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@futurebird @DryBird227 @josephramoney @chris

Because she is.

The far left is antisemitic. Turner is a good example of this, as is Omar, who gets AOC’s full support.

The far right is openly racist. The far left is less open, but not much less racist. An example of this is their reliance on descriptive representation.



antisemitic people exist in any group of people who aren't Jewish, particularly in the US given the long history of antisemitism.

But if you can't see the reaction to Ilan Omar was disproportionate I don't know what to tell you.

It was racist the way the house came down on her so hard while others say far worse, refuse to learn, or apologize & actively try to make the US into a "Christian Nation."

I'd never tell anyone they had to forgive/trust her. But she *was* targeted.

Tut Willy 🔱

@futurebird @TruthSandwich
The first task would be to make that page mobile screen friendly? 🤔



Yes, of course she was. And so are AOC and Turner. And that was intentional, or at least opportunistic, on their part. They are willing victims.

Look, this deserves a much more thorough response than I can put together on the fly, but there’s more going on here than the surface level. I can try to summarize, but it’s not going to be a full-fledged argument; maybe I need to write up a blog post on this.

Briefly, the far left is extremely cynical about systemic bigotry. On the one hand, their Marxist class reductionism teaches them that it can safely be ignored because it’s just economic anxiety and will magically go away as soon as they finish eating the rich.

This trickle-down approach makes them, at minimum, anti-anti-racist, but there’s also quite a bit of active bigotry in there, with antisemitism and misogyny perhaps the most visible.

On the other hand, their cynicism allows them to make use of purely descriptive representation as a way to immunize themselves from accurate accusations about this topic.

Bluntly, they run skinfolk so that they can play the “I can’t be bigoted because I’m a minority myself” card as well as the “Any criticism of me stems from bigotry” one.

The former is an obvious lie, while the latter is also false but muddled by the fact that there is definitely bigotry involved in the R’s attacks.

However, as I alluded to earlier, these attacks are desired and baited. It makes them seem sympathetic and gets people who ought to know better to rush to their defense.

Anyhow, this is getting long, and I don’t have enough space in this margin for a full proof, so this will have to be my answer for now.

The bottom line is that Twitter has turned into a cesspool for performative culture war combat, and there are no heroes in this. The people attacking Turner are bigoted trash and so is she. I say let them rot.

#politics #uspol


Yes, of course she was. And so are AOC and Turner. And that was intentional, or at least opportunistic, on their part. They are willing victims.

Look, this deserves a much more thorough response than I can put together on the fly, but there’s more going on here than the surface level. I can try to summarize, but it’s not going to be a full-fledged argument; maybe I need to write up a blog post on this.

myrmepropagandist replied to DELETED


And all this is why it's fine for twitter to be full of memes of a prominent black woman made up to be a slave? Makes so much sense.

DELETED replied to myrmepropagandist


I can’t see where anyone here said any such thing. Literally nobody is defending the so-called libertarians, not even for a second.

Twitter has become the sort of place where sane people will be unhappy. I say leave it for the crazies. Which is, as it turns out, exactly what that your first post suggested.

So I think we’re just going to have to agree to agree, because I don’t see any disagreement.

myrmepropagandist replied to DELETED


You literally said "let them fight" as if the racist attacks didn't matter.

DELETED replied to myrmepropagandist


I said let them fight because they’re both racists and I have no sympathy for racists who find themselves the victim of racism. That’s just karma.

wasabi brain

@futurebird @TruthSandwich their definition of antisemitic is being critical of Israel. Which is why they also said that Bernie sanders, a descendent of holocaust survivors, was antisemitic

DELETED replied to wasabi

@virtualinanity @futurebird

No, that’s not true.

Do you want me to quote Turner blaming American Jews for conspiring against her political ambitions? Or would you prefer Omar endorsing genocide?

Don’t defend bigots because that makes you one. And I block bigots without blinking.

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