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Marleen Stikker

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source. Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source | ZDNET

Marcin Cieślak

@hanscees @marleenstikker

The government organisations publish the source code of the software ...

> (...) wenn es möglich und
sinnvoll ist und die Rechte Dritter gewahrt werden (...)

> (...) whenever possible and reasonable and the third party rights are preserved (...)

Sven Slootweg

@marleenstikker While nominally good news, I do wonder whether this is actually going to result in open-sourcing government systems, or whether it will be concluded that "copyright" is a "third-party right" and therefore nothing from an external vendor (ie. almost all software used) can be open-sourced.

Jan Sobotka

@marleenstikker Has anyone come across information whether this will also apply to public tv/radio services?

This could mean a lot of interesting new toys for low budget AV DIYers like me 😃