@FinalOverdrive @pezmico humans will not disappear; there will be places that are still habitable. Humanity will get a blow though and civilization as we know it now will no longer be sustainable (not that it’s sustainable now, but we will also no longer be able to keep it alive in its current form) @dave_von_s @FinalOverdrive @pezmico I’ve been reading up on the Bronze Age collapse lately. For, y’know, reasons. @aprilfollies @dave_von_s @pezmico The scary thing is I don't think the collapse will be that dramatic. @FinalOverdrive @dave_von_s @pezmico The Bronze Age collapse wasn’t, either, as I understand it. Whole generations just… leaving no-longer-livable cities behind. @FinalOverdrive @dave_von_s @pezmico Then we’d better get good at urban food production on a pretty urgent timeline. Bonus, growing more plants will help cool cities down. Miami is probably doomed, though. @aprilfollies @dave_von_s @pezmico Yes and no. We won't know until it happens. Urban food production is already starting. @FinalOverdrive @dave_von_s @pezmico Yes, I’m involved in developing urban gardens in my city. It doesn’t scale to feeding numbers in the hundreds of thousands at the moment. What we have now are pilot projects. Basically we need to be doing All The Things to reduce the impact and prepare for it. The more we do now, the less bad we can make this inflection point in human history. @FinalOverdrive @pezmico I miss already being able to THINK during the afternoon, though @FinalOverdrive @pezmico probably, but a lot of innocent and vulnerable people who had no part in creating the disaster are going to die from it. @FinalOverdrive @pezmico i mean probably, but we could also help/have helped not getting to the point of dealing with that @atzanteol @pezmico I never said it wasn't fucked up, but it does prove green politics was it's own worst enemy. It was unable and unwilling to contemplate a greater horror: that civilization at this stage could survive even climate change. @pezmico The XKCD cartoon about global warming is the most sobering I’ve ever seen: https://xkcd.com/1732/ @EpiphanicSynchronicity @pezmico Most people (Including me!) don't realize a + or - 4C change can be the difference between a mile of ice or an extra 10m of sea water rise. Our little sphere is in such an amazingly delicate balance of barely habitable, and I hope it stays that way. @pezmico I wish, in the USA, we could start talking about a national 55 mph speed limit. And shut down a few pipelines. @pezmico well, yes. but it's not working. humanity now feels guilty about it. but we keep acting like humans. in some respect, nature might want to step up and apologise here. where did we come from? we didn't create ourselves. you might call it nature's mistake. but mother nature never apologises. @pezmico Lots of people saying they're already in Fuck. While I'm not in any position to debate what's the most accurate measurement of your position in this Highly Accurate and Rigorously Scientific timeline, I do feel that "Fuck" really comes when the food supply dwindles, water gets scarce (Hello Uruguay), coastal cities need to be evacuated and in general, our attempts to keep normality going become untenable. But yeah, not going to argue where you are on this. @pezmico True. We are in orange right now. Except, IMHO, the orange is a lot shorter than this graph indicates and blends seamlessly into red. Basically, by the time people concede that climate change is real, we will all be collectively saying "Oops." 🥲 @shrikant @pezmico What you describe is the f*, f* and double fuck, just before we wipe out civilisation. @gezza That was... surprisingly eloquent. Not joking. :) I kinda agree with you, except the people in charge of 'declaring' the emergency have enough fat on their bones to last out the peasants who will, unfortunately be forced to broil first. The "f*, f*, and double f*" stage will be declared only after the people in charge use up all their fat and begin to broil, sadly. I don't think anyone with half a brain ever denied the climate changes. That's a long way from we are sure it is warming (there's an unclaimed 100K euro price for whoever proves he can identify that trend mathematically) and humans cause that.
Then we are asked to believe these facts from people flying around the world on private jets who live in mansions who tell us we are the problem. Pass @pezmico I love this! At the same time until the curve starts getting bent down, we're still in the fuck around period. Find out period happens 50-100 years *after* net emissions start to decline. Unless clathrate gun. Then... Saddness @pezmico I think a lot of people may have the idea they can wait until it gets to the far end there and then just "fix it" overnight -- like a sort of procrastination on a global scale. Except that's not how global warming works... It would take decades just to get back to reasonable levels if we instantly stopped all emissions (impossible!) stopped cutting forests, and replanted all the trees we cut before. As things stand it could be hundreds of years in a realistic scenario. It does not matter whether climate change is caused by humans or not. The fact that many forest fires are caused by lightning strikes, does not mean that we stand by the side without trying to reduce/prevent the damage. The 'OOPS' phase that you show, is enough reason to get into action. Caused by humans or not. @pezmico I'm enjoying the new articles asking "Are Future Humans Our Problem?" when discussing climate change. 🤦🏼♂️ Yeah, I'm at Planet of the Apes "You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! God damn you all to hell!" "Stop asking [people] if they 'believe in' climate change and start asking if they understand it. It's science, not Santa Claus" @pezmico we positively are in the "fuck" stage. The north Atlantic current conveyor is about to collapse anyday now. @weaselx86 @pezmico And we have to fight this latest one more furiously than we have even the first two. To quote someone on the internet, “It’s never too late to make things less bad.” @pezmico feels like society's been mostly in an 'OK climate change is real, but lets talk about something less depressing' era for a few years now. Not sure how many of us yelling oops and fuck it takes to change that. @pezmico When people start to die in the thousands, that will be the oops zone. The last zone will be bad. @pezmico @pezmico some important agricultural lands feeding millions are starting to become very unhospitable to human life already (india, pakistan)... @pezmico As always, IMO and YMMV. @pezmico Not that I agree, I just don't think most people do. @scribe @DoubleTreble @pezmico I am, its a totally shit idea! You might sense a theme here. @MaJ1 @DoubleTreble @pezmico This is one of my favourite pages to keep an eye on... https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2023/07/18/britons-would-vote-rejoin-eu @scribe @DoubleTreble @pezmico Yeah, but a lot don’t realise we would be joining as a new country, and that it assumes the EU would even let us back in with our current policies. Deniers skip the "ooops" phase. They go straight from "it's not our fault" to "nothing we can do to stop it, gotta learn to live with it" (aka, screw the poor people). I think people are more likely to shrug and say, "what do you want me to do about it?" The people in the biggest position of influence are the corporate heads. They have their bunkers, hideaways, tickets to mars, whatever they need to insulate them from consequences. @pezmico @pezmico @pezmico |
I reckon a lot of folks are a lot closer to “fuck”