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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

I would like to take a moment to orient people to a brand new and highly innovative feature that was recently introduced in mastodon and many other fedi-apps. This feature enables you to not have to see posts from or interact with people whose posts you don’t like, don’t agree with, or are otherwise offended by.

I like to call it the “block button”.

Does someone on the fedi support the “other side” in the Israel/Hamas conflict? Instead of asking your moderators to figure out which side is objectively right in a no win situation, BLOCK! It’s amazing!

Did someone just say that they are frustrated that they got Covid after having gotten all the vaccines? That’s not disinformation, it’s an opinion and you can block them!

Does someone seem a little too happy that one of Biden’s staff got in trouble or that a democrat is getting charged? BLOCK! It’s amazing!

Did someone use the word Nazi in a way that offends you? Yep, you guessed it! BLOCK!

I have no idea what the median age of people on the fediverse are, but it’s disappointing that moderators are effectively having to act as camp counselors for 13 year olds who are having a disagreement. Yes, the substance of these disagreements tend to be much more consequential, but the pettiness is about the same or perhaps worse.

If someone is harassing you or otherwise violating your instances rules, please do report them, but try to apply some perspective.


@jerry ::sighs in "i get reported every time i express humorous, mocking dislike toward Elon Musk"::


@jerry They disagree with me. I'm being harassed! /s

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@lhundrup I am overwhelmed with reports of “they don’t agree with me and so you must kick them out!”


@jerry I have no doubts about that. Hope things calm down for you soon.


@jerry @lhundrup

This is a big problem. Made worse by the horrible choice by #Mastodon to include "innocent bystander" reporting where the instances of people so much as mentioned in a post also get a report.

Can't opt an instance out of those reports.

Truly a poorly thought and executed feature.

We pay our moderators. Since the outbreak of the Israeli war our moderator costs are through the roof.


@jerry @lhundrup

Some months back we estimated that it costs $4-$5 in real money to investigate and handle each report for Newsie.

Because of the "Add forwarding of reported replies to servers being replied to by @Gargron and @ClearlyClaire it's been nothing but a flood of innocent bystander reports.

We're approaching a point where we will start disabling reports for some domains where this is being abused.

Parody of a Public Health Sys

@jerry @AMS Sure, agree, except the implication of the vaccine one definitely is harmful misinformation? I would block rather than report, because whatever, but that’s an odd example to call an opinion.

Parody of a Public Health Sys

@jerry @AMS It implies that vaccines prevent covid spread, which they substantially don’t by all objective metrics. How does that qualify as an opinion?

Parody of a Public Health Sys

@Jackthelad @jerry @AMS sorry, crossed paths, posted above. Vaccine known to reduce likelihood of extreme adverse outcomes, not prevent spread to any substantial degree.



The point you are missing is that many Mastodonians WANT the drama.

It is a powerful distraction. It gets them away from things they don't want to do, it gets them away from boredom. If they are rageaholics it makes them feel temporarily powerful too.

Martin Wüthrich

@jerry fully agree. i think "be like bill" is still accurate these days?
thank you for your work!

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