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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Dear fediverse: someone being a “furry” does not warrant a report. If you don’t like furries, there is a handy option to block or mute people.

Thank you for your attention.

🎉 MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@jerry sorry, but I have ask it again - What the Actual FUCK is wrong with people?


@jerry lmfao i cant even imagine some of the reports you must get there. Ones over here are bad enough sometimes

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@doot “he said I was mean”

“She isn’t wearing enough clothes in that pic”

“That account posted two posts within a few minutes of each other”

“This person thinks it’s ok to get a poisonous vaccines”

“This person thinks it’s ok to not get a lifesaving vaccine”

And on and on and on


@jerry complaining about seeing nsfw content after clicking a nsfw warning must be a reg, too.

My favourite we ever had was, for a post saying 'butts, please boost.' a report complaining the user was soliciting boosts 🙃

Tero Hänninen

@jerry @doot Surprised there are no "didn't include GNU in Linux" on your top 10!

Frank Barton

@jerry @doot So... do you then report them to their home instances for wasting your time?

Phil M0OFX

@fbarton @jerry @doot Probably should, but I expect they're probably the sort of instances one would not wish to stumble upon during a late night of web surfing.

Experiencer (Mastodon)

@jerry @doot why the fucking hell are people reporting others over vaccines (sure I haven't had any COVID ones but still)

For a cyber security server, you'd think the reports wouldn't be as crazy as those


@experiencersinternational @jerry thing is, you're having to deal with other people's perceptions of their own server being applied to your own and vice versa. To you it's a security server, to them it's just another part of the platform where they talk about cats and/or get freaky, and vice versa. So you're moderating based on a whole host of perceptions and rules


@jerry @experiencersinternational Everyone's got a thing, and oh boy do we love sharing it on the fedi, much to the dismay of admins everywhere 😁

Jernej Simončič �

@jerry @doot


“That account posted two posts within a few minutes of each other”

I'm so sorry, I didn't know I have to moderate my posting!


@jernej__s @jerry @doot the rate limiting will continue until moral improves.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@jernej__s @doot we’ll let you know if it’s a problem. Just pointing out some of the complaints we get.


@jerry @doot Making it easy to report people very much has that side effect. There's a sense that reporting someone somehow validates your position because someone else will see why you don't like that person.

Muting and blocking are quiet ways of doing this but then no one gets to agree with you by taking action.

Obviously reporting is a necessary feature but...yeah... I'm guessing it is most often used incorrectly.


@jerry Today, I reported an account that seemed completely new, used Chinese as primary language, followed me (and only me) and pinged me in quick succession on the basis that it was probably a bot, and worth looking into.

Was that overzealous, and should I have made sure that it was, in fact, a bot, or did my suspicions warrant a report for mods to take a look at said account?

Alex Chaffee

@jerry @doot

sounds more like a “self-report” button 😝

Dr. Ogg :verified:

@jerry are you serious, I would expect this on Facebook... not here wow, what a fail



Why would anyone report this cute little thing?

Wait...furry, not Furby. Ok, now it makes a bit more sense.

Tim Hergert

@ohiorob @jerry I think that if someone is a Furby - you should probably let them know that they'll be required to recuse themselves from any sort of level of classified conversation.


@jerry Pff just people with bad taste. Furries are cute.


@helligbird @jerry I flat out do not understand it. Even what it is. But I'm so hesitant to ask because I'd hate to come off as judgmental or closed-minded when I'm really just completely ignorant and confused.

Melpomene The hate furries get is 100% nonsense. I'm not a furry, but furries are cool with me.


@jerry Yeah, true story. Although it'd be nice to have an AI to proactively block/mute large numbers of people instead of having to reactively do it after getting skeeved out.


@jerry I'd probably just yeet the person who sent the report 🙃

Uwe Schwarz ッ�

@jerry on the internet nobody knows you‘re a dog 🐶


@e38383 @jerry i misquoted this the other day as "on the internet, everyone can be a cat" I was quickly corrected

Uwe Schwarz ッ�

@ericatty Cunningham's Law at work: "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."

even though i follow and like a furry myself, i think these degenerate pieces of shit should be punished by death irl (if they can't be cured)

@jerry Whaaaat? Furries? In the Fediverse, of all places?!

Kye Fox

@jerry Imagine reporting a furry on an infosec server

You'd have to ban 99% of it

Alexis :verifiedtransbian:

@Kye @jerry Oof. Hateful people really thought that the admin was going to be hateful 😕


@Kye @jerry I read this as if it were a George Costanza talking to Jerry Seinfeld and it worked pretty well as a joke on its own.

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷 did someone really file a report for "furry" ​:blobcatlul:​


@jerry Part of me wishes I got these dumb reports, another part is mercifully glad I've avoided them thus far.

