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Google is trying to put the web in a cage in the same way they put your devices in a cage (Android, ChromeOS).

There’s one really easy, simple and efficient way to fight them: uninstall Chrome/Chromium, use

Do it. Now.

– But I prefer Chrome because of…

If you are not ready to sacrifice a little comfort (so little, Firefox is great) to save the web, then you don’t deserve a free web anyway. You are part of those killing it.

Remove Chrome. Install Firefox.

(with adblockers)

AnotherDayInHell I'm screwed. I have a Pixel, although I do use Firefox on my desktop computer.


@fenarinarsa @ploum What is this "container" functionality of Firefox??

fenarinarsa :pokeball:

@xtof @ploum Open tabs with different contexts. Very very very very useful. Also "facebook jail" extension opens all Meta/Facebook sites in a specific "jailed" context from the rest of the web.

lucas 🎺

@ploum @fenarinarsa @xtof does that mean it’s harder for Facebook to track your non-Facebook behaviour?

ie when I do a search for “piano keyboards” on my local Music Store website I don’t go to Facebook and end up bombarded with ads for plastic music instruments?

Jon Winston

@ploum What do you think of Chromium browsers like Brave?

Jan 🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇦

@ploum Or work to cripple the telemetry and undesirable features of Chrome.

Firefox is introducing functionality where the browser silently disables plugins/extensions on Mozilla-specified sites.This makes me feel that "just use FF" isn't exactly a panacea. It's a choice of overlords.

🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣

@damnitjanet So you're complaining because Firefox, is indeed, unfortunately, not safe by default, although it can be made safer… The "functionality" you're mentioning can and must be removed

But you're OK with making people work for free just to maintain google's monopoly, and get an imaginary "safety" by working "to cripple the telemetry and undesirable features of Chrome"… which cannot be achieved anyway, because by definition, users have no control over proprietary software…


🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣

@damnitjanet The very own purpose of propietary software is to prevent third parties from removing undated "features", including marketing spyware, or adding needed features such as anti-tracking

google is pushing DRMs into web in order to prevent ad blockers from working… which is a huge problem… much worse that all the shitty things Mozilla foundation has ever done (which is a long list…)


Jan 🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇦

@devnull Thank you for acknowledging my point.

I'm not looking to get into a "this is better than that" contest. As I said, it's a choice of overlords.

I'm well aware of Google, and indeed, work on a daily basis to make their BS work less. I'm also pretty familiar with software, too.

Have a great day.

Vanessa Cardui

@damnitjanet @devnull you're right, FF introduced this new 'feauture' in version 115. but you're able to disable this by running 'about:config' and set
extensions.quarantinedDomains.enabled = false

since then, no addons are filtered, that's the opportunity in FF to configure it your style

Jan 🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇦

@vanessacardui That's useful info, thank you.

Truth told, I use both browsers. I just fscking hate it when I get someone up in my mentions trying to explain things to me I'm deeply aware of already. 😉

J. R. DePriest :verified_trans: :donor: :Moopsy: :EA DATA. SF:

has been my "daily driver" so to speak on my work and home PCs for years (both Windows and Linux).
Mozilla isn't perfect and they've made some suspect decisions over the years, almost always due to "they needed the money".
I still find it a better alternative than Chrome or anything built on Chromium.


@ploum what’s the best ad blocker for Firefox?


@intothetilian : I guess it is uBlock origin.

I’m myself using adguard, having a lifetime account with them and being very happy.

As a power user, I’m also using noscript to block every JS but those really needed.


@intothetilian @ploum uBlock Origin. It exists for Chrome, but it’s way more powerful on Firefox, because Firefox has not removed a critical API, unlike Chrome…


@ploum do you think using safari is also considered fighting against Google?


@piyuv : Is Apple fighting for an open computing landscape?

I think it speaks for itself.

Apple is more than happy to collaborate on anything that could restrict users freedom. That’s their main mission to please shareholders: building walled gardens to keep users captive.

OmbreMad 🫥

@ploum « you don’t deserve blablaaaah »

Listen we’re really on the same side of this issue, but you need to stop talking to people like this. Even I, Firefox user since it was still a little Bird, would want to get as far away as a a possible from a community that would use such elitist, bigoted, and kinda asshole arguments against users.


