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Jonathan Dierksen

@trurl @tess +1 for using the IDE.

One chicken-and-egg reason for git becoming so ubiquitous is the amount of tooling for it. The fact that I can pull up VSCode and do all my day-to-day git stuff with just a couple of clicks makes it easy to ignore how awful it is under the hood.

Comparing to Perforce, which I also have to use daily, which has minimal VSCode support, and I have to jump back to the (admittedly, 100x better) command line for the 10k edge cases.

Dana Fried

@dierksen @trurl I honestly never figured out how to use git through vs code, except to see what files are modified, look at diffs, and revert stuff.

I'm sure it does more, but tbh I don't know how much of the chromium development tooling is supported regardless.

Jonathan Dierksen

@tess @trurl yeah, once you start dealing with custom python repo wrappers, gerrit, etc, the usability of the built-in VSCode tools kind of breaks down 😕 They mostly assume everyone is using public-facing, or at least a pure git-based workflow.

Dana Fried

@dierksen @trurl makes sense since they own github 😛

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