Karb 💎


Okay, it'd be even weirder if some reported a furry for being a furry on a furry instance xD


@jerry frankly, if someone has a problem with furries they're gonna have a problem a significant chunk of the fediverse

Kevin Mirsky :donor:

@jerry Does Mastodon give you the ability to mute a reporter? Or see who the person sending inane reports is?


@jerry This type of activity is unfortunitally expected as Mastodon gains more wider appeal.

New users are interfacing for the first time with niche communities that were historically insulated.

In the end it should be good, people can see that the denezins of these communities are regular people and not a threat to the greater whole.

As long as everyone plays nice, does not force their views on others, and live and let live, we will all get along.


This is exactly what happened to me. Before getting on mastodon, I had a generally negative view of furries, which was purely based on ignorance.

A* Ulven :verified_blobcat:

@jerry imagine reporting furries, who make up like half of Fedi lmao

la .samflir. :ms_robot:

@jerry if someone doesn't like furries, infosec may not be the best career for them. :ms_robot_grin:​

Robin Bobcat

@jerry this seems like a good place to leave this classic:

Santiago Lema :amiga:

@morecowbell @jerry there’s a high risk of cuddling and giggling that cannot be discarded

FS9-BS "Bad Survivor"

@jerry Some people are such losers I swear.

Some of the raddest people I know are furries, so what they have a weird hobby dressing up and playing make believe? That's cool, actually! Being weird is good! Having an imagination is good! Having fun is good!

It's like reporting somebody for saying they play Dungeons and Dragons.

Servia Marcia Nemoris

@jerry I want to be in a place where I needed to say something like, "Why on Earth would anybody..."

But I'm on the Internet and let's face it, we know perfectly well why anybody would, and it's because people are terrible [on the Internet*].

[* Delete according to degree of personal misanthropy.]

Chris [list of emoji]


"Say you're new to the Internet without saying you're new to the Internet."

(Facebook doesn't really qualify as Internet.)


@jerry maybe it was a typo and they were reporting a fury? Those things gave ancient Greeks an awful time and I wouldn't let them on my server.


@jerry lol @ these humans.

No furries = no fedi #Fact

Phil M0OFX

@jerry Speaking as a former furry -- and with the emphasis that this doesn't excuse the anti-furry hate -- but they do the same thing to people they don't like, and for the most petty of reasons. There's no innocence here.


@philpem You can't "both sides" this just because you once encountered someone else also doing the bad thing.

Do you know for a fact that everyone who got reported for "furry" is themselves guilty of the same thing? Or are you implying there is some greater system of cosmic justice going on here?

Phil M0OFX

@vurpo I'm implying nothing. I've had similar experiences and I've seen how they behave and coordinate - and that's all I'm pointing out. Sometimes both sides really do deserve each other.

Philipp Michel Reichold

@jerry and let's not forget that magical tool, the edit filter #feditips

Philipp Michel Reichold

@jerry OR furious furry fury reports must be infuriating.


Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

This reminds me of my main interaction with furries. Long, possibly boring tale ahead.

I was involved in helping with a Wizard of Oz fan convention in Portland, OR, one year. The chair was an older woman - a close friend - who reached out to local fandom for help with the practicalities. This Oz group had been using the same location in CA for years, and running a con at a new place was a challenge. 1/?

Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

So the con chair reached out to local fandom, and the only people to respond in a timely manner were a group of furries. She had no idea what furries were, and didn't care. They assisted her with the hotel, loaned the Oz group equipment for programming, and generally were awesome support.

When I heard who was helping us, I told the chair what furries were. So she was disappointed when the first day of the con arrived and her new friends showed up in regular clothing - no fursuits. 2/?

Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

When she asked why, they explained that they didn't want to freak out the Wizard of Oz fans - a mostly older demographic. But she pointed out that the Oz books are full of talking animals, magic, and gender switching. The furries... well, they weren't convinced, but one of them came the next day in a fursuit.

The Oz fans were thrilled. They took photos, they discussed the practicalities of fursuits, they had discussions with the furries about stereotypes... 3/?

When she asked why, they explained that they didn't want to freak out the Wizard of Oz fans - a mostly older demographic. But she pointed out that the Oz books are full of talking animals, magic, and gender switching. The furries... well, they weren't convinced, but one of them came the next day in a fursuit.

Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

In short, the furries and the Oz fans became instant friends.

I was incredibly impressed by the furries. They didn't just show up, they showed up professionally, with sensitivity to the people they were helping, and they volunteered time and effort to make the convention a success.

My opinion of furries, which had been neutral uncertainty, swung right over into positive and has stayed there since.

Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

So reading that someone reported someone else for being a furry makes my head hurt.

Despite that, thank you for bringing back some lovely memories with your mention of furries.


