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Entité terrestre auto-critique

@ploum but do you think this is only happening for the web !?
To me, having shutted down TV for years, it has begun long time ago...


@s4mdf0o1 : I grew up without TV and never had one myself ;-)

Entité terrestre auto-critique

@ploum 🙏 so you've never been polluted
Let's strike back
No fight needed : the alternative is sufficient to itself.
(on a l'air malins de parler anglais 🤭 😂 )


@s4mdf0o1 @ploum Une démarche que mes parents refusent toujours catégoriquement de faire, malgré mes incitations… 😩


@ploum 👏

Et quelle bouffée d'air frais ce "retour aux origines".

Cette séparation se creuse à d'autres égards me semble-t-il : ceux qui revoie t tout le narratif consumériste occidental et les business-as-usual quoi qu'il en coûte pour soi, les autres, ou le futur. Et cela craint :/

Ayush Agarwal

@ploum I noticed that you have a gemini capsule as well with the same content on it as on your HTTP blog. Would you consider adding links to the gemini version of your blog posts in your toots? :blobcat:


@ploum Je connaissais pas Kagi. Un moteur de recherche payant ? Bon, les prix sont raisonnables (5 €/mois pour 300 recherches par mois, soit à peu près 10 par jour ? Je pense pas en faire autant…).


@ploum Après, oui, la polarisation, je la vois bien entre ceux qui ne jurent que par la “simplicité” et la praticité de l’Internet (?) des GAFAM ; et ceux qui vont se réfugier dans les espaces parallèles de Gemini, ou qui refusent justement que leur blogs persos soient faits de pages plus lourdes qu’un Windows 3.1 complet, ni ne soient des employés bénévoles pour le compte de ces mêmes GAFAM…


@benoitb : wow, il est splendide celui-là. Magnifique, je le garde dans un coin!

Benoît B.


C'est cadeau, ça me fait plaisir :blobcatheart:

(#hassancehef - #teamvieux )

Litchi Pi

@ploum You succeeded to put words on my feelings about the web nowadays !
I never interacted that much with people from Internet (real interactions I mean) since when i was a kid on a retrogaming forum

Low tech web, without business incentives, and aiming only to express yourself and interact with others, that is pure joy.

Also why fediverse is such a good idea, you can stay connected while still have a tiny community where things feel more authentic!

Thanks for your blog, very qualitative

@ploum You succeeded to put words on my feelings about the web nowadays !
I never interacted that much with people from Internet (real interactions I mean) since when i was a kid on a retrogaming forum

Low tech web, without business incentives, and aiming only to express yourself and interact with others, that is pure joy.

Nora, tech aspect

@ploum Overall, a good article and I agree with you. However, can we please not with promoting the eugenics propaganda film?

> A web which boils down to Idiocracy ...

Tristan Nitot✓

@ploum You really need to do a French version of this piece! I love it!

Nicolas Vivant

@nitot @ploum Je veux bien m'y coller de nouveau si Ploum est OK.

Eve La Fée

@ploum @nicolasvivant @nitot c'est beau la coopération ! J'aime beaucoup le texte mais j'essaie de tooter en français en priorité, je vais attendre la traduction pour le re-toot 🥰


@eve @nicolasvivant @nitot : je suis toujours tiraillé entre les deux langues pour les contenus vaguement techniques. Au final, j’écris dans la langue dans lequel l’idée me vient le plus naturellement. Je ne choisis pas, le texte choisit pour moi.

C’est problématique. Et comme je n’aime pas traduire (parce que je réécris un nouveau texte et que ça prend beaucoup de temps), ça crée des frustrations.

Merci donc à tout ceux qui traduisent, dans un sens ou dans l’autre :-)

Martin 🧀

@ploum d'ailleurs est-ce que l'anglais est la langue de gemini ou il existe des feeds plus francophones ?