@ombremad : Chrome die-hard fans are mostly tech-savy developers. I’m talking to them (which is my core audience on Mastodon)

People which have the education to understand that Google is a problem but, yet, uses Google tools all the time.

Yes, those people, the geeks, us. We are the problems.

The people who don’t know which browser they are using? They rely on us, they are using what we give to them. We can’t blame them.

Yoann Aubry

@ploum @ombremad the problem is the monopoly on devices and the lack of regulation on telemetry.


@yo @ploum @ombremad Not to mention a serious lack of software diversity. Web standards have become way too complex. Making a new rendering engine work at all is already a tall order, so I don't even want to think about the work needed to make it fast. That means it is unlikely that we'll see a third rendering engine emerge anytime soon. The fact that even Microsoft gave up is saying something.

@x0r @yo @ploum @ombremad i would'nt be so pessimistic about that.

Servo is on (new) track to become a viable engine (now that mozilla isn't the leader anymore).
But my hopes are now going toward libweb and its Ladybird browser which starts to render webpages quite well.

iirc there is a third new engine but i don't remember its name (it was mobile first).
@x0r @yo @ploum @ombremad i would'nt be so pessimistic about that.

Servo is on (new) track to become a viable engine (now that mozilla isn't the leader anymore).
jr conlin

@woolie @ploum

Because there are computers and phones that are not made by Apple?

Steven Woolgar

@jrconlin @ploum Safari runs on Windows too no? But again, not all computers run Apple or Microsoft. The recommendation holds though it seems to me. Don’t use Firefox or even Safari over chrome.

Danny Colin

@woolie @jrconlin @ploum Safari on WIndows has been discontinued for more than 10 years now. So Firefox is the last non-Chromium and cross-platforms browser.


@jrconlin dude, commodore and atari are gone, man.

jr conlin


Pretty sure some lunatic ported to them.

Firefox is the Doom of browsers.

Steven Woolgar

@jrconlin @jongary I had to read that a few times before I noticed the capital D Doom

jr conlin

@woolie @jongary

That's why I am not allowed to sit in marketing meetings.


@ploum never used chrome or chrome book, hh

-1^0.5🌈♀:arch_linux: :kde:

@ploum 👍​


Install Firefox

:firefox_nightly:​ + + = 🎉​💜​

gavinisdie :troll:

@ploum just switched from a Chromium based browser (Edge) to Firefox earlier today, what are some good adblockers?


@ploum qutebrowser has removed features talking to g*, see here, at the bottom of the page :

tok 🕊️

@ploum LibreWolf might be a good option too. It's more degoogled than Firefox.

Mike Torr

@ploum I've been using Opera for many, many years now. Where do you stand on that? Just curious.


@ploum even better run nightly with telemetry enabled.

Florian Judith

@ploum firefox works well on android too, and with uBlock origin you can even have a very safe web experience !r

Cinquante-Deux :cccg:

@ploum Never had Chrome installed. Firefox since v1.

Niavy :bearn: :verified:

@ploum Firefox is great on mobile but SOOOO heavy and slooooOOOOOooow on low-range or outdated desktop devices 😩

Cinquante-Deux :cccg:

@niavy Core i5 is the right balance. Even an old gen. @ploum

Cinquante-Deux :cccg:

@niavy Nevertheless FF runs like a charm on a Core m3 very-low-TDP processor, and even on a 5-year-old Pentium Gold... @ploum


I use chromium too because some websites (which i need for administrative stuff) don't work with firefox so i don't have a choice.

Benjamin Sonntag-King 🐙

@nitot @ploum @theolong très bon choix
il n'en reste pas moins que si chrome se met à fournir une API qui permet de bloquer les adbloqueurs de manière industrielle
et que des sites refusent de s'afficher si l'adbloqueur est présent, on aura un problème :/

Peut-être lutter contre cette norme absurde *en plus* d'utiliser et promouvoir les adbloqueurs parait un bon choix ?


@vincib @nitot @theolong : ptêtre qu’en fait, on a pas vraiment besoin d’aller sur ces sites ?

Ça fait quelques années que si un site ne s’affiche pas correctement avec mes adblocks ou si il y’a des trucs trop envahissants, j’ai le réflexe de fermer immédiatement. J’essaie même pas.

