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6 posts total
Dana Fried

If your EVs aren't selling maybe that's because you're making giant fucking trucks and SUVs and hyper-expensive luxury sedans and the kind of people who want EVs mostly just want a compact car for getting to work and running errands.

Just sayin'.

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Mikko Karvonen

@tess This. Iโ€™m very much in the market, but not interested in big cars. Renault Zoรซ, VW ID.3, and new Citroen e C3 are pretty much the only ones that feel relevant. And even from that list ID.3 is overdone and thus too pricey for my needs.


@tess every time I get tempted, I ask my payments calculator for the monthly payment on a 70k loan and then nope out - the Dacia Spring EV at 20k is more my speed; too bad it is EU only atm afaict.

Simon W ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ†™ โš›๏ธ

@tess r'amen! I'm so annoyed that VW decided the perfectly sized ID-3 is not sold in the US. I really don't need anything bigger, more expensive, and less efficient. Somehow the US car industry is convinced only big cars will sell here - but this is the same industry that in the early 2000s said electric cars would never sell here, took back all the EV1 cars and crushed them.

Dana Fried

On fedi:
- we have CWs
- we have the ability to mute words
- there is no algorithm

Therefore, it is bad form to censor words (e.g. "r*pe", "k*ll") because that evades people's mute lists. These censoring conventions were created to evade algorithmic moderation on other platforms, which, again, we don't have here.

Instead, just use the words and apply an appropriate CW if you think it's needed.

On fedi:
- we have CWs
- we have the ability to mute words
- there is no algorithm

Therefore, it is bad form to censor words (e.g. "r*pe", "k*ll") because that evades people's mute lists. These censoring conventions were created to evade algorithmic moderation on other platforms, which, again, we don't have here.

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Martin Vogel

At least in Fedilab, there is another problem with starred words, too.



I do agree with you, but also recall that some have been brought up to censor their words, verbally and in writing, and this is a hard burden to shed.

Dana Fried

I posted a rant in someone else's mentions which I regret and then deleted but I need to vent.

I use git every day. I'm very comfortable with git.

Also: git is fucking terrible, and I suspect it's the reason a lot of people get scared away from writing software.

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bison โœ…

@tess @b0rk depends if they even come this far and don't get scared of by university "programming" courses first.

Nicholas Weaver

Agreed, and TBT the only reason I tolerate git is basically I use it like good old subversion...


@tess Using #git with #magit in #emacs is one of lifes pleasure for me.

I've gone through a multitude of source code management tools before git stole the show and I don't long for any of them.

I get that the git command line can be frustrating. But that fix is just a few aliases away anyway, so why bother getting upset.

Also most people settle on a few of the commands for 99 percent of their usage. It's not like you need to memorize all possible flags and variations.

Dana Fried

The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of Mastodons

Dana Fried

#Bluesky users: wow this UX is so much better than Mastodon


Dana Fried

Normally I don't get too nitpicky about UX (I do for products I work on but I'm not your mom; make your website as ugly as you like) but I have definitely clicked on "cancel" about half the time I've tried to cancel a #bluesky post and it's driving me crazy

UPDATE: I did it again

Dana Fried

My wife says that any time someone proposes doing anything with an ML model, you should replace โ€œAIโ€ in the proposal with โ€œtrained weaselsโ€ and if it still sounds like a good idea you can go ahead with it.


@tess "I'm going to sell my trained weasel startup to FAANG for billions!"

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