Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source. Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source | ZDNET https://www.zdnet.com/article/switzerland-now-requires-all-government-software-to-be-open-source/ @marleenstikker While nominally good news, I do wonder whether this is actually going to result in open-sourcing government systems, or whether it will be concluded that "copyright" is a "third-party right" and therefore nothing from an external vendor (ie. almost all software used) can be open-sourced. @marleenstikker Has anyone come across information whether this will also apply to public tv/radio services? This could mean a lot of interesting new toys for low budget AV DIYers like me 😃 Short question: Have you ever bought something or took a paid service from an artist on mastodon/fediverse? Share would be great to get a wider overview, thanks. :) #question #survey #fediverse #quick #artist #service #poll #friday #weekend Anonymous poll
831 people voted. 347
Voting ended 13 Sep 2024 at 14:46.
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@itchi5 the last few games I bought where indie titles shared by their creators on Fedi. @itchi5 Most of the furry art I've commissioned has been from people I've found on the fediverse. ^.^ The new version of Firefox for Android has a built in translation tool. And, even better, it protects your privacy by doing the translation on your device, rather than sending data to the cloud. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/android-translation Switch today!
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@Edent for full pages it was released two releases ago. For text selection, it's now in the RMB/context menu. @Edent Yes! It is so convenient to have this on mobile as well as desktop, and Mozilla seems to have implemented it really well.
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@newtsoda that study is absolutely wild. "For example, Moran et al. (2011) reported that ASD participants considered accidental negative outcomes less permissible than healthy control subjects, whereas both groups rated other types of events as having similar moral appropriateness" I'm sorry, I don't think the control was healthy 😆 WTF @newtsoda @sheromon I used to work in an autism research lab, and the way they explained the difference between my (non-autistic) interest in video games and an autistic "circumscribed interest" in video games was that the latter was "excessive". It took me a couple of years to think "excessive for whom?" There has been a lot of research about autistics over the years, but this one really took the cake! 🍰 Find out what happened when researchers attempted to compare the moral compass of autistic and non-autistic people... (1/2) #actuallyautistic #autism #neurodivergence #comic #art #MastoArt
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@newtsoda wow, this study is pants on head backwards They consider people who stick to their principles "less healthy" than those who are easier to corrupt? Da fuk?? @randymarsh wishing a very happy "is it safe to use __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED?" day to everyone who celebrates
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@tfiebig Polish paramilitary organization that sells pink haired catgirl bodypillows and uses the profits to buy equipment.
2024 still has some surprises. cc @dushman no no no *you* can't freely scan through the collected works of humanity, that right is reserved for the large language models.
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@selfsame we are willing to invest billions of dollars to educate a handful of LLMs but don't want to spend anything to educate humans.
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@kaiserkiwi another spy machine. Spy washing machine. 💀 What will they come up with next? Some of these replies made me laugh so much it hurt. 😂😂😂 @kaiserkiwi "Are you incapable of finding your phone's speakerphone button but willing to dig through all the settings on your washing machine? Well do we have the product for you!" yknow what the minecraft movie reminds me of? FOSS maintainers don’t owe you anything, even thanklessly maintaining the software forever. Furthermore: It’s okay for software to not be updated with new features, as long as it doesn’t have known security holes. It’s not a bad thing to have something that doesn’t change, even if modern software developers would like you to think that you NEED a constant stream of “feature updates” and “redesigns”. Ponieważ @razem od 7 czerwca nic nie napisało w Fedi, to ja napiszę 😜 "Mamy nie tylko najlepszy program mieszkaniowy ze wszystkich partii w Polsce, ale po prostu jedyny sensowny i realistyczny. Wiemy co trzeba zrobić i opowiemy Wam o tym w tę sobotę, 7 września, o 13:00 podczas konwencji mieszkaniowej w Krakowie. Oglądajcie nas na żywo w mediach społecznościowych Lewicy i Razem." |