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Anne C. A. Baanen, number plumber

@kasdeya tbf, immortality would suck if you end up chained to a rock and a bird comes up to you every day and says "skill issue. skill issue. skill issue. give me your liver"

「 Coolest Fristi 」
@kasdeya the only thing that sucks about it is that you have to witness the heat death of the universe and boy that's gonna be some boring ass shit

leaving a letter in Sundar Pichai's mailbox:

you have been automatically enrolled in the Bricks Through Your Window program. if you would like bricks through your window, no action is needed on your part. bricks will be thrown through your window in 5-7 business days

if you would like to opt out of Bricks Through Your Window, please let us know by scanning the QR code below and filling out a quick survey

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Luna Lactea

@kasdeya "This survey has expired"

Proxfox Virtual Environment 🦊

@kasdeya Would you like me to throw bricks through your window?

[ Yes! ] [ Remind me in 10 mins ]


@kasdeya I hope the quick survey asks for bank account ids


I think about this every time I SSH

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Dane Peterson

@kasdeya I absolutely love that image. I feel like it's been circulating for forever at this point, but it's never not delightful.


I really want to internalize this. I don't owe attractiveness to other people. I don't have to justify my existence outside of the house with prettiness.

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wakest ⁂

@kasdeya everyone needs this message engraved into the back of their minds (feeling needed myself especially lately)


@kasdeya it can be hard to relate this to the older generations, particularly boomers.

Not David Beckham

Say it louder for the people in the back


"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly."

Tiota Sram

@kasdeya speaking as a college-level instructor (but really, this applies to school at all ages): please do follow this advice for schoolwork. Did you procrastinate on the assignment and now you have something that you know is bad, and you'd almost rather not turn it in? Did you oversleep for the test and now you're feeling like it's best not to show up at all? Please just make an attempt and submit something! If you do a really bad job, but still attempt most things, you can often get an F for that. That sounds bad, but a typical F is anywhere from 30-50% credit. Meanwhile, if you don't turn in anything, you're getting a 0. And there's a world of difference between a 0 and a 40, especially in terms of you're final grade (using typical "add-em-up" logic, which is actually pretty poor incentive design, but that's another post).

@kasdeya speaking as a college-level instructor (but really, this applies to school at all ages): please do follow this advice for schoolwork. Did you procrastinate on the assignment and now you have something that you know is bad, and you'd almost rather not turn it in? Did you oversleep for the test and now you're feeling like it's best not to show up at all? Please just make an attempt and submit something! If you do a really bad job, but still attempt most things, you can often get an F for that....

@kasdeya with time I feel like the percent of how much I do to keep my sanity to how much I should've done is only going lesser and lesser.

Until I switch to maniac mode, which is even worse but at least shit gets done. And then the loop continues again.
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Kevin Karhan :verified:

@kasdeya true, true...

jan Ki | 奇

Well, there is _some_ point to losing your "humanity" when you keep replacing body parts.
Not so much when only replacing an arm, though.
The brain isn't the only organ that is involved in the thinking progress, but every organ is, most importantly the whole nervous system and everything to do with one's metabolism. So if you keep replacing stuff, your thinking changes.

Mx Autumn :blobcatpumpkin:

@kasdeya I misremember the exact quote but during uni we had a module on transhumanism during which the professor stated “any technology that we install into our bodies must be free and open or else it will be used to subjugate.”

Their words ring true every time an implant company goes bankrupt leaving patients with bricked implants nobody else will support.


a game where the enemies are realistically terrified to be fighting you. you're just one person but you have a body count in the thousands and you just. won't. fucking. die. and they're absolutely pissing themselves over that

maybe at the beginning they act like regular overconfident video game enemies (because nobody can kill a whole room full of trained soldiers, right?) but then their entire demeanor starts to change as they get increasingly frantic and desperate. almost like the first John Wick

Rowan :trans_furr_white:​

@kasdeya picturing an undertale-type mechanic where enemies are either all gone (escaped) or dead if you continue brutalizing them


A long time ago I set up a "free" public wifi network for my apartment complex. The captive portal asked them to lease their souls to me for one year, in exchange for unlimited access to the network. It was in the TOS, and they even had to check a box saying "I understand that my immortal soul will be leased". I'm now the proud owner of three human soul-years, and I hope to add to my collection with time 💙


It's probably one of the cringier, edgier things I've done but I'm still so proud that it actually worked. I don't even believe in souls, but I get all kinds of warm fuzzies thinking about it.


me: *alt-tabs out of a game*

windows: oh dear god what is happening hurrghghgh

*my monitor flickers wildly for ten seconds*

*all of my desktop icons are rearranged*

*every single window I have open is pushed into a tiny pixel in the corner of my screen*

*everything is 640x480*

*HDR turns on for some reason*

*my hard drive starts formatting itself*

*my headphones blast dial-up noises in my ear*

*my keyboard catches on fire*

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Timo Grün

Please continue.
There will be cake.


this is why I use borderless window mode whenever possible


@kasdeya FWIW Windows 11 mostly fixed this, there's a lot of window management revision in 11.


when I first joined Fedi I was in this reddit mindset of "but how do I find the *best* posts??"

but what's really cool about Fedi is that it's not about competing to post the best things. it's not even about the posts at all. it's about connecting people, and posts are just a way of forming those connections. if you find a post you like, it means you have something in common with the poster, and now you can reach out and see if you vibe with them


I was about to say "wouldn't it be cool if there was a network like Mastodon where you could find people from your local area to talk to?" and then I realized that that's called Going Outside™

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winter éclairwolf :trans_furr_white:

@kasdeya they two times they tried making that as an app - nextdoor and yik-yak were awful. i much prefer the Real Thing


@kasdeya there's pollen out there. And germs and weather.


@kasdeya Haha if only. No instant bigot-removal option :( (I wish though there was some sort of local network that didn't have trumpers, Christofascists, nextdoor racists/classists involved etc)


I was looking up answers to the question: "Why does Japan have #iyashikei (calming, peaceful, healing stories) but the US doesn't, and focuses on tension and danger instead?"

I found this reddit comment by u/EmmaRoseheart:

> Western TV shows don't do that sort of thing at all because the whole thing of iyashikei is deeply antithetical to the traditional Western mode of storytelling.

What does that mean? /rh Obviously I dug deeper.

Western #storytelling is generally based around the 3-act or 5-act structures. There's conflict and danger, which gets more intense over time, and the protagonist grows and changes.

But there's a Japanese storytelling structure called #kishotenketsu, which isn't necessarily about conflict or danger. Instead - from what I understand - it's about building up to a twist or revelation. Which often re-contextualizes the story.

I think I want to try #writing in this style sometime. Maybe a story about exploration and discovery, set in a beautiful and peaceful world.

I was looking up answers to the question: "Why does Japan have #iyashikei (calming, peaceful, healing stories) but the US doesn't, and focuses on tension and danger instead?"

I found this reddit comment by u/EmmaRoseheart:

> Western TV shows don't do that sort of thing at all because the whole thing of iyashikei is deeply antithetical to the traditional Western mode of storytelling.


Fun fact: Apparently modern Mario games use kishotenketsu in their level design

[FWGS]DjBRINE1 :verified_think: :tiasmile:

@kasdeya Ooooh, that sounds like an interesting exercise to try to write something like that.
Gonna bookmark that post for the future use

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