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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Hey, @trending_bot is pretty cool. It boosts the trending posts from a some top instances. I know some people have asked for algorithmic feeds - it's certainly not the same, but it will help get trending things in your home timeline that might not otherwise land there.

Josh, or whatever Whatr'ya some kind of NARC maaaaaan? Some kind of shill? That's just Big Fediverse tellin' ya how to think, maaaaan.

Brian Clark

@jerry Thanks for this. I'm going to try it out.


@jerry @trending_bot

I gave it a follow, but I doubt much will show up that I will have not already seen.

Ihar Filipau

@jerry @trending_bot

Unsuitable for doom-scrolling, unfortunately. πŸ™


@jerry @trending_bot I already look at "trending" occasionally so I don't think this would add anything (unless something is trending on "some top instances" but not my instance).

Andrew Starr :donor:

@jerry my Android client @Tusky has something similar, and from a brief look they're surfacing a similar set of posts (note it's an option within settings to enable both this and trending hashtags).

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