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37 posts total
Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Thor is ugly sleeping in his favorite chair facing the sliding door out to the gulf.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​


I can’t tell you how angry this makes me feel for this maintainer.

I don’t know who Jigar Kumar is, or what the motivation was behind the emails that the author is referencing, but I can tell you if I was trying to get a bad actor in as a trusted developer, this is how I would approach it.

Good post.

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We need a system that pays people based on adoption of their project. A system that moves us towards an honest to God meritocracy.

This getting paid to sell other people's stuff, pollute, and steal others effort thing sucks.

If only it was so simple.

Nick Selby :donor:

@jerry Wow. That is a great piece. Thanks for sharing, which I will, now, as well.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

This is by far the worst spam campaign I’ve seen in my 7 years here on the fediverse

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Fabrice Roux :verified: :donor:

@jerry *Homer from the back of the room* Worst spam campaign so far. 😬


@jerry spending my Friday evening just hanging out in the "other servers" feed banning spam accounts as they pop up

There are worse hobbies I suppose

You might be interested in following the mod tools discussion promoted by this here:

Dr. Sbaitso

@jerry If it helps, I've seen way more discussion about how terrible this spam wave is than any actual spam 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Hello everyone. I know that these are tough times for many people. If you derive value from the fediverse and have the means to do so, please consider donating to support your instance. Most instances rely on donations to pay the bills ( and friends cost over $3000/month to host).

Instructions on how to donate are generally available on your instance's "about" page (for example:

Also, I firmly believe that access to the fediverse should not be tied to one's ability to pay, and I think it's even more important for those in difficult situations to maintain the social connections that the fediverse provides, so (at least in my view) donations are welcome, but not required in any way.

And for those people who already donate, my hats off to you. You make the fediverse possible. :blobheartcat:​

Hello everyone. I know that these are tough times for many people. If you derive value from the fediverse and have the means to do so, please consider donating to support your instance. Most instances rely on donations to pay the bills ( and friends cost over $3000/month to host).

Instructions on how to donate are generally available on your instance's "about" page (for example:

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Taig McNab

@jerry do you have a preference / get a better cut from any of your payment processors?


@jerry instances should accept donations of cryptocurrency. For philosophical consistency.

Christoff :stealie: 🌈⃤👁️

@jerry what are the metrics, assuming if 1% of users donated $1/month, it would more than cover everything?

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Hey, @trending_bot is pretty cool. It boosts the trending posts from a some top instances. I know some people have asked for algorithmic feeds - it's certainly not the same, but it will help get trending things in your home timeline that might not otherwise land there.

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@jerry @trending_bot I already look at "trending" occasionally so I don't think this would add anything (unless something is trending on "some top instances" but not my instance).

Andrew Starr :donor:

@jerry my Android client @Tusky has something similar, and from a brief look they're surfacing a similar set of posts (note it's an option within settings to enable both this and trending hashtags).

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

I would like to take a moment to orient people to a brand new and highly innovative feature that was recently introduced in mastodon and many other fedi-apps. This feature enables you to not have to see posts from or interact with people whose posts you don’t like, don’t agree with, or are otherwise offended by.

I like to call it the “block button”.

Does someone on the fedi support the “other side” in the Israel/Hamas conflict? Instead of asking your moderators to figure out which side is objectively right in a no win situation, BLOCK! It’s amazing!

Did someone just say that they are frustrated that they got Covid after having gotten all the vaccines? That’s not disinformation, it’s an opinion and you can block them!

Does someone seem a little too happy that one of Biden’s staff got in trouble or that a democrat is getting charged? BLOCK! It’s amazing!

Did someone use the word Nazi in a way that offends you? Yep, you guessed it! BLOCK!

I have no idea what the median age of people on the fediverse are, but it’s disappointing that moderators are effectively having to act as camp counselors for 13 year olds who are having a disagreement. Yes, the substance of these disagreements tend to be much more consequential, but the pettiness is about the same or perhaps worse.

If someone is harassing you or otherwise violating your instances rules, please do report them, but try to apply some perspective.

I would like to take a moment to orient people to a brand new and highly innovative feature that was recently introduced in mastodon and many other fedi-apps. This feature enables you to not have to see posts from or interact with people whose posts you don’t like, don’t agree with, or are otherwise offended by.

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The point you are missing is that many Mastodonians WANT the drama.

It is a powerful distraction. It gets them away from things they don't want to do, it gets them away from boredom. If they are rageaholics it makes them feel temporarily powerful too.

Martin Wüthrich

@jerry fully agree. i think "be like bill" is still accurate these days?
thank you for your work!

