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Dana Fried

#Bluesky users: wow this UX is so much better than Mastodon


Dana Fried

Normally I don't get too nitpicky about UX (I do for products I work on but I'm not your mom; make your website as ugly as you like) but I have definitely clicked on "cancel" about half the time I've tried to cancel a #bluesky post and it's driving me crazy

UPDATE: I did it again

Dana Fried

Also HELP does #bluesky not have hashtags?


Dana Fried

#Bluesky users: "Ah it's so nice and quiet here and nobody is harassing anyone"

Bluesky: *there are six users and it's impossible to find anything*

@tess celebrating social media being quiet reminds me of Tig Notaro telling her standup audience "laugh all you want".
Holly 🚀⚜️

@tess yeah I just realized the no hashtag thing too. I guess if we’re being fair it is beta, but do they ever plan to implement it I wonder?

Dana Fried

@absolutspacegrl probably? the biggest issue I have with it is that while you can definitely still use and search for hashtags, there's no autocomplete or indication how common a hashtag is, so you can't know if you will be able to reach the people you're trying to reach.

In general I feel like it's *harder* to find people on bsky than on Mastodon, despite what everyone has said.

Holly 🚀⚜️

@tess oh 100% there - even just searching for anything whatsoever is a nightmare without any filters. The hashtag issue makes it worse, and like you said finding people too.

All of search is just a mess right now.


Is this what we call “Cancel” culture?

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