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@josephramoney @chris

She isn't the only black person who is harmed when this happens. But even if she were it's still shitty.


@futurebird @josephramoney @chris

Both things are true: those “libertarians” are racist white supremacists and Turner is racist socialist-populist trash.

There are no heroes in that incident.


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris Right but why bring up her being crappy in a discussion around black people being attacked on social media?

Isn't that like someone bringing up slavery then someone else screaming BUT CHICAGO!!!

As in. It's an attempt to derail the conversation from it's initial purposes. That purpose being..pointing out how twitter is a hellscape for black people now.


@DryBird227 @futurebird @josephramoney @chris

Because the issue is racism and she is herself a racist.

Nobody’s derailing anything. Nobody’s denying that the “libertarians” who attacked her are racist.

Actually, when you frame it this way, it’s perfect:

Twitter is a place for racists to argue with each other. There’s no reason for non-bigots to go there, not even to watch them fight.


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris So you have racism against a white person happening. And racism against a black person happening. Are they exactly the same? Or is it a matter of racism against black people existing in america WAY WAY more than racism against white people?

Keep in mind. The topic here is racism against black people on twitter.


@DryBird227 @futurebird @josephramoney @chris

I don’t support any kind of bigotry, and I don’t make exceptions, because that would itself be bigotry.

The topic is two racists fighting with each other.


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris But you do. Either on purpose or accidentally.

Because again. The orignal topic was racism against black people on twitter. And now you've targeted how many black politicians now? Effectively changing the subject and forcing me an others to correct you INSTEAD of talking about the original subject.

It's like people bringing up how it was chilly a day or so when the topic of climate change comes up.


@DryBird227 @futurebird @josephramoney @chris

Look at the actual thread: I didn’t bring up the fact that Turner is racist trash: @josephramoney did.

I responded, putting it into perspective. I stand by this.


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris So basically. If your friends jumped off a bridge you would too?

I kid. But no one held a gun to your head and MADE you change the subject/topic. No one MADE you continue on with what someone else said. And no one. And i mean no one. Is forcing you to keep talking right now.

Even if you just responded. You could have left it there after seeing that you were derailing a thread. But you didn't. That's no you.


@DryBird227 @futurebird @josephramoney @chris

Again, that’s simply not what happened. Someone else brought up the fact that Turner’s a racist, and I responded with the painfully accurate “Both things are true”.

This is the opposite of derailing: I pointed out that Turner’s own guilt does not let her attackers off the hook.

Are you done misquoting me?


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris OP: Racism toward black people on twitter is crazy!


Us: You're derailing the thread. It wasn't about that.


Anybody ever point out to you what white privilege is?


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris Here's an aspect of white privilege. Being able to dictate any and all conversations no matter if you're wrong or not. No matter if the subject matter directly effects you or not.

Then being able to say what you want without repercussions/without repercussions being as bad as with people of color/black people.


@DryBird227 @futurebird @josephramoney @chris

You keep accusing me of derailing when I’m not the one who brought up Turner’s bigotry.

I’m the one who pulled us back on the rails by saying both things are true and neither counters the other.


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris But you didn't pull anything back from anywhere.

It's like when a democrat makes a minor mistake on something. And people then scream both sides. Meanwhile, republicans are literally bringing child labor back.

All you're doing is helping the very people (racists) you say you disagree with. I mean. We're here talking about you instead of the subject/topic right? Why do you think that is? How did that happen?

myrmepropagandist replied to DELETED

@DryBird227 @TruthSandwich @josephramoney @chris

Same. I'm tired.
What Nina said "Insulin should be free." is something I would totally post. I'm certain were I there I'd be getting a low grade version of the same BS.

And reporting it, or calling it out wouldn't do anything.

And god help me for wanting to not be subject to the very most extreme racist attacks if I've ever uttered or thought a single 'wrong thing.' Only perfect black people deserve any sympathy for racism.


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris Here's an extra. Just for you. Some life advice.

Sometimes. You can just not. We aren't talking you doing extra actions. Just the absence of action. Really. If you are ever around any black person. Have a chance to talk to a black person. Ask them.

How many times have they seen white people completely change the subject of racism against black people to something entirely unrelated. You'll for sure be surprised with the answers.


@DryBird227 @TruthSandwich @josephramoney @chris

Thanks for this comment I was having a hard time pinpointing why this response annoyed me so much-- I mean, I don't see anything wrong with being critical of Nina. (Though, I think it's good that she's taken advice and focused on local politics more.)


@futurebird @TruthSandwich @josephramoney @chris You're welcome. I don't see anything wrong with it either. There's just a time and a place. Also, there are always reasons why people do things.


@futurebird @DryBird227 @josephramoney @chris

Being critical of Turner does not let the people who attacked her off the hook. It’s not a distraction; it’s a reminder of what’s really going on here.

People like Turner and AOC are frequent targets for reprehensible behavior from the far right, but they are unworthy of our sympathy.

Not only are they undeserving because of their own racism, but because they’re cynically gunning for this sympathy so that we feel compelled to defend and legitimize them.

Turner isn’t an innocent victim, she’s an opportunist who seeks out victimization, such as her claims of a Jewish conspiracy against her.

@futurebird @DryBird227 @josephramoney @chris

Being critical of Turner does not let the people who attacked her off the hook. It’s not a distraction; it’s a reminder of what’s really going on here.

People like Turner and AOC are frequent targets for reprehensible behavior from the far right, but they are unworthy of our sympathy.


@futurebird @DryBird227 @josephramoney @chris

Because she is.

The far left is antisemitic. Turner is a good example of this, as is Omar, who gets AOC’s full support.

The far right is openly racist. The far left is less open, but not much less racist. An example of this is their reliance on descriptive representation.



antisemitic people exist in any group of people who aren't Jewish, particularly in the US given the long history of antisemitism.

But if you can't see the reaction to Ilan Omar was disproportionate I don't know what to tell you.

It was racist the way the house came down on her so hard while others say far worse, refuse to learn, or apologize & actively try to make the US into a "Christian Nation."

I'd never tell anyone they had to forgive/trust her. But she *was* targeted.

Tut Willy 🔱

@futurebird @TruthSandwich
The first task would be to make that page mobile screen friendly? 🤔



Yes, of course she was. And so are AOC and Turner. And that was intentional, or at least opportunistic, on their part. They are willing victims.

Look, this deserves a much more thorough response than I can put together on the fly, but there’s more going on here than the surface level. I can try to summarize, but it’s not going to be a full-fledged argument; maybe I need to write up a blog post on this.

Briefly, the far left is extremely cynical about systemic bigotry. On the one hand, their Marxist class reductionism teaches them that it can safely be ignored because it’s just economic anxiety and will magically go away as soon as they finish eating the rich.

This trickle-down approach makes them, at minimum, anti-anti-racist, but there’s also quite a bit of active bigotry in there, with antisemitism and misogyny perhaps the most visible.

On the other hand, their cynicism allows them to make use of purely descriptive representation as a way to immunize themselves from accurate accusations about this topic.

Bluntly, they run skinfolk so that they can play the “I can’t be bigoted because I’m a minority myself” card as well as the “Any criticism of me stems from bigotry” one.

The former is an obvious lie, while the latter is also false but muddled by the fact that there is definitely bigotry involved in the R’s attacks.

However, as I alluded to earlier, these attacks are desired and baited. It makes them seem sympathetic and gets people who ought to know better to rush to their defense.

Anyhow, this is getting long, and I don’t have enough space in this margin for a full proof, so this will have to be my answer for now.

The bottom line is that Twitter has turned into a cesspool for performative culture war combat, and there are no heroes in this. The people attacking Turner are bigoted trash and so is she. I say let them rot.

#politics #uspol


Yes, of course she was. And so are AOC and Turner. And that was intentional, or at least opportunistic, on their part. They are willing victims.

Look, this deserves a much more thorough response than I can put together on the fly, but there’s more going on here than the surface level. I can try to summarize, but it’s not going to be a full-fledged argument; maybe I need to write up a blog post on this.

myrmepropagandist replied to DELETED


And all this is why it's fine for twitter to be full of memes of a prominent black woman made up to be a slave? Makes so much sense.

DELETED replied to myrmepropagandist


I can’t see where anyone here said any such thing. Literally nobody is defending the so-called libertarians, not even for a second.

Twitter has become the sort of place where sane people will be unhappy. I say leave it for the crazies. Which is, as it turns out, exactly what that your first post suggested.

So I think we’re just going to have to agree to agree, because I don’t see any disagreement.

myrmepropagandist replied to DELETED


You literally said "let them fight" as if the racist attacks didn't matter.

DELETED replied to myrmepropagandist


I said let them fight because they’re both racists and I have no sympathy for racists who find themselves the victim of racism. That’s just karma.

wasabi brain

@futurebird @TruthSandwich their definition of antisemitic is being critical of Israel. Which is why they also said that Bernie sanders, a descendent of holocaust survivors, was antisemitic

DELETED replied to wasabi

@virtualinanity @futurebird

No, that’s not true.

Do you want me to quote Turner blaming American Jews for conspiring against her political ambitions? Or would you prefer Omar endorsing genocide?

Don’t defend bigots because that makes you one. And I block bigots without blinking.


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris Here's the problem with that. As a black person i've seen white people bring up any and everything to distract away from racism against black people.

On any and all social media sites. If someone brings up racism against black people. Then certain kinds of white people will bring up something that has nothing to do with black people as a means to change the subject.

Again. What was the starting subject here?


@DryBird227 @TruthSandwich @josephramoney @chris

But AOC had a bad foreign policy take which she deleted (and she's been voting for all that spending and support this whole time--)

And this proves... something. Something that means it's find and dandy to post images of Nina Turner as a slave picking cotton.

Those images are hurtful to *all* black people. That twitter is now a place where that's "normal" is disgusting for all of us. It sucks.

But at least I'm not over there anymore I guess.


@futurebird @TruthSandwich @josephramoney @chris Yeah, i wouldn't even address what they brought up. And suggest you keep hitting your original topic as much and as hard as possible.

Until they get it that the topic will not be pulled away from what you were talking about.

I agree tho. Doesn't prove anything but that wasn't the context of your topic. It sucks that twitter is like that tho. With you on that.


@DryBird227 @futurebird @josephramoney @chris

The starting subject was a mock fight between two ends of the horseshoe.


@TruthSandwich @DryBird227 @josephramoney @chris

No it was how disgustingly racist twitter is. And how that racism is being actively promoted so it's basically impossible to avoid.


@TruthSandwich @futurebird @josephramoney @chris No. The starting subject/topic was why do black people stay on twitter even after it's clear that elon musk has allowed the worst of the worst to basically run the place.

That people of color in general but more specifically black people. Are being attacked on twitter more than ever before. Which is saying something because racism on american based social media sites is literally the norm.

Stella Campbell

@futurebird @josephramoney @chris Of course it is terrible. It really does not matter who she is - their behaviour is awful. Period.

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