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Grigory Shepelev

Researching #srfi 125. All I need is hash-table=? in guile.

It was broken in the "upstream".

Fixed in this pull request

Trying to build and use with #guix.

After "guix build -f srfi-125.scm" or "guix shell -f srfi-125.scm guile -- guile" it builds with no error, but guile won't see the module. Although when I just do
"guile -l srfi/125.body.scm -l 125.scm"
"cd <build-dir/share/guile/site/3.0/srfi>; guile -l srfi/125.body.scm -l 125.scm"
works fine.

Grigory Shepelev

C'mon guys. "hash-table=?" Gotta be very cool

Andres Moreno


Do you have this directory in your guile_load_path?

Grigory Shepelev

@monkey1 can you please open the gist link that I've sent?

The problem is exactly packing into guix. There is a code that's easy to copy paste and try locally.

Strangely enough it works with just "guile -l ..." and won't work with "guix build -f ...".

Although it builds successfully.

I'm clueless. The only thing I have in mind: tryinggnu-build-system instead guile-build-system.

Grigory Shepelev

@monkey1 ,m does nothing, even if module doesn't exists it will set it to the given module.
type ",b" (show bindings in the module) they should be empty.

Grigory Shepelev

@monkey1 yep. and that's the problem. I don't get why.

Grigory Shepelev

@monkey1 damn. I've found it out. it has to be (rename-file "srfi/125.sld" "srfi/srfi-125.scm") not just (rename-file "srfi/125.sld" "srfi/125.scm")


Andres Moreno


I had issues building the prior version--it wasn't finding srfi-126

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