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CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

Google announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin #uBO will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).

The new #Chrome manifest will prevent using custom filters and stops on demand updates of blocklist. Only #Google authorized updates to browser extension will be allowed in the future, which mean an automatic win for Google in their battle to stop YouTube #AdBlockers .

#ManifestV3 is deceitful and threatening to your privacy, and now is a good time to switch to #Firefox (@mozilla) and/or #TorBrowser (@torproject) if you haven't done so already!

EFF (@eff) on Google’s Manifest V3:



Chrome Manifest V3 Transition Timeline (2023-11-16)



EDIT for clarification: MV3 in Chrome will still allow some ad blocking extensions, but will severely limit their blocking ability and even restricts pre-set filters to 50 MAX.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff The second paragraph is of particular importance since that also explains why AdGuard is supporting it (see Google's announcement) and the "wider ad blocking community" (i.e., all the bullshit that's not the one true blocker aka uBO) is okay with it. They sell ad blockers and lists as a product. They're okay with not blocking everything (like YT), especially if noone else can do it anymore because the competition (uBO) is sidelined.

This push is not against ad blockers actually, it's against effective ad blockers, particularly uBO.

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff The second paragraph is of particular importance since that also explains why AdGuard is supporting it (see Google's announcement) and the "wider ad blocking community" (i.e., all the bullshit that's not the one true blocker aka uBO) is okay with it. They sell ad blockers and lists as a product. They're okay with not blocking everything (like YT), especially if noone else can do it anymore because the competition (uBO) is sidelined.


@ljrk @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

This business model reminds me of Adblock Plus with their "acceptable ads". The difference here is of course that Google owns major ads companies and those will be the "acceptable" ads.

Clever product managers, very clever! Now, you all had your moment - let's all use Firefox/Brave :)


@littletree @ljrk @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff brave is kinda cringe tbh

their CEO has a history of being anti-lgbtq, brave heavily supports crypto shit, and they've previously had "scandals" with whitelisting facebook trackers, as well as injecting affiliate links into the url bar


@ljrk @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff "They're okay with not blocking everything (like YT)"

The problem with that theory is that AdGuard blocks YouTube ads. It also uses EasyList-syntax blocklists just like uBlock Origin does. In fact, uBlock Origin's wiki points to AdGuard's documentation as a source of information on writing blocking rules.

The only thing I've found that AdBlock don't want to block is paywalls (presumably because of the DMCA), so I just subscribe to a set of community-maintained paywall removal rules in standard format.

People should definitely switch from Chrome to Firefox, though. Google's sleazy attempt to sell user tracking in the browser as "ad privacy" is enough reason for that.

@ljrk @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff "They're okay with not blocking everything (like YT)"

The problem with that theory is that AdGuard blocks YouTube ads. It also uses EasyList-syntax blocklists just like uBlock Origin does. In fact, uBlock Origin's wiki points to AdGuard's documentation as a source of information on writing blocking rules.

Simon Dückert

@mathew @ljrk @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Time to say goodbye to Chrome. Is Chromium also affected?


@mathew @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Yes, they currently do block it but they don't have much of an incentive to do so and it takes a lot of resources to keep that up to date. Right now they *have to* try blocking it to keep up with the competition.

If, with MV3, the lists have to be bundled and ack'ed by Google, there's great likelihood that this will die first. Either because the filter won't be ack'ed or because YT just updates their stuff too frequently.

Suddenly, not blocking YT becomes the norm and is considered "good enough". Much more of a comfortable position for AdGuard.

And yes, since the people around AdGuard invented the filter syntax *back then*, that's still the point of truth for the syntax. However, due to this standard, people using uBlock can also import AdGuard lists etc. With user filter import gone this feature goes away as well...

@mathew @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Yes, they currently do block it but they don't have much of an incentive to do so and it takes a lot of resources to keep that up to date. Right now they *have to* try blocking it to keep up with the competition.

If, with MV3, the lists have to be bundled and ack'ed by Google, there's great likelihood that this will die first. Either because the filter won't be ack'ed or because YT just updates their stuff too frequently.

Mikko Tuumanen

@catsalad @mozilla But where is the download link to get Firefox apk? I don't want Google Play in my phone.

