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mikołajczyk, podobno

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source. Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source | ZDNET

Sven Slootweg

@marleenstikker While nominally good news, I do wonder whether this is actually going to result in open-sourcing government systems, or whether it will be concluded that "copyright" is a "third-party right" and therefore nothing from an external vendor (ie. almost all software used) can be open-sourced.

Jan Sobotka

@marleenstikker Has anyone come across information whether this will also apply to public tv/radio services?

This could mean a lot of interesting new toys for low budget AV DIYers like me 😃

mikołajczyk, podobno

Short question:

Have you ever bought something or took a paid service from an artist on mastodon/fediverse?

Share would be great to get a wider overview, thanks. :)

#question #survey #fediverse #quick #artist #service #poll #friday #weekend

Anonymous poll


831 people voted.
Voting ended 13 Sep 2024 at 14:46.
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Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@itchi5 I suspect that the people who did not will vote less often.


Mx Autumn :blobcatpumpkin:

@itchi5 the last few games I bought where indie titles shared by their creators on Fedi.


@itchi5 Most of the furry art I've commissioned has been from people I've found on the fediverse. ^.^

mikołajczyk, podobno
nie pamiętam czy ktoś tu kiedyś wrzucał coś podobnego
mikołajczyk, podobno

The new version of Firefox for Android has a built in translation tool.

And, even better, it protects your privacy by doing the translation on your device, rather than sending data to the cloud.

Switch today!

screenshot of Firefox offering to translate from French to English.
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Marcos Dione

@Edent for full pages it was released two releases ago. For text selection, it's now in the RMB/context menu.

Maxi 10x 💉

@Edent My version has had this version for over a month now?

Neil Brown

@Edent Yes! It is so convenient to have this on mobile as well as desktop, and Mozilla seems to have implemented it really well.

mikołajczyk, podobno

The research was fundamentally flawed and should not be used as evidence that one group is better than the other. It does, however, highlight the problem of biased research that stigmatises everything about us.

The autistic girl faces the reader, looking perplexed. She says, “Basically, they decided that autistics care too much and should be more willing to sacrifice their principles for money.” She inhales slowly, massaging her temples. The camera zooms out as she raises her hands in frustration and shouts, “WHAT!”
After calming down, she continues, “I know, I'm shocked too! But let's remember this is only one study. Not all autistics are selfless, and not all allistics are selfish. Yet it does shine a spotlight on how researchers talk about us.”
The page opens on a large spread, showing the autistic girl in various different poses and activities: displayed on a stop sign and crossed out, holding one of the kittens from the first page, playing music on the harp, and daydreaming of a beautiful castle in a field of flowers. The text flows alongside these images. She says, “It often feels like everything about us autistics is twisted into negative traits. Even the good stuff! Our strong sense of justice, our passion for our special interests, and our rich inner lives are all viewed with scepticism.”
The bottom of the spread shows several allistic people frowning and judging the girl. The final panel reads: We can see it all across autism research carried out by neurotypicals. There is an inherent bias.
A girl is staring unnervingly at the reader as she says, “I am staring into your soul!”
The panel text reads:  Imagine if we talked about neurotypicals the same way researchers talk about autistics:
“Aggressive obsession with eye contact”,
“Inflexible adherence to unwritten social rules”,
“Inexplicable compulsion to project negative subtext into simple conversations”. The next panel shows the autistic girl standing in front of a blackboard which has “Bad Researcher Detention” written on it. She looks strict as she says, “Silly, right?” Two researchers are in detention, teary-eyed and apologetic. “Sorry,” one of them sobs.
The next panel shows a diverse group of autistic people and the three kittens from the first page, an infinity symbol above their heads. The text reads: We need to have a serious conversation about how we research and talk about autism. And above all, autistic voices need to be the ones leading the charge. Let us head the research! Let us share our experiences!
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@newtsoda Very interesting! Could you provide a reference to that study, btw?

Abbie 🏳️‍⚧️

@newtsoda that study is absolutely wild.

"For example, Moran et al. (2011) reported that ASD participants considered accidental negative outcomes less permissible than healthy control subjects, whereas both groups rated other types of events as having similar moral appropriateness"

I'm sorry, I don't think the control was healthy 😆


Ted Aronson

@newtsoda @sheromon I used to work in an autism research lab, and the way they explained the difference between my (non-autistic) interest in video games and an autistic "circumscribed interest" in video games was that the latter was "excessive". It took me a couple of years to think "excessive for whom?"

mikołajczyk, podobno

There has been a lot of research about autistics over the years, but this one really took the cake! 🍰

Find out what happened when researchers attempted to compare the moral compass of autistic and non-autistic people... (1/2)