@mart_e : c’est très anglophone mais il y’a des capsules francophones, aggrégé par @bacardi55 sur :


Eve La Fée

@nicolasvivant waou, t'es le Lucky Luke de la traduction ??

cc @ploum @nitot

Fabien Cazenave

@eve @nicolasvivant @ploum @nitot Il a tout confié à DeepL après avoir signé de son sang la vente de son âme.

Nicolas Vivant

@fabi1cazenave @eve @ploum @nitot Pas tout à fait, non :) Un signe qui ne trompe pas : la transformation des " anglo-saxons en « » bien de chez nous :)

Eve La Fée

@nicolasvivant y'a des scripts pour faire ça, c'est pas une preuve ! 😁 cc @fabi1cazenave @ploum @nitot

Nicolas Vivant replied to Eve La Fée

@eve @fabi1cazenave @ploum @nitot Je préfère le « fait main ». Précisons que je suis sous Linux et que les caractères français sont beaucoup plus facilement produits que sous le truc avec la fenêtre, là :)

Nicolas Vivant

@eve @ploum @nitot En fait je demande l'autorisation et je commence à traduire (je m'aide effectivement de Deepl quand certains tournures ne sont pas claires ou que ce qui me vient est moisi). Quand j'ai fini, je regarde si l'auteur est d'accord, et si oui je publie.


@nicolasvivant @ploum @eve @nitot Article très intéressant ! Merci beaucoup pour le texte et sa traduction ! 😊
Je penche de plus en plus de ce côté du web, sauf pour les achats où dans une petite bourgade, c'est moins facile de se débrouiller avec les commerçants locaux (enfin, je crois).


@nicolasvivant @eve @nitot :
- feedback reçu pour le précédent : mettre avant le texte le fait qu’il s’agit d’une traduction
- "Dieu m’en garde"
- "bloqueurs" tout court (pas bloqueurs de fonction)
- "Cela fait plus de temps pour autre chose" (ambivalence francophone du plus/plus)
- lentille -> filtre non-commercial
- concepteurs -> designers
- analyses -> statistiques (2X)
- entonnoir -> supprime cette fin de phrase


@nicolasvivant @eve @nitot : merci à toi, j’ai rajouté un lien vers la trad!

Nicolas Vivant

@ploum @eve @nitot J'ai aussi modifié le 1er article sur le Fediverse pour spécifier en tête d'article qu'il s'agit d'une traduction (les articles sont postés dans la rubrique « articles traduits » et je le précise bien en pied-de-page, je pensais que ce serait suffisant, mais c'est noté pour plus tard...)


@nitot @ploum Je travaille pour un centre de formation qui dispense des cours de SEO, digital marketing, Microsoft ceci et cela, etc. J’aimerais tellement qu’on forme au libre, aux alternatives technologiques, à ce qui est éthique et moins à ce qui rapporte des sous où promet un emploi (de quelle qualité ?).

Spacewizard! (Ed H)

@ploum Great article.

RE: that journalist's definition of "dark web" -- he was probably conflating the terms "dark web" and "deep web." The latter refers to the normal-but-un-searchable web. Common conflation.

I thought I remembered that that's what "dark web" originally meant too -- the normal-but-unsearchable-web -- but I may be wrong about that.

I choose the side where i decide who i interact with.

For 12 years I've been running Linux and FOSS apps as much as possible.

Several years ago I "de-Googled" myself--it took several months.

Mastodon is the only social media I use. Had some small Reddit thing before but got rid of it.

Vivaldi with all the blocking turned on is my current browser.

If I hit a page that screams about blocking or needs a login, I just bail. Lots of other things to do.

I DO have a few accounts with organizations I like, if they get wonky they are gone.

For 12 years I've been running Linux and FOSS apps as much as possible.

Several years ago I "de-Googled" myself--it took several months.

Mastodon is the only social media I use. Had some small Reddit thing before but got rid of it.

Vivaldi with all the blocking turned on is my current browser.




Most of the time, I don’t bother anymore.