Virtue signal 💉💉💉🇺🇸 🇺🇦

@catsalad Don't forget Firefox Focus for phones/mobile devices. Using Focus is like having an ad blocker pre-installed and the browser privacy settings automatically set to maximum.

Arsimael Inshan

@catsalad Mozilla is not an alternative. Sadly.
They missed their opportunity and became a cheap Chrome copy.
Also... No PWA, and permanent active backdoor.


No PWA is just not true and I don't know what you mean by 'became a cheap chrome copy' when literally every other browser (excluding safari) literally **is** chrome

Arsimael Inshan

@BentiGorlich @catsalad last time I checked, FF wasn't able to do PWA. And I'm talking about native. Not with some third party stuff.
And no everything else isn't "chrome" it's webkit/blink based. Chrome is also just one product which comes from chromium. Like dozens others.
Don't get me wrong. Google is cancer and Googles influence on Chromium is cancer. But Chrome is not the root of everything.

Oh, and BTW, Safari is also using Webkit.

Currently, "use Mozilla instead of chrome" is nothing more than "Use horseshit instead of bullshit".
And why is Mozilla a cheap copy of chrome? Because Chrome gets a new feature, and Mozilla copies it. Starting with their versioning madness, continuing with their backdoors.

@BentiGorlich @catsalad last time I checked, FF wasn't able to do PWA. And I'm talking about native. Not with some third party stuff.
And no everything else isn't "chrome" it's webkit/blink based. Chrome is also just one product which comes from chromium. Like dozens others.
Don't get me wrong. Google is cancer and Googles influence on Chromium is cancer. But Chrome is not the root of everything.

Arsimael Inshan

@silo_bear @catsalad Dude, this isn't Twitter. If you challenge someone's opinion, you should give a reason or explain yourself.

Silo 🇺🇸 ❤ 🇺🇦

@Arsimael @catsalad
Firefox can be configured for total privacy.
Chromium and chrome cannot.
Simple as.

Arsimael Inshan

@silo_bear @catsalad And how does this void my comment? Just because FF is better at one thing (which it isn't, search for Firefox Normandy), doesn't mean it's not a shirty product. Firefox still has no PWA and copies Features from Chrome in a bad way.

Silo 🇺🇸 ❤ 🇺🇦

@Arsimael @catsalad
Well that's like, your opinion man. My opinion is decided by metrics.

Arsimael Inshan

@silo_bear @catsalad which metrics? The Metrics which state that Mozilla has a more and more declining userbase?
I know you can understand German, so here's a short read for you:

It's from 2020. And sadly, it didn't change much since then. Mozilla has just even less users.


@catsalad moving to #firefox from #chromium was the best decision I did recently.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

I think the first three paragraphs are trying to show us the difference between security and privacy. Google says they want to help you with privacy by keeping your data out of unauthorized hands but what they mean is they want to improve Google data security by making sure no one else can make money with the data they took from you.

Uwe Schwarz ッ�

@catsalad that first sentence is quite misleading, they only announced to enforce #Mv3. The result might be the same, but they didn't announce to disable ad blockers, they changed the rules for plugins and therefore ad blockers.

Again: everything else is true and correct, just the headline is not quite right.


@e38383 Explaining the direct implications of policy changes should be done and is not misleading.

Uwe Schwarz ッ�

@ikanreed the implication is that some plugins won’t work anymore, among them are ad blockers. Only mentioning ad blockers is IMO misleading.


@e38383 @ikanreed except that it is widely believed to be the case that the changes are intended to target ABs and that any generic wording is misleading


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Will this affect every Chromium browser or just Chrome?


@catsalad Looks like Google has finally made their big push on stopping ad blockers.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
Been using DuckDuckGo in Firefox and it seems to work well.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

Browsers I'm on the fence about:
- arc
- Orion
- safari
- torbrowser

Browsers that are dead to me:
- chrome(mium)
- edge
- brave
- opera
- Vivaldi
- ddg
- wavebox
- rambox
- sigmaos

My issues with Firefox are apparently swallowable since it's the only browser I can sync with Android.

Doesn't mean it's a better browser, just the only survivor of a venn diagram of functionality.

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

Browsers I'm on the fence about:
- arc
- Orion
- safari
- torbrowser

Browsers that are dead to me:
- chrome(mium)
- edge
- brave
- opera
- Vivaldi
- ddg
- wavebox
- rambox
- sigmaos

My issues with Firefox are apparently swallowable since it's the only browser I can sync with Android.

Piotr Kotnis

@Brahn Ars is a great browser. With tabs located in the sidebar, Little Arc, split-screen (just to name a few) - it really does improve working in the web.

It's a shame if might get affected by this Chromium change too :(


@harmag they committed to not implementing manifest v3, you're safe for now!

Taggart :donor:

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff It should be mentioned that, for users who must use Chrome, there is a MV3-compliant version of uBlock Origin, called uBlock Origin Lite:

lewis Does this affect all Chromium-based browsers, or is it Google specific? All the articles I've seen reference Chrome specifically

Edit: Nevermind, I missed what Manifest v3 actually was. Looks like it impacts any Chromium browser that wants to install Chrome extensions.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Somebody posted about this in here recently. This may be a good way of bypassing google to still get the same content.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Will be interesting to see what Vivaldi does about this.

Marek Marecki

@catsalad IT won't be win for google, if everone just stop using chrome.

Giovanni Campagna

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff all mostly true, but it's also the 3rd or 4th time they announced a timeline for MV3. It used to be incredibly buggy, and $5 says some really important extension still on Mv2 will delay the transition again.

ren 🏳️‍🌈 (a they/them)

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff @lisamelton made the painful process of switching to Safari after YEARS on Chrome recently. Been a journey though! Netscape, Mozilla/Firefox, IE, Chrome… It sucks relogging into stuff, sorting bookmarks (safari does it so differently), etc, but it was worth it. Apple is not in the browser business, so hopefully enshittification stays at bay.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@renwillis @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff @lisamelton *presses X for doubt*

Due to these issues I'd recommend syncing #Bookmarks with @nextcloud and Logins with #Enpass because that works on everything.

I just stuck with #Firefox because everything epse is either #Enshittified and/or not #CrossPlatform & #FLOSS ...

ren 🏳️‍🌈 (a they/them)

@kkarhan @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff @lisamelton @nextcloud passwords were with 1password, it’s just the process of re-logging in that sucks.

bookmarks, safari presents them very different and lots of my chrome bookmarks went back YEARS. So - exported them as a single html file, uploaded that to iCloud, and saved that file as a Safari bookmark lol!

Mary Hilton

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff And that is why I use Firefox only. Chrome is malware, plain and simple.

Nihl L'Amas

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff "Great question! Actually, 'Dont' was the name of my sled."


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Another reason I'm happy to be using Firefox instead.

Dave Smeg

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
I've tried Chrome Browser several times over the years and never once had an advert blocking plugin actually work.

Dave Smeg

@waldi @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
They are going to stop things working that didn't even work in the first place.

Brian Stafford

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
I like the "Big Brother Eye" image. It's like Google is now Big Brother except that the Big Brother House is actually the entire planet and there is no Diary Room.

(UK folks - imagine this in a North East accent)
Big Google has granted the planetmates access to the internet. Unfortunately Big Google has disabled the adblockers. Any planetmates not using Chrome will face eviction from the Big Google Planet.


@sarahv @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Yes. They remove a widely misused API that allows a malicious extension to get all your secret stuff, every last drop of it.

You might be fine with your access token out in the open, the ones with access to your nude pictures. Others are clearly not.

And they replace it with something the ublock origin people (at least that’s how they call themselves on GitHub) document as almost on par with the original, but way less ways to misuse.

Sarah V. 🍕

@waldi @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Just a little Internet tip, when addressing a woman you don't know for the first time, don't imply that she definitely has nude photos on her computer. You don't know me, how old I am, etc. You sound like a creep. 👍


@sarahv @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Why would I assume you do? Everyone got something she does not want others to know, especially people with sinister motives.

Sarah V. 🍕

@waldi @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff I'm just saying that you worded your reply to me in a very weird way ("access to your nude pictures") and you might want to avoid doing that in the future. I found it very offputting coming from a total stranger.

Henrý Ólson

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff if you want to use chromium still, you can block ads on the dns level

disabling javascript by default should block most ads too

if you just care about youtube, (according to a friend) youtube uses to serve ads, so just mapping that to should work

also, I highly recommend using a privacy-friendly frontend like invidious rather than using youtube directly

if you're a creator, I recommend mirroring your videos to a peertube instance


@nemo @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff You can also install the ublock origin lite variant. They even share most of the name.

Henrý Ólson

@AppleAndAria @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff you can manage your javascript in chrome://settings/content/javascript, note that this will break websites

the general idea is you disable javascript by default and enable it on a per site basis

as for dns, it largely depends on what you're using for managing your dns on which platform

on *nix you just set whatever manages your resolv.conf to point to any dns server that can block ads for you

Mark KIng

@AppleAndAria @nemo @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff for the DNS Settings> Privacy and Security > Security then set the DoH to customised

Magenta Rocks

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

Help me understand the loyalty to Chrome when there are so many other alternatives. It never even occurred to me to use it.

🔥 🦊!!!

Michael Harley

@catsalad idk how anyone can use tor as a daily driver. It’s so slowww


@catsalad Thanks for this. I'm making an announcement on this instance with this post, I really didn't expect them to go quite this far

Dave Bryant aka Tom_Clowder

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff I will put in a word for Safari, which I use and think well of—certainly better even than the Mozilla browsers.

nícia cruz

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff so glad i'm ditching for almost everything Google. These companies have too much power over our lives...


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

This is why Mozilla Firefox is my default web browser of choice.

Fábio Costa :2024:🐇🕐🎩☕

@Linux_Is_Best @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Me too... Also there's some other browsers... Avoid Chrome as much as possible


@fabiocosta0305 @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

Many of those so-called other web browsers are chromium (Chrome).

microsoft edge, brave browser, vivaldi browser, and opera browser to name a few are on borrowed time. the next update incorporates it into the core.

𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖐 🇨🇿🇪🇺

Indeed, but browsers like Brave will continue blocking ads despite of the controversial Manifest v3. Mozilla will probably soon disallow v2 and support v3 too, that's because Google is basically paying all of Mozilla's bills, Mozilla can't afford to loose its main supporter. Unless M can find another sponsor (hopefully!).
@fabiocosta0305 @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff


@amarok @fabiocosta0305 @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

Incorrect. Brave browser does not block ads, they have ads of their own. Plus, Chromium is the reason why YouTube could detect Brave and demand you disable ad blockers.

Firefox's users had no such issue.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff this is a good thing you know why? Previously i had less reasons to use firefox more frequently although I have it installed.
After this, I'll have a major reason for not using chrome.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

I wonder how this will affect Chromium based browsers such as Vivaldi.


@MylesRyden quote "it looks very likely that the Vivaldi Ad Blocker won’t suffer any adverse effects from the Manifest V3 changes.", see

cameronbosch :endeavourOS:

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff I think it's time for a sort of Chromium fork that maintains the core Chromium features but also Manifest v2. Brave & Vivaldi are already keeping it.

As for Firefox, err... You folks might not like to hear this, but I've tried it, and hate it...


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff One of many reasons II have never allowed chrome on ***any*** of my devices.
I guess that also applies to ungoogled chrome too ??

Steve :verified:

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
If you don't trust Google but nevertheless use Chrome, just suck it up!

You probably didn't choose Chrome anyway, it was just there following some absent minded T&Cs skip

Firefox with uBlock + Ghostery addons gives me ad free YouuTube as well as UK commercial TV streaming.

Advertising isn't innocent.

It persuades people who lack the ability to judge product quality themselves, relying instead on engaging messages the result being, they pay a premium for the advertised product.

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
If you don't trust Google but nevertheless use Chrome, just suck it up!

You probably didn't choose Chrome anyway, it was just there following some absent minded T&Cs skip

Firefox with uBlock + Ghostery addons gives me ad free YouuTube as well as UK commercial TV streaming.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff @Daveography Far from an automatic win for Google. Just as their fight against ad blockers is turning people to find better blockers, now it'll also force them to find better browsers.

The Saanich Daily

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Firefox for the win. I still go back and forth a bit between Chrome and FF but I'm doing it less and less.

spidey :Clairen_0: :Hodan_0:

@catsalad I am wondering, will this affect other browsers that are based on Chromium? (Edge, Vivaldi, Opera, etc)


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
If Firefox starts to add support for groups of tabs and also make sure that I don't lose again several docents of tabs after quitting the browser without intention, I am the first willing to move there again

ℕoah ℝoss ☭

Nobody has an excuse to keep using Chrome.


@catsalad What's your opinion on #Vivaldi vs #Firefox? I know Vivaldi is #Chromium, but it seems to me that the company is a bit more well-intentioned (doesn't take money from Google, for example). But I'm always unsure. Is it basically personal preference between the 2?


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff #DuckDuckGo search engine will not screw with you like Google does. It's a great alternative, try it.

Jesse Schooff

@catsalad Google's self-appointed position as the internet's Security Protocols Czar is in direct conflict with their position as the world's largest advertising company. This couldn't be a more blatant conflict of interest.

Pangoria Fallstar | DM VTUBER EN | 🧡🟠🔶🟧

I am so glad I stopped using chrome. Aside from it trapping all my ram, this BS is the point to abandon it.

𝓛𝓮𝓮 :bc_kirby:

Schätze ein Vorsatz für das erste Halbjahr steht schon fest: Weg von einigen #Google-Podukten.

Bär (with me for a second)

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

All that Google does with Chrome and #ManifestV3 looks like the ultimate goal is to cut non-compliant users off from Google search and Youtube.

We really need to get the alternatives going.

#youtube #degoogle


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Years of using firefox in private mode plus adblock plus and still not a single problem. Not at least with YT. And ofc I doesn't use google as a search engine.

Mark Stoneman 🦣

@catsalad Google doesn't control other Chromium-based browsers, though, right? Nor can it control filters outside of its browser. I still don't use it, but just saying.

Ian K. Rogers ikr?╭ರ_ಠ

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

This is very concerning, but worth noting, Adblock Plus is pretty sure they will still work after MV# is rolled out.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

This dance between software companies wishing to limit & those who find a way around such limits has been going on for decades. This won't end any differently from other efforts.

Advanced Persistent Teapot

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff but this article seems to state that Firefox will also adopt MV3, doesn't that mean moving to Firefox will not help anyone?

David Croyle

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff I got rid of all of my Chrome browser installs a few months back, except for my work laptop where I still need it at times.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff the next step is to refuse to serve pages to any browser except Chrome... brrr


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
use wget or screenshots on social media. Or just Braindata Streams from folks who consumed that Data to have it plaintext online...


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff goog is trying yet again to kill ad blockers and anything they don't like

classic EEE

Bill Sideris :verified:

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Librewolf is also good if you want something in between of FF and Tor.

Nopon Sage 🌀

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Isn’t this like the Nth time they’ve tried this and yet somehow adblockers always seem to keep working?



I recently installed GrapheneOS on my phone and I really wanted a Firefox version that fixes the vulnerabilities that Vanadium does while also allowing users to add extensions. I've been relaying on Firefox Nightly but it has been quite unstable lately.

I wonder if Fennec allows custom collections like Firefox Nightly does? I will give it a try.

Steven Capsuto - Translator

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Seriously. As much as your work needs will allow, ditch Google apps, ditch Microsoft, and ditch other control-freaky intrusive companies' products.

Dave Bell

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

#Google have been difficult to understand when their #GooglePlay store provides downloads for installed apps on Android. All content — new code or new data for a map — is listed as an #Update, but it may not be logged as an update.

Some of us are not even in the USA and have little confidence in the legality and security of design choices in #Chrome and other Google software.


@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff la suppression de tous les plugin santipub de chrome est une bonne raison pour passer a #firefox ... Pour info ces plug-in enlèvent les pubs, mais servent aussi et éviter les sites hacker et ils améliores la rapidité et la fluidité de l'affichage (moins de données a télécharger....)

Matthias Rochow

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff The DuckDuckGo browser is currently in the beta phase for Windows and MacOS. Maybe also worth a look.

Ivan Herman

@catsalad @eff just an outsider’s question: is this a Chrome or a Chromium feature? Put it another way, how does this affect browsers that rely on Chromium as a web view, but have their own layer on top? (Like Brave, Arc, Vivaldi, Opera, …)


@ivan_herman there are a couple of people asking the same question in this thread, from what I've seen Brave and Vivaldi at least will work to keep ad blocking alive. For Vivaldi see

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