#actuallyautistic #autism #neurodivergence #comic #art #MastoArt

Comic Title: Morality & How Researchers Talk About Us.
The first panel shows a researcher looking at a graph. The text reads: In 2020, researchers conducted a study with autistic and allistic people. Participants were from Brazil and between the ages of 14-25. They were given a choice.
The comic shows two different choices. The first one is: Support a bad cause for monetary gain. The panel shows a girl smirking and holding a stack of money, her back turned to a cardboard box of crying kittens. The text on the side of the box reads 'termination'.
The second choice is: Don't support the bad cause but miss out on the money.
The girl is holding one of the kittens in her arms and yells “No!” as she kicks the empty box away.
The comic goes on to explain that the choice was given in two different settings: public and private.
One panel shows a girl sweating nervously, surrounded by a group of people. The other panel shows the girl alone in a big open space as she carefully considers.
A girl is seen clutching a sack of money, cackling wickedly. She has little devil horns and a tail. The comic text reads: This is what the study discovered: Allistic people were more likely to support the bad cause. The higher the monetary reward was, the more likely they were to do so. The girl is seen fawning over a pile of money with hearts in her eyes. She gasps “Wow!”, her mouth wide open.
The comic goes on to say that allistics were more likely to support the bad cause in the private setting. One panel shows the girl in a group of people, with a halo over her head and sweating nervously as she lies, “I don't support it!”
In the next panel the devil horns have returned, and she is alone in the room with a wicked grin, clutching the sack of money as she says, “Give me the money!”
Autistics, on the other hand, were much less likely to support the bad cause. And their answer stayed the same, regardless of the setting. The first comic panel shows an autistic girl playing with the kittens from the first page. The second panel shows the girl turning up her nose at the stack of money. In both panels the girl says determinedly, “No way!”
The comic then asks: So, how did the researchers feel about these results? Well... They concluded that autistics were too concerned with their principles and morals. The panel shows the researcher tapping a sign showing the girl and the cat crossed out; the text reads, “Bad!”.
The comic goes on to say that the researchers framed the results as a negative thing. It shows three shortened excerpts from the research paper, which read as follows:
Excessive valuation of negative consequences when judging the moral appropriateness or permissibility of actions. Inflexible when following a moral rule even though an immoral action can benefit them. ASD individuals, unlike healthy control subjects...
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@newtsoda wow, this study is pants on head backwards

They consider people who stick to their principles "less healthy" than those who are easier to corrupt? Da fuk??

Johanna Janiszewski

@newtsoda the world makes more sense now knowing that. Also: wtf?




I’m appalled. The kitties, too.


Opis zastępczy :
Drogę blokuje wstęga z przyczepionym kartonem, na którym napisane „Wypierdalać!!! Prace na wysokości”

mikołajczyk, podobno
o, może mi się przydać, dodane do *Read later*
mikołajczyk, podobno

wishing a very happy


day to everyone who celebrates

screenshot of Github showing an issue on reactjs/ titled

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It's CLOSED...
(Did Eliav2, get fired?)


@mjk ah yes. This code base belongs to my employer and we have a meeting room named the same, and it’s always free because ppl are afraid to book it


@mjk Tbh I'm tempted to learn js AND React just to use that property.

mikołajczyk, podobno

The article says:

"The really remarkable thing about this new age of AI is, to patch it, all I had to do was add a line for what we call the system prompt — which is the prompt that’s included in every Lindy — and it’s like, don’t Rickroll people," he continued.

Oh well... how shall i tell you... there is so much more than just rick-rolling. There is SO much WORSE... this will become a loooong prompt.

The article says:

"The really remarkable thing about this new age of AI is, to patch it, all I had to do was add a line for what we call the system prompt — which is the prompt that’s included in every Lindy — and it’s like, don’t Rickroll people," he continued.

Princess Unikitty

If I had a chatbot that misbehaved in a certain way, I would simply ask it not to do that one specific thing.

mikołajczyk, podobno
Polish paramilitary organization that sells pink haired catgirl bodypillows and uses the profits to buy equipment.

2024 still has some surprises.

cc @dushman
mikołajczyk, podobno

no no no *you* can't freely scan through the collected works of humanity, that right is reserved for the large language models.

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@selfsame But... you can do that. The only thing that prevents you from it is handling this huge amount of data.

program jiggler

@selfsame okay fine, i am forced to admit this was an indisputable banger of a quip


@selfsame we are willing to invest billions of dollars to educate a handful of LLMs but don't want to spend anything to educate humans.

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Chronic-migraine Ken :confusedlucy:​:rebeccaangry:​

@kaiserkiwi another spy machine. Spy washing machine. 💀 What will they come up with next?

Some of these replies made me laugh so much it hurt. 😂😂😂

Damon L. Wakes

@kaiserkiwi "Are you incapable of finding your phone's speakerphone button but willing to dig through all the settings on your washing machine? Well do we have the product for you!"

Григорий Клюшников

And I thought internet-connected dishwashers make no sense.

mikołajczyk, podobno

yknow what the minecraft movie reminds me of?

the 39th page of the minecraft game design document written by jeb himself!

Page 39, titled "There Is No Steve or Alex"

"Steve and Alex are intended as placeholders for players. A player should make their own skin and make their own story. Players are playing themselves or maybe a character that fits in their unique world. We use Steve and Alex in our merchandise as mascots for Minecraft, but they should not have an active role in spin-off projects or storylines."
mikołajczyk, podobno

FOSS maintainers don’t owe you anything, even thanklessly maintaining the software forever.

Furthermore: It’s okay for software to not be updated with new features, as long as it doesn’t have known security holes.

It’s not a bad thing to have something that doesn’t change, even if modern software developers would like you to think that you NEED a constant stream of “feature updates” and “redesigns”.

mikołajczyk, podobno

Ponieważ @razem od 7 czerwca nic nie napisało w Fedi, to ja napiszę 😜

"Mamy nie tylko najlepszy program mieszkaniowy ze wszystkich partii w Polsce, ale po prostu jedyny sensowny i realistyczny. Wiemy co trzeba zrobić i opowiemy Wam o tym w tę sobotę, 7 września, o 13:00 podczas konwencji mieszkaniowej w Krakowie. Oglądajcie nas na żywo w mediach społecznościowych Lewicy i Razem."

#społeczeństwo #mieszkanie #polityka #Lewica #Razem

Screen z birdsite:


Sobota 7 września godz. 13:00 Live
mikołajczyk, podobno
ktoś musi jeszcze restreamować na PeerTube :D
mikołajczyk, podobno

sending bite events to vanilla mastodon users just to feel something

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