This rang so true for me. I’ve been like this for a long time. Not worth the effort. I have one foot in the grave, 30% cardiac function. I’m well past not caring about most of the blinky lights commercial web. I use phone apps for commercial stuff and try to limit the amount of commerce in my life. That has its own share of problems, mind you.

When I was a teenager, the Internet was magic. We were promised a library, a public forum. What we got was an amalgamation of a shopping mall with the Barnum and Bailey Circus.



Most of the time, I don’t bother anymore.

This rang so true for me. I’ve been like this for a long time. Not worth the effort. I have one foot in the grave, 30% cardiac function. I’m well past not caring about most of the blinky lights commercial web. I use phone apps for commercial stuff and try to limit the amount of commerce in my life. That has its own share of problems, mind you.

Océane Je t'ai déjà dit que je ne pouvais pas lire tes billets car tu n'avais pas d'adresse ?


@ploum I miss the old internet without corporate overlords and advertising taking over. I would pay for a different internet.

івась тарасик

#quote | «Most of the time, I don’t bother anymore. The link I clicked doesn’t open or is wrangled? Yep, I’m probably blocking some important third-party JavaScript. No, I don’t care. I’ve too much to read on a day anyway. More time for something else».

i can oh so relate! also: «I hate talking on the phone but it saves me a lot of time and stress».

read to know why:

thank you @ploum


@ploum Superbe article, qui me parle beaucoup. Je ressens de plus en plus cette différence, ce split en cherchant à rester en contact avec mes amis, qui postent beaucoup sur instagram, facebook, messenger et dans une moindre mesure twitter. Le fait que ces plateformes bloquent l'accès aux personnes non connectées est un réel frein pour l'accès aux nouvelles (et un frein salutaire pour l'accès à la manne de contenu dont mon cerveau est friand et dont je m'efforce de m'éloigner).

Random Tux User :fedora:

I simply worry that these tracking companies are doing more and more to further track people. It's not just our social media now, but also our families and friend's social media.

Anytime someone sends out information about me, it undermines my own efforts to stay private, and honestly this is what I worry about. They don't do it maliciously, but I can't seem to explain it in a way they'll get it.

So I don't think its a splitting of the web quite yet. I hope it happens eventually though

I simply worry that these tracking companies are doing more and more to further track people. It's not just our social media now, but also our families and friend's social media.

Anytime someone sends out information about me, it undermines my own efforts to stay private, and honestly this is what I worry about. They don't do it maliciously, but I can't seem to explain it in a way they'll get it.


@ploum Very interesting! And yes your blog design is very restful. I've been trying to remove myself from the ecosystems of the tech monopolies, and it's difficult. I've come to think of tech companies as selling not so much tech but convenience -- the convenience of being able to use computers without understanding much about how they work. Once they get you to commit to ignorance, you need them forever. I am very ignorant so choosing to get free of tech monopolies has been really hard. And I've talked to a lot of people who are interested but their eyes glaze over when I explain what's involved. They don't think they can do it!

@ploum Very interesting! And yes your blog design is very restful. I've been trying to remove myself from the ecosystems of the tech monopolies, and it's difficult. I've come to think of tech companies as selling not so much tech but convenience -- the convenience of being able to use computers without understanding much about how they work. Once they get you to commit to ignorance, you need them forever. I am very ignorant so choosing to get free of tech monopolies has been really hard. And I've...

Adam Dalliance

@ploum Yeah. I've been contrasting the corporate advertiser-friendly plastic web from the organic free ownerless web for a while. Encouraging people to jump from one the the other.

Google basically have blocked me now anyway. When I try and do a search there they just put me in a captcha loop coz I ain't logged in to their accounts system and I use a VPN.


@ploum really interesting idea.. wouldn’t be opposed to it myself

Terence Eden

I really enjoyed this article - thanks.

I also sometimes feel like there's a different world out there that I want no part of.

Benjamin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

Man, I run against this so often with technology. If it were up to me, I'd totally be picking and staying, but there's a bunch of sites I hate to use that I'm required to use for uni. Really frustrating. :P

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