Sûr, c’est peut-être du contenu intéressant. Mais je ne manque pas de contenu intéressant.

bituur esztreym

@ploum @vincib @nitot @theolong
et puis en plus j'aime pas les "contenus" (mais c'est une autre histoire)


@bituur_esztreym @ploum

Le mode "lecture" des pages dans firefox permet aussi d'y voir parfois plus clair sur ces contenus...

@vincib @nitot @theolong

Benjamin Sonntag-King 🐙

@ploum @nitot @theolong c'est pas faux :)
ça m'est arrivé quelques fois ces dernières années, oui,

ouvrir le site

refermer :)

jRm 𝕏]

@vincib @ploum

En général adblock + JS bloqué par défaut ça ouvre pas mal de portes. Et les sites réticents : :shoryuken:

@nitot @theolong

bituur esztreym

@nitot @ploum @theolong
uBlock origin oui, que je mixe avec Ninja Cookie AdNauseam Ghostery Privacy Bager et je sais plus quoi `~8=/B


@bituur_esztreym @nitot @theolong : J’ai remplacé Ninja Cookie par Consent-o-matic : c’est libre et ça fonctionne mieux.

Théophraste Longuet

@ploum @nitot Par défaut, je navigue en mode privé. Et quand je ferme le navigateur tout est remis à zéro. Mais quand j'ai des sites qui réclament obligatoirement d'installer des cookies, j'utilise l'extension "Cookie AutoDelete". Certes, c'est un effacement à postériori, mais souvent, je peux continuer de rester sur le site, même si je viens d'effacer les cadeaux empoisonnés fraîchement installés (c'est sous FF).


@bituur_esztreym @nitot @ploum @theolong I would recommend Ublock origin + umatrix. Some say that you can get similar functionality.

PLEASE tell us the future of umatrix which will allow us to block all scripts in a table like fashion-

Shangrin :verified:

@ploum ok but what about Edge or Brave or Opera?

Tally P.
@ploum I've never been good with the browser thing, but can you save and transfer your favorites (I have a crapload) into Firefox easily? I got Firefox downloaded, just not used to it, so I've barely used it. Otherwise I'll have to spend a while going 1 site at a time to save and bookmark everything (I'm also on Windows, if that helps).

Anyway, who needs a graphical browser when you can read all the Web and (and ) in the comfort of your terminal with Offpunk ?

MacropodCarer: Verified 🌈🦘🦣

I'm also using Brave with duck duck go as the search. Chrome has its moments but far too invasive. Imagine searching for a masturbatory device online at home and then the search results reoccur at work.

NSFW in my view.

Iron Bug
@ploum Firefox _was_ great. a long, long ago. since, they declined from normality, brought that BS of rust to the world, signing their inability to bash their own bugs, repelled all normal developers, ruined the code, turned into coproration lead not by common sense and open source develoipers, but ruled by stupid and greedy managers, began to shove up ads to their users and went to total crap. let them r.i.p.
I quit building and using it years ago. and since it got worse and worse. they try to pretend it moves, but it's a corpse, generally speaking.
we need something fresh. without BS.
@ploum Firefox _was_ great. a long, long ago. since, they declined from normality, brought that BS of rust to the world, signing their inability to bash their own bugs, repelled all normal developers, ruined the code, turned into coproration lead not by common sense and open source develoipers, but ruled by stupid and greedy managers, began to shove up ads to their users and went to total crap. let them r.i.p.

@ploum I've been using Firefox for 6 years now probably (and DuckDuckGo).

Can somebody fill me in? What's going on here

Fidik Vien

@ploum @silvereagle I’d almost argue safari on iOS devices and Mac is also a good choice…. Privacy first, if you’re paying for iCloud you have iCloud private relay… I like it

Piko Starsider :verified_paw:

@ploum I keep ungoogled chromium around for development purposes only, for anything else I use Firefox. Including mobile devices.


@ploum brb, going back in time to warn everyone developing KHTML what will happen


@ploum I changed to bing and other suggestions for iOS

Adnan 🦙

@ploum @pavi But ad blockers are built in Firefox, aren’t they?

swansinflight :excuseme:

@ploum pretty much. I use Firefox for 99% of my browsing and it is more than fine. One the rare occasion I need to use a different browser, I usually don't return to their site.



