are there far-far right instances on Mastodon?

I'm just curious in sociological sense because it's something that seems very "obvious to exists": opening own instances means everyone finds/creates their place, but I couldn't find any via Google and DuckDuckGo.

One of my friends saying that if there are no instances like that, it means Mastodon designed to block free speech and I am trying to disprove him on how it works


@shegeley Not sure of any specific instance, but they are out there. Try looking for some of the public mastodon blocklists shared around by instance maintainers and you should have plenty to go on.

Pavel Korytov :emacs:

@shegeley Truth.Social is a fork of Mastodon, although they probably don't federate...

Grigory Shepelev

Идея для сериала: в России президентом стал чувак, который 4 года прожил в тибетском монастыре и владеет магией (умеет читать мысли и летать)

Grigory Shepelev

Sometimes I visit my parents (they live in the countryside) and go mushroom hunting. And when there are no mushrooms I collect garbage from the nearby forest. 🌏♥️🌲

Grigory Shepelev

I have a patch for the #Guix itself that changes some of it's packages (gnu packages …). I want to override Guix on my machine with Guix patched by this little patch. Modified «guix-service-type» with proper «guix» field. Won't help.

Any ideas? :guix:

@wingo @cwebber @civodul

(an option would be using patched guix with it's channel itself from local machine (with `file://`), I want to know if it's the only way)


@shegeley this is off the top of my head, but the guix-service-type guix is only used as the guix-daemon guix and maybe the /run/current-system/bin/guix . Your user's guix, which unless you have a very weird setup is what you'll be running, comes from your .config/guix/channels.scm at the time you last `guix pull`-ed. The guix that you run determines which package definitions you are using.

So file:// might be the cleanest way.

Ludovic Courtès

@shegeley Hi! The way to do that would be by pulling from your own “channel” (your own Git repository, containing Guix with your changes.)

@cwebber @wingo

Grigory Shepelev

Found an interesting #clojure :clojure: job (being in Russia (!)). Guys seems to be doing really "core" & "hardcore" stuff going deep into #JVM, :java: making agents for apps monitoring. Starting next week.

Grigory Shepelev

Found a problem using #guix + #gnome + #gdm. Having a desktop and a laptop and 2 external monitors when switching the output from both of them to the laptop the desktop over time (~40 mins) will go into some strange and unresponsive mode even after switching them back to it: #gdm won't let you log in and even switch to TTY and even ssh login won't work on local network 😨 Found out I am not only one with this problem

Had to order cheap external monitor that will always be "on" on for the desktop

Jonathan Nogueira

@shegeley I’m having the same issue, is there a solution that doesn’t require another monitor?

Maybe it doesn’t happen with sddm or lightdm…

Grigory Shepelev

It's +18 Celsius in my hometown today (southern-central Russia). I just came home from a walk wearing a t-shirt and shorts. 🤯️ I don't remeber anything like this before. But I like it.

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