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Dana Fried

Imagine you're someone with an interest in learning how to code.

Perhaps you're from one or more communities that face serious stereotype threat in this area (e.g. a woman or a BIPoC person) - that is, you don't have a ton of role models and may even have been told outright that coding isn't *for you*.

But you decided to Do The Thing anyway, because you're a badass.

Dana Fried

Imagine the steps you need to go through:

1. Pick a language. Python, Ruby, etc. There are nice tutorials online. You do them and feel smart.

2. Download a runtime and start writing code locally, testing it out. This can be tricky if you are trying to do web stuff, but whatever. You feel smart.

3. Okay, you actually wanna do *development*? Then learn git. The names confuse you. You end up fucking up your source tree six times before you learn reflog. You feel like an idiot.

Dana Fried

I am extremely convinced that git is the Great Filter for people trying to get into coding on their own.

It never ceases to make me sad and frustrated that we've settled on the Worst Possible Tool to do source management.

Nothing in git is named or grouped coherently. It's the opposite of discoverable. Even with tab completion. By the way, you know who doesn't get tab completion? Windows users. Which is most people who are gonna try to learn to program on their own.

Jeffrey Hulten


Don't tell anyone, but by git aliases map my old SVN finger macros over to the arcane git commands.

Dana Fried

@jhulten I should use more aliases, except I'd have to implement them across multiple operating systems and shell environments

Jeffrey Hulten

@tess A decade ago I used freshshell to automate my dotfiles for *nix hosts. Now that I have WSL, I am covered everywhere.

Jeffrey Hulten

@tess I was consulting and would get a laptop for six months, sometimes overlapping between clients. I got it down to about 20 minutes to install most of my config and standard tools.

Ylva :babaw_soft: :sheher: :babaw_is: :babaw_me:

@tess That's why asshole coders need to stop being gatekeepy about real coders using git from the command line
Use a GUI like Github Desktop, stop recommending beginners do anything else

Honestly, the devs that feel better than others because they use CLI are likely the worst at actually commitng properly. GUI's make it so much easier to cherry pick files and lines, and makes it much harder to make mistakes

William Pietri

@tess Totally. It was a tool made for an unusual case in a different era, created by experts designing for experts. I would love to see a modern VCS tool emerge, one that focuses on the common use cases for modern development, and designed with novices in mind.

Dana Fried


Perforce is right there, man.

It is, in fact, exactly that thing.

William Pietri

@tess Is it? It's older than git by a decade, right? And it's still a commercial product, I thought.

Dana Fried

@williampietri free for a lot of small-scale use IIRC, and pretty constantly updated also IIRC, plus what's wrong with paying for a good tool?

But fine, use subversion plus a decent OSS shell integration.

William Pietri

@tess Version control is an area where I'd be especially cautious about vendor lock-in. Especially in this age of enshittification. There's no way I'm trusting a company owned by private equity over a long-term relationship.

And that's before we get to all the open-source concerns, where I think git has a legitimate edge. I think the Perforce/SVN centralization/SPoF model can be fine for companies. But that centralized control mindset doesn't work for richer relationship approaches.

Dana Fried

@williampietri even OSS projects have a central repo with the "canonical" source; I don't see the difference between hosting code on github or equivalent vs having it on a hosted SVN server.


@williampietri @tess i feel like warning about vendor lock-in for Git alternatives is funny. Sure GitHub the company doesn't control(?) Git the software but in terms of mindshare/how most people are exposed to Git they absolutely have the majority. Most people will host their code or touch code hosted on GitHub and `git` is just how you interact with it 😅


@tess it’s easily the most complex tool a beginner has to learn, and probably the most complex tool the rest of us use regularly.


@dznz @tess

it depends... if you start in linux kernel development or surrounding middleware, it's The Most Natural tool pretty much soon after you start - rest is more complex than git.

Dana Fried

@aytvill @dznz

Nobody *starts* in Linux kernel development.