The is pure, unmitigated . The "" barely even tries to make it sound like it's supposed to help the , which of course it isn't.

I wrote a short thread about it here.

Kay Ohtie

@ploum Also: containers are the most underrated feature of Firefox. They're fantastic whether you're a developer, a journalist, or just someone who wants a little separation to disrupt tracking.

Anton Piatek

@ploum Firefox on android has really nice ad blockers. Definitely a better Web experience than chrome!


@ploum Kinda rich giving Android as an example, when Apple is right there. Also I run DuckDuckGo as a search engine, so what's the issue with Chrome exactly?

Robbie 🇧🇪 :tux:

@ploum Firefox has its own privacy issues. They can be overcome, but why even bother when you can easily install a real privacy focused fork librewolf.

Dr. Seltsam

@ploum Could you explain me what the cage will be? Reading the github page, I don't get it :(


@ploum Just go saying switch to another browser, comes with several real challenges, such as

is using .

You will also need to tell people they should be choosing FireFox-ESR, otherwise they can's protects themself from Mozilla's / as the about:config do not accepts all your privacy optimizations in you /etc/firefox/policies/policies.json files as they are logged for unnoticed tracking of your browser activities (Yes they did that to their US users a couple of years ago) Hence it became spyware, This was done to collect user identifiable data for they ever worse Spy Ware cliqs.

Yes, your post is somewhat fine, you just lack all the important info that makes it all freedom and coders choice of browser, We do not use it as is, we do modify the policies.json heavily and we do a lot of on our networks to stay privacy from FF's(Chrome) engine

There was a question about what FF's containers do.

The containers are attempting to keep the the tabs water tight from each other, meaning the the one tab should not be able to negotiate with other tabs. This just not always working as AH's like 😉 gives very little in your democracy and privacy, so you are not in a safe-heaven spot, but it is sure better. (Noticed I didn't say good, but better)


@ploum Just go saying switch to another browser, comes with several real challenges, such as

is using .

You will also need to tell people they should be choosing FireFox-ESR, otherwise they can's protects themself from Mozilla's / as the about:config do not accepts all your privacy optimizations in you /etc/firefox/policies/policies.json files as they are logged for unnoticed tracking of your browser activities...



I’ve used Firefox instead of Microsoft’s Explorer/exploder (as I heard it called by someone) and duckduckgo as a search engine for years and have been quite happy.

Nazim Bharmal

@ploum Ungoogled Chromium is what I rolled out for my work, over Edge which is mandated by work unless you wave "business case" in front of them to get admin options. UC works alright together with KeeWeb to store and sync passwords across Windows and Mac OS.



*cough* Nope.

You should be using which has even tighter security and all the bullshit turned off.

And you can use all same as you currently use for Firefox.

I use for work and for it works flawlessly on both.

Chłop Marcin :fediverse:

@ploum Can you give concrete examples of "Google trying to put the web in a cage in the same way they put your devices in a cage (Android, ChromeOS)", please?

I use almost no software, as I'm aware of some very negative impacts of Google but I lack concrete evidence that "Google is trying to put the web in a cage...". Please elaborat or just give links.

vibhor 🍑 🏳️‍🌈

@ploum I would want to add that de googling chromium wont help , since the companies will soon stop making their webapps for firefox or testing it for firefox and hence apps may break on firefox , if the market share plummets ! As a web developer I have seen this happening first hand !

Crow Stormwitch

@ploum My standard installation of Firefox came with a Google search engine. You can easily change it to use duck duck go.


@ploum Remove Chrome. Remove Firefox. Install .

Nicolas Fressengeas



Thank you @ploum !

Could you consider editing your post and adding a reference as to why Google is trying to put the web in cage ? (I know why, others may not)


@ploum I am using brave browser since several years. It's stated, that brave will not be impacted by Manifest V3 – any ideas here?

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@ploum same.goes with amd / :

The only winning move is to refuse to use that shit, cuz !

Rob Landley

@ploum Firefox is jumping out of the frying pan into the fire; the Mozilla foundation is a scam.

Vivaldi browser might be worth trying, but I haven't bothered yet.

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