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Miriam Jacobs

@Ulzana @Niall @chu You are railing on facts out of context. Obama allowed more fracking than anyone. Why would he have chosen to do that? Why is Biden making these choices, as he passes the most important green legislation of our lifetimes? Why re-enter the Paris accords? I could quote 15 more *green* items from this administration, esp from the EPA. Do they balance out this year’s fosssil fuel issues?

Governing is about choice, not perfection.

David Barkin

@MiriShuli @Niall @chu

I was not a fan of Obama, but SORRY, thanks to Biden the US is the Largest Producer of Fossil Fuels in the World.


@Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu migrating off fossil fuels is important, but it can't be done overnight

When the fossil fuels become unaffordable by many, you can't use that as an opportunity to stop production of fossil fuels, at their expense

You have to work on expanding green and nuclear energy production. And Biden's admin did that too

Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷

@EyalL @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu But permits for oil production issued today won’t produce anything for a decade or more. By which time, if we are still using that much oil or gas, humanity is in deep trouble.
Every dollar spent on new oil infrastructure is a pound which could have been better spent on green technologies.

David Barkin

@MiriShuli @Niall @chu

"Why re-enter the Paris accords? I could quote 15 more *green* items from this administration, esp from the EPA. Do they balance out this year’s fosssil fuel issues? "

Why yes, yes, by 2050 we will be a zero producer of fossil fuels.

Of course that MIGHT NOT come true, but no sweat I will be Long Dead, and WON'T comment.


@Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
"But I will be safely after the grave - by the will of the God."

David Barkin

@ChevalierDesMots @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

Sorry, I'm an Atheist... 🙂

On the other hand since I'm already 75, I think I'm being pretty Conservative with my timing.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to David

@Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
It is good to be sorry to be an Atheist. Be Atheist except the God. Only the God is real, the rest of them not god. So be Atheist for them except the God.

David Barkin replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

It's not part of my routine to "make war" on religion. On the other hand, I'm NOT Agnostic, I'm an Atheist.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to David

@Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
The concept "religion" contains the uses of the concept "law" as well. As an Atheist you have a religion+law which your way of life is based on.

Hugh Young replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

No. Laws are made by humans, ideally for humans and other sentient beings. The unfounded beliefs of religion should have no place in them.

People who say atheism is a religion are inherently admitting that religion is inferior to evidence and logic.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
Please check out the revealed books how the word "religion" is used in them. The concept "law" is dropped from the concept of "religion" to dominate the religious people by secularists.
Although secularism itself is a religion too.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu Please check out the concept of "religion" from its source books.

Tom Ritchford replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

Atheism is a religion like "off" is a TV channel or "not collecting stamps" is a hobby.

Hugh Young replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
I'm not sorry. I'm glad to be free of a closed system of thought based on evidence-free dogma and ancient wild speculation.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
What about your evidence free dogma then?!
What about the God send prophets and books like Torah, Bible, Qur'an?

Tom Ritchford replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

Old books that claim that the world is flat and pi is 3 are not "evidence" of anything.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Tom

@TomSwirly @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu Please you also study Modern Philosophy to be able to question your concept of "evidence".

David Barkin replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

I'm sure you know grammer well enough to see there IS a comma after the word sorry.

I DON'T appreciate lying.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to David

@Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu OKEY you are NOT sorry to be an Atheist. But really doesn't matter whether you are Atheist or another RELIGION+LAW based way of life follower; please read the books on the link. They are not written by me.

David Barkin replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

This "fetish" of religious people that Atheism IS a religion is not just Wrong, It's Stupid.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to David

@Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu You say "I am Atheist(theos (θεός), which means god) " then you say "I am their God"??!!🤔 Please be honest with yourself and say "I am the GOD, or I am their God, rather than "I am Atheist".

David Barkin replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

You Keep Lying, and I'm out of patience. Your next lie and I'll block you - Not that YOU care.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to David

@Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu Yeah it is your New Religion+Law Atheist -> You are the God.

Hugh Young

@ChevalierDesMots @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

No. Why (on earth) say that?
Even if there were a god or god/dess/es, it wouldn't make any difference.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
The God never, ever says that "I exist", so your saying "even if there were a god" means nothing ?!
I suggest you study modern philosophy, here are some list of books:

Hugh Young replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

Those books seem to be mainly about mathematics. You cite Bertrand Russell. I doubt you have read him on religion.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
No it is NOT about mathematics only, mathematics is using language that is why it is included to the Philosophical Investigations = conceptual investigations.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Tom

@TomSwirly @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu People who declare "why I am not a Christian" never explain their "RELIGION+LAW" so that people can compare their RELIGION+LAW with the Christians' RELIGION+LAW. Why?


@TomSwirly @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
If you are NOT Christian, you are Atheist, then please disclose your RELIGION+LAW that your way of life is based on, so that we know the difference between your RELIGION+LAW and the Christian RELIGION+LAW.
Do us a favor please.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu By the way Russell never accepted modern philosophical investigations questioning his language, that is why before he died he asked people to bury him somewhere no one knows where😅

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu Please read them before you say "seem to be mainly mathematics".

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu When you start reading them you will be very, very sorry that you haven't started reading them long before.....

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu and the rest of your life you will thank me to remind you the existence of those books.

Tom Ritchford replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

I'm sorry, but do you not have any conception of how rude and conceited you appear?

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Tom

@TomSwirly @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu Also question your concept of "rude" and "conceited".

Tom Ritchford replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

You wrote.

> and the rest of your life you will thank me to remind you the existence of those books.

Tom Ritchford replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu Any recommendation by you is a black mark that will ensure that I, and any other adult on this thread, will never read it.

Please go away now.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Tom

@TomSwirly @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
I only share what I value with people. I have no plover or will to force you to read them.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Tom

@TomSwirly @hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu I am already away from you, if you stop responding I won't be replying back.

Hugh Young replied to KIZILELMALILAR

@ChevalierDesMots @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu

You think "I am" is not synonymous with "I exist"? But you're right, s/he/it/they never said that - or anything else. We have only very fallible humans claiming to know what s/he/it/they said.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu NO! I think "I am" is equal to "I exist". In the Qur'an the God never declared "I exist". The God -> REAL. But of course existentialists reduced the concept "REAL" to the concept "exist" to save their bewitchment via language.

KIZILELMALILAR Ummeti replied to Hugh

@hugh @Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @chu
I suggest you start study Modern Philosophy to enable yourself to conceptual investigations. Investigate your concepts od "God,exist,real,etc."


>"I see no way out of revolutionary changes to how we live today .... it is too late for non-radical futures" - Professor Kevin Anderson

@MiriShuli @Niall @chu @bobjmsn

David Barkin

@MiriShuli @Niall @chu

"Governing is about choice, not perfection."

I don't need to rebut your statement. It speaks volumes.

Tom Ritchford

@MiriShuli @Ulzana @Niall @chu

> Why is Biden making these choices, as he passes the most important green legislation of our lifetimes?

Legislation that is, however, totally inadequate to the crisis.

You'd think they could at least turn off the fossil fuel subsidies, but no.

Probably for the same reason that Obama did this:

The US is the largest producer of oil in the world, thanks to Obama and now Biden.

@MiriShuli @Ulzana @Niall @chu

> Why is Biden making these choices, as he passes the most important green legislation of our lifetimes?

Legislation that is, however, totally inadequate to the crisis.

You'd think they could at least turn off the fossil fuel subsidies, but no.

Probably for the same reason that Obama did this:

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