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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

This is by far the worst spam campaign I’ve seen in my 7 years here on the fediverse

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@Josh its just lot of posts from what brand new user accounts on hundreds of different mastodon instances with a few random users tagged and an image that contains the link to a discord server.

Rémy Grünblatt 🍃

@jerry Honestly here I have not seen a single report… Are the targeted instances limited ?

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@RGrunblatt I have been limiting them. I’ve had perhaps 250 reports or so today across perhaps 100 different instances

Rémy Grünblatt 🍃

@jerry Do you have maybe some part of the spam messages I could search for on my server ? Because I find it weird that none of the users of my server made some report about being spammed…

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@RGrunblatt the spams are targeted - they are tagging 5-10 accounts in each spam message. I don’t know what sort of algorithm is driving who gets included, but I’m guessing your instance hasn’t had any of its members tagged in the spam runs

Fabrice Roux :verified: :donor:

@jerry *Homer from the back of the room* Worst spam campaign so far. 😬


@jerry spending my Friday evening just hanging out in the "other servers" feed banning spam accounts as they pop up

There are worse hobbies I suppose

You might be interested in following the mod tools discussion promoted by this here:

Dr. Sbaitso

@jerry If it helps, I've seen way more discussion about how terrible this spam wave is than any actual spam 🤷🏻‍♂️



I think that's a good sign that the admins are really on top of things. I like it.


Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@weilawei @drsbaitso I’ve spend the last two hours handling spam reports and wading through recently created new accounts on remote servers looking for and proactively suspending new spam accounts and limiting their domains

Dr. Sbaitso

@jerry @weilawei Wow. To be clearer, I meant what I said in the sense that the work is absolutely working on the user side.

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