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my observations during hackathons with (mainly) students say me:
a) unis are very far from realistic dev loop/pattern
b) lack of depriving from contact IRL also spoils and "simplifies"
c) large / mature FLOSS project give boost about it



@aytvill @tess (a) was definitely true... the prof's intention was for students to collaborate over svn, but I'm pretty sure most teams just hacked locally and committed to an assignment's tag when it was time to turn in.

I'm not sure I understand your points (b) and (c). Were they complaining that the uni setting simplifies the collaboration problems you get in industry [so SCm as taught at school isn't helpful], and big FLOSS projects require use of git [so learning other tools doesn't help]?



b) if your team has luxury of personal meetings, typically enforced by mgmt, then async dev mode turns into sync slot mode - you go away from bazaar to cathedral

c) large FLOSS is bazaar at roots and that's what makes cathedral folks to abhor at dealing with what they perceive as chaos ;)


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