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Apparently unlike the leader of another social media network, I have never turned off satellites to thwart the military operations of one of my country’s allies in their attempt to defend themselves against an aggressor.

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@jerry Same here, it’s not the sort of thing my social media company is into.

Greg Bell

@jerry I keep telling people you're one of the good ones

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

“Is mastodon like twitter?”

“No, not at all. Mastodon is still a thing.”

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Nile A. Crownis

@jerry Mastodon is not Twitter, but I think we need to add some UX/UI solution of Twitter for apps and web version

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Dear fediverse: someone being a “furry” does not warrant a report. If you don’t like furries, there is a handy option to block or mute people.

Thank you for your attention.

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unixjunk1e 🌵

@jerry "Tell the 'verse you're new around here without telling the 'verse you're new around here."

:itsaliens:​ 😂​

When I first set up a mastodon account some years ago, manga/anime and furries were basically the core of the content 😄

Sandy Johnson

Holy hell. This isn't a joke is it? I'm gobsmacked. People are now equating furries with the truly unsavory sickos in society?

Dio I always fast scroll to the block option.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

It's probably obvious to most of you, but a big difference between the commercial social media platforms and the fediverse is that as those commercial platform grow, they get additional revenue from ads, from selling personal information, and otherwise monetizing their users. While that is turning out to not actually pay the bills for them, in the fediverse, just about every instance is run by volunteers and funded by donations or out of the volunteers' pockets. It's a labor of love and a hope for a better future. When traffic grows, we need to expand our capacity.

That is why I am asking, if you are able, please consider donating to the instance you on to help keep the fediverse ecosystem going. Typically the /about web page will have details on how to donate.

Note: I am well aware that many of you are not in a financial position to donate - and that is OK. We are here to serve you as well. Donations are completely optional.

It's probably obvious to most of you, but a big difference between the commercial social media platforms and the fediverse is that as those commercial platform grow, they get additional revenue from ads, from selling personal information, and otherwise monetizing their users. While that is turning out to not actually pay the bills for them, in the fediverse, just about every instance is run by volunteers and funded by donations or out of the volunteers' pockets. It's a labor of love and a hope for...

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@jerry it should be the culture here that if you are getting benefit and enjoyment here, to find if your admin has Patreon or something similar and sign up to give a couple buck or more monthly. The whole reason there are no ads and no algorithms is because of the servers, internet, etc. that the admins maintain. Don't be a with the admins!

BPlanZ :donor:

@jerry Done! Thanks for all you and admins and other individuals who help do.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

I just read another news article about why mastodon didn’t make it and is dying. It’s very sad to hear and probably explains why I have to keep adding more server capacity to handle all the people quitting mastodon.

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Toni C. 🎗🔻🍉

@jerry gotta love the objectiveness and facts-based reporting of news outlets


@jerry it really is tragic, all these people quitting and taking up our resources 😢 😉

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@jerry @mdiluz yeah it dying really explains my constantly growing follower count

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Y’all: I have been wrestling with kbin on the instance, but I want to take a step back and give some perspective. Kbin is new, it’s growing crazy fast, and it really wasn’t in a place to support the migration from Reddit. Despite that, @ernest has been working his tail off knocking down issues and helpings instance admins.

Reddit certainly seems to be tripling down on their position and I think kbin is shaping up to be a worthy alternative. If you like kbin (on whatever instance you use it on) and want to see it grow, may I ask that you throw some money Ernest’s way? (

I want to publicly thank Ernest for kbin and for his contributions to our growing fediverse community.

/back to whatever you were doing.

Y’all: I have been wrestling with kbin on the instance, but I want to take a step back and give some perspective. Kbin is new, it’s growing crazy fast, and it really wasn’t in a place to support the migration from Reddit. Despite that, @ernest has been working his tail off knocking down issues and helpings instance admins.

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@jerry @ernest
Kbin is absolutely our best reddit alternative right now. Lemmy is good and I'm glad it exists, but it feels more alpha than anything right now.

Kbin on the other hand feels more polished. It needs work, definitely, but you can feel the potential when you use it.

Thanks to all the devs out there working to build the future. Who knew it's what we'd need in 2023 😂

James Harmony

@jerry @ernest Anyone knows if search engines index fediverse posts? Or is it too early to tell since its just getting traction


@jerry @ernest what’s the difference between kbin and Lemmy?

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Not to alarm anyone, but is growing faster than did after twitter-gate...

I clearly need to start thinking about scaling

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mav :happy_blob:

@jerry neat, I didn't know you were running a kbin! Rad!


@jerry setup a load balancer/reverse proxy to handle traffic and distribute traffic to the proper server accordingly?

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