Phil M0OFX

@realtegan For some reason this thread isn't fully loading on my instance -- but what a great story and a huge contrast to my experiences (the group I met routinely picked fights with attendees, were incredibly ableist, really nepotistic and were just generally toxic people).
I'd heard the US ones were more friendly and that's certainly been my experience. Really glad you had a great time with them!

Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

There are nasty people in any fandom. I've never met a group that didn't have some stinker involved at some point.

I'm just glad my experiences with furries have been almost entirely positive.

Phil M0OFX

@realtegan I guess we've got small island syndrome or an overabundance of broken stairs. I was involved in the scene over here for a long time and even ran events for them. "Competing" groups would start vile rumours (we didn't see ourselves as competing) and in the end we all just burned out.
A lot of the folks I know/knew used to do the US/CAN cons and spoke highly of them.

Keep those friendly, helpful furs close, you'll not meet many like them!

@realtegan I guess we've got small island syndrome or an overabundance of broken stairs. I was involved in the scene over here for a long time and even ran events for them. "Competing" groups would start vile rumours (we didn't see ourselves as competing) and in the end we all just burned out.
A lot of the folks I know/knew used to do the US/CAN cons and spoke highly of them.


@jerry lmao, who the hell do they think makes the stuff they use on the internet run correctly

Nila :verified:

@jerry Furries in YOUR Fediverse?! It's more likely than you think.

Rob Carlson

@jerry But good luck getting solid tech advice if you do.


@jerry So you're saying people shouldn't spend their entire waking lives reporting 90% of the accounts on the Fediverse? The audacity! (/s if needed)


@jerry I struggle to find a reason why someone would care if an stranger is a furie. Seriously how TF does that affect you?

John Philip Bell

@jerry I haven't shaved in a few days... So I'm a little 'fuzzy' is that something someone can report too!???

(I mean aside from my wife, she gets to raise it as a issue.) 🤪

Twitter_expat ✅(Fedi Resident)


I wonder who is in the #fediverse and is adverse of #furries … I mean for me the fediverse was made FOR furries!


@jerry and the block functionality works extremely well on mastodon holy shit

Mark Tomczak

@jerry "We at the server appreciate your feedback. As a result of your report, we have looked into this person and discovered they were an artist whose Patreon we had not yet subscribed to. We have rectified the error. Please feel free to notify us about other oversights in the future. Sincerely, the admin."

Julie (she/they) 🚝🏳️‍⚧️🏹🎯

@jerry lol, imagine being the person who walks into the fediverse and thinks furries shouldn't be here. read the room, people.


@jerry If only they knew we are Everywhere.

A significant amount of technology they use... tainted by furries


@jerry Oh, that poor, confused soul. XD



Jerry looking through his mod log like "welp".

Steve Lord

@jerry I mean, if someone doesn't like furries the fediverse *really* is the wrong network for them.

Chaotic Natural 20

I really don't understand what people have against furries... I mean, it's like trying to report someone for drinking room-temperature water instead of cold.


@jerry not to play devil's advocate but it technically would warrant a report if 'being a furry' was against the server's rules lol. Haven't yet seen such a server rule out in the wild though


@jerry if you're surprised to find a furry on "" i dare say you don't know the first think about information security

@jerry the fact that you had to say this... absolutely wild
Mastodon Headline News



@jerry Im just going to say uwu *nuzzles*

gavinisdie :troll:

@jerry I think it's weird that people will hate onnand hunt furries more than pedophiles


@jerry Bit ironic to leave centralised social media only to try and make it again but you're in charge. Only difference is who gets banned. If you don't like the people on your instance, maybe just change instance instead.

Darwin Woodka

@jerry If you don't like furries, please let me know so I can block or mute you.


@jerry Angry that *anyone* thought sending a report was okay. Seriously, why?


@jerry never understood the deal with people hating furries they're just anthropomorphic animals. do you hate sonic??? do you hate tanooki mario?????

Peter Koopman 🦣

Wait, what? Furries? Where? I love furries. ❤️

Karen Simpson


You can pretty much add anything in between those quotes.


steve mookie kong


> If you don’t like furries, there is a handy option to block or mute people.

Or learn to be more inclusive.

John Colagioia

@jerry I've long been of the opinion that "report" should be broken out into items like "called for the extermination of a subpopulation of humans," "spread misinformation," and "person's existence is sinful."

The last would have an automated resolution...

Dennis Faucher :donor: :mastodon:

@jerry Oh, Lort. This HOA is out of control. Furries run the treadmills that keep the Fedi lights on!


@jerry I am honestly shocked that somebody would follow people on an infosec instance and then be surprised when said instance has a few furries on it. tech is like...a stereotypically furry profession


@jerry its a shame we can't fix stupid.


@jerry if anyone reports me for something bogus like that i will meow as a response.

cuntroll lmao some people are snowflakes

they also chose the wrong social media to be mad against us lol


@jerry sounds like the moderation tool needