@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff
If Firefox starts to add support for groups of tabs and also make sure that I don't lose again several docents of tabs after quitting the browser without intention, I am the first willing to move there again
@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff 3 comments
@luketrevorrow @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Could you direct me to some website showing how to activate and use these "tab groups"? @atecon @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff The default groups are done via Container Tabs (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-use-firefox-containers) but then you can add SimpleTabGroups plugin to do more with this. I’m pretty certain this will even move tab groups of a particular type to another windows for example. |
@atecon @catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff Firefox already support tab groups by default with various profile options too, and it preserves tab and window state. Then there are plugins that give you even more control over this stuff.