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3 posts total
T Chu 朱

In case anyone else needed a good belly laugh today.

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SkaveRat 🐀 :verified:

@chu hash was only.

Did anyone check its tag for this icon?


@chu can survive the apocalypse but not the carwash? Figures

T Chu 朱

What a thrill to see an eclipse. I hope the kids remember this. There was a total high during totality. It got dark and quiet.

I hope everyone gets to experience one someday. I never knew what I was missing.

T Chu 朱

In conversation w a friend, she was surprised when I said we won't have electricity after social collapse. She asked "why? What happens to electricity?"

I had to then explain that infrastructure needs people to maintain and if things fall apart, nobody will keep the generators going or the wires in check. She seemed surprised by this.

Is this why people don't seem worried about what's coming? They have no idea???

I was trying to hide my shock that I had to explain this to someone who isn't a child. I think I take too much for granted and assume too much of people's ability to be logical.

Now her obsession with social issues at the expense of #ClimateCrisis makes sense. I was always wondering how someone on the left would not care about collapse. I have tried to explain before that as much as I share her concerns about the many dire issues that do need dealing with, none of it matters if climate change causes collapse. Then we won't have social housing, or equity, or any of the other things she cares about. (she was even part of a group that protested demanding "affordable gas")

Her look of shock finally helped me realize that she has absolutely no idea what #ClimateCollapse means. No idea. I've been arguing with her all these years and she's had no idea.

I don't even know what to say.

There's no way she's the only one. Lots of well intentioned people say "yes climate is important but....".

I am here to tell you that none of those other issues will even exist in the face of climate and social collapse.

I don't know if the average person can even imagine the number of deaths that we are facing when the society we built loses electricity.

In conversation w a friend, she was surprised when I said we won't have electricity after social collapse. She asked "why? What happens to electricity?"

I had to then explain that infrastructure needs people to maintain and if things fall apart, nobody will keep the generators going or the wires in check. She seemed surprised by this.

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@chu The lost of water supply will make life even harder. Water, food, electricity, imagine a life without those …

Anna Spanner

@chu Last three lessons to Y9 have been on climate change. I’m astonished that (a) we don’t have a 12-lesson unit on this topic, and (b) they just do not seem to get the seriousness - or care. “Well people who are displaced from their homes won’t come to our town.” (We have Ukrainians in our school.) You have to go so deep, but also basic with the consequences. I found success with repeating the question: “and what will happen then?” Thank you for teaching the grown-ups.

Mania Emma

@chu @cripamphibie we’ll have global war much before the shortage of electricity in the west…

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