@tess @dznz

i used to work in team, where most of fellows *started* that way


@aytvill @tess what did they do before that, subway maintenance? Industrial chip design?



mostly worked with hardware (from big iron to network equipment to embedded) or design, all after uni. Uni are rarely to give proper sw de loop anyway


Dana Fried

Your source management tool should be the *easiest* tool you use, not the hardest.

The order of difficulty in tasks should be:

write code > test code > build code > manage code

But in the real world the order is, somehow:

manage code > build code > test code > write code

This is incredibly stupid.

Sophie Schmieg

@tess and honestly, the user unfriendliness of git would be mostly avoidable, especially if the source control took into account how we actually use it.

Pretty much every setup has a central server tracking the repo, and the code has a clear main branch and a clear version at HEAD, which you usually want to keep consistent with. But git is built on the assumption that everything is its own repository and equal, so it supports a bunch of features for a use case that very few people need, while being shoehorned into the process that people actually use.

@tess and honestly, the user unfriendliness of git would be mostly avoidable, especially if the source control took into account how we actually use it.

Pretty much every setup has a central server tracking the repo, and the code has a clear main branch and a clear version at HEAD, which you usually want to keep consistent with. But git is built on the assumption that everything is its own repository and equal, so it supports a bunch of features for a use case that very few people need, while being...

Dana Fried

@sophieschmieg precisely. Also: it's a graph theory peg being rammed into a source control hole.

Chrome at least gives us a bunch of common functionality that sands *some* of the sharp edges off of it, but it's still awful to use and I'm still learning tricks that make my experience with it less painful five years after starting with it.

Sophie Schmieg

@tess the fact that Chrome/gerrit and GitHub actually take different parts of git to mean certain things (in Gerrit you have individual commits as the thing that gets reviewed, with branches being used for separate versions, in GitHub it's branches and pull requests that get reviewed instead) is also a great sign that this isn't the best source control could be.

And really, code review should be a first class citizen for a source control system anyways, and not tacked on by third party tooling

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

@tess Is this about command-line git usage? A decent GUI client made it so much easier, for me.

Chris Belanger

@sindarina @tess It definitely can! Unfortunately there are also so many *bad* GUIs, too. Like when they replace Push and Pull with a single function named Sync. It's seems simpler until every tutorial you read is now referencing commands you don't have. Plenty don't do this, but it shouldn't be incumbent upon the person just getting started to know the difference.

The Modesto Kid

@tess I wrote code as my job for 25 years and spent very little time or energy on source code control. This had pluses and minuses and would probably not be possible any more. I did not work on teams very much until the very end of my career (last year in the industry was 2020).


@tess Right!?!? And don’t get me started with some of the tool chains. Looking at you JavaScript.

Mike Hucka

@tess I am nodding in agreement so vigorously that I think I sprained my neck.


@tess 100% agreement about git not being the right thing to hand to people who are new to source control.

When I was a TA, the professor wanted students to turn in assignments with a "real" tool. I opted for SVN over git.

Students still did silly things when committing to the course repository, but I wasn't about to tell them to pick up a tool whose handles consisted almost entirely of sharp edges. The course was "make Roombas play soccer," not "how to lose your source code like the pros."



my observations during hackathons with (mainly) students say me:
a) unis are very far from realistic dev loop/pattern
b) lack of depriving from contact IRL also spoils and "simplifies"
c) large / mature FLOSS project give boost about it



@aytvill @tess (a) was definitely true... the prof's intention was for students to collaborate over svn, but I'm pretty sure most teams just hacked locally and committed to an assignment's tag when it was time to turn in.

I'm not sure I understand your points (b) and (c). Were they complaining that the uni setting simplifies the collaboration problems you get in industry [so SCm as taught at school isn't helpful], and big FLOSS projects require use of git [so learning other tools doesn't help]?



b) if your team has luxury of personal meetings, typically enforced by mgmt, then async dev mode turns into sync slot mode - you go away from bazaar to cathedral

c) large FLOSS is bazaar at roots and that's what makes cathedral folks to abhor at dealing with what they perceive as chaos ;)


Third spruce tree on the left

@trurl @tess I've been using lesser source controls (rcs, cvs, pvcs, clearcase, mks, some real esoteric ones) for years, then subversion for over a decade.

Then I had to move to git, sourcetree and crapbucket.

Then I learned fear.

I've read many guides, but I still couldn't explain what a rebase is.


@tess I am pretty far removed from teaching tools like this nowadays. If advising a smart, driven friend who's running Windows (like, say, my friend with a bio PhD who keeps asking me questions about awk and shell scripting), I would probably suggest they use their IDE's support for git or a shell extension like

Is that a reasonable starting point these days?



It doesn't help with the git model (or the myriad of oopsies like, "I rebased and can't push to remote anymore," and "I checked out a floating HEAD what is a floating HEAD oh god"), but at least it provides a UI layer that might help keep them from straying into that territory in the first week.

Dana Fried

@trurl oh neat, I didn't realize Tortoise did a git implementation! I used their SVN integration for along time.

(Unfortunately, I'm now developing on three platforms for five, so I can't consistently use Tortoise.)

Jonathan Dierksen

@trurl @tess +1 for using the IDE.

One chicken-and-egg reason for git becoming so ubiquitous is the amount of tooling for it. The fact that I can pull up VSCode and do all my day-to-day git stuff with just a couple of clicks makes it easy to ignore how awful it is under the hood.

Comparing to Perforce, which I also have to use daily, which has minimal VSCode support, and I have to jump back to the (admittedly, 100x better) command line for the 10k edge cases.

Dana Fried

@dierksen @trurl I honestly never figured out how to use git through vs code, except to see what files are modified, look at diffs, and revert stuff.

I'm sure it does more, but tbh I don't know how much of the chromium development tooling is supported regardless.

Jonathan Dierksen

@tess @trurl yeah, once you start dealing with custom python repo wrappers, gerrit, etc, the usability of the built-in VSCode tools kind of breaks down 😕 They mostly assume everyone is using public-facing, or at least a pure git-based workflow.


@tess Oh, the whole fucking Agile/Extreme Programming/Git/Github axis is designed to drive people screaming for the exits.

I was very fortunate to go from actual SCCS to CVS to Bitkeeper to Git, so the simple concepts weren't much of a problem. The "fancy" stuff (like selecting on revisions, just to pick one example), on the other hand, is a complete nightmare and I couldn't blame people either not doing SCCS or rolling their own (hg is apparently much better, but I don't want to change SCCSs again after bitmover lost their mind and pulled out of the free software world. Now that was a nightmare and a half to migrate from!)

@tess Oh, the whole fucking Agile/Extreme Programming/Git/Github axis is designed to drive people screaming for the exits.

I was very fortunate to go from actual SCCS to CVS to Bitkeeper to Git, so the simple concepts weren't much of a problem. The "fancy" stuff (like selecting on revisions, just to pick one example), on the other hand, is a complete nightmare and I couldn't blame people either not doing SCCS or rolling their own (hg is apparently much better, but I don't want to change SCCSs again...

Irenes (many)

@tess we do think you're right about this

we have friends who've chosen to approach this from the documentation angle (cf. ) and we do hope that will help

but it sure would be nice if the core git people would, like, loop in a tech writer for advice on names and conceptual organization and then actually take their advice

Fizzy Logic

@tess I miss the simplicity of SVN. Sure, it didn’t have a local copy of the entire damned repo, but who cares. Commit in SVN to a remote server does what I need, without the “are you sure?” semantics of commit+push.

The Modesto Kid

@tess there's got to be a shareware WinGit out there somewhere with a crudely implemented File Manager overlay to your repository



"3. Okay, you actually wanna do development? Then learn git. The names confuse you. You end up fucking up your source tree six times before you learn reflog."

Oh, so there's a way to unfuck a git repository other than blowing it away and {restoring it from time machine/blowing it away and cloning one of your remote repositories}?

Dana Fried



@tess Well, I would level up but that's an advanced feature and those scare me.


@tess ive been writing software for a living for almost 9 years and i still google most of the "barely non-basic stuff" for Git and i think what saves me is that we squash commits on PRs at work lol 🙃

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