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And all this is why it's fine for twitter to be full of memes of a prominent black woman made up to be a slave? Makes so much sense.

DELETED replied to myrmepropagandist


I can’t see where anyone here said any such thing. Literally nobody is defending the so-called libertarians, not even for a second.

Twitter has become the sort of place where sane people will be unhappy. I say leave it for the crazies. Which is, as it turns out, exactly what that your first post suggested.

So I think we’re just going to have to agree to agree, because I don’t see any disagreement.

myrmepropagandist replied to DELETED


You literally said "let them fight" as if the racist attacks didn't matter.

DELETED replied to myrmepropagandist


I said let them fight because they’re both racists and I have no sympathy for racists who find themselves the victim of racism. That’s just karma.

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