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Grigory Shepelev

While working my personal project I coudn't find any simple way to compare hash-tables equality even in extrernal libs.

Also hashing the hash-tables (hash ht) is not reliable:
(hash (alist->hash-table `((b . 2) (a . 1)))) ≠ (hash (alist->hash-table `((a . 1) (b . 2))))

So I'm thinking about one for myself. What about this one?

#guile #scheme

Ramin Honary

@shegeley you want SRFI-125, specifically the "hash-table=?" API. SRFI-125 is built-in to MIT Scheme, STkLos, and is available for Chez via this library. For Guile and Gambit you should try installing it from the SRFI website which points to this GitHub repo.

Grigory Shepelev

this won't work. damn. have to pack srfi-125 on guix

Grigory Shepelev

Huh, srfi-125 depends on srfi-126. I thought ordering meant something about dependencies.

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