Hi all. Given the recent announcement from Meta about AI personas and allowed behavior, I am moving threads.net back to a limit, and will likely move them to a block in the future on infosec.exchange. I can’t ignore the reality that the changes they’re making are specifically intended to permit attacks on many of the people that call this place home. I won’t rule out that they walk the changes back, which is why I’m not jumping to sever the nearly 4000 mutual follow relationships between people on threads and here.
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@jerry thanks for taking action. I am a white cishet guy, and though it doesn’t concern me personally, this is abhorrent (their whole community standards is filled with this christofascist pandering): “[…] We do allow allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality […].” https://transparency.meta.com/en-gb/policies/community-standards/hateful-conduct/
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@jerry If someone does not have a kitten to find a mouse pointer, but has a Gnome-based desktop. There is an option "Locate pointer" in the "Accessibility" settings. Enable it and tap the left control key, you will see circles going from the cursor location. Answer: “zero trust” Question: “how much confidence do you have in people sticking crap straight on the internet and hoping that access controls work effectively?” @jerry my answer would be : Damn too many. It’s why i quite like tailscale ACL that actually allow to write test, so the ACL changes are ignored if the ACL fail the test. You are not directly link to internet and it’s also preventing accidental opening to any people you may have invited with those ACL test. @jerry please, don't remind me about my services. Some day I'll put everything in a tunnel. ... Years ago, I created a bot that posted Sun Tzu quotes, if Sun Tzu had written about cyber war. When X closed up API access that bot broke, and it never was high on my list of priorities to bring here. Well, I just fixed that. May I introduce you to @SunTzuCyber, which posts every 6 hours. The posts are set up as unlisted/quiet public, so they won't show up in timelines unless you follow it. @SunTzuCyber I should add: I created it at a time when I thought it ridiculous that everyone was including (real) Sun Tzu quotes in their security conference presentations.
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@jerry mostly eugen's fault imo, https://scicomm.xyz/@ailurocrat/112887475906659276 I haven’t posted many pictures of Cruzan, but now that he lives with me, you’ll be seeing him more on #caturday I am visiting eevee’s new house this evening. Well, my son and his fiancé are here too. Thor is ugly sleeping in his favorite chair facing the sliding door out to the gulf. > I can’t tell you how angry this makes me feel for this maintainer. I don’t know who Jigar Kumar is, or what the motivation was behind the emails that the author is referencing, but I can tell you if I was trying to get a bad actor in as a trusted developer, this is how I would approach it. Good post.
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We need a system that pays people based on adoption of their project. A system that moves us towards an honest to God meritocracy. This getting paid to sell other people's stuff, pollute, and steal others effort thing sucks. If only it was so simple. @jerry Wow. That is a great piece. Thanks for sharing, which I will, now, as well.
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This is by far the worst spam campaign I’ve seen in my 7 years here on the fediverse
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@jerry *Homer from the back of the room* Worst spam campaign so far. 😬
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@jerry what are the metrics, assuming if 1% of users donated $1/month, it would more than cover everything? @jerry and Mittens who is gradually pushing the keyboard off my desk Remember, if you’re cold, they’re cold. Bring them inside Hey, @trending_bot is pretty cool. It boosts the trending posts from a some top instances. I know some people have asked for algorithmic feeds - it's certainly not the same, but it will help get trending things in your home timeline that might not otherwise land there.
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@jerry @trending_bot I already look at "trending" occasionally so I don't think this would add anything (unless something is trending on "some top instances" but not my instance). I had plans on this #caturday but my boss had other plans that involve my lap
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The point you are missing is that many Mastodonians WANT the drama. It is a powerful distraction. It gets them away from things they don't want to do, it gets them away from boredom. If they are rageaholics it makes them feel temporarily powerful too. @jerry fully agree. i think "be like bill" is still accurate these days? Apparently unlike the leader of another social media network, I have never turned off satellites to thwart the military operations of one of my country’s allies in their attempt to defend themselves against an aggressor.
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@jerry :blobpeek:
@jerry I run a company that build tools to test internet protocol implementations
And so many of those protocol implementations fail. It is sad.
Speaking as a long time programmer (since 1968) and lawyer, it is long past time that code developers are made responsible - via legal liability - for negligent flaws. (Notice that I used the word "negligent"; I'm not asking for strict product liability - at least not yet - although that will probably eventually arive in the context of software that could present a physical risk to humans.)
A video like this would be rather damning evidence of such negligence or even recklessness.
@jerry I run a company that build tools to test internet protocol implementations
And so many of those protocol implementations fail. It is sad.
Speaking as a long time programmer (since 1968) and lawyer, it is long past time that code developers are made responsible - via legal liability - for negligent flaws. (Notice that I used the word "negligent"; I'm not asking for strict product liability - at least not yet - although that will probably eventually arive in the context of software that could...
@jerry @catsalad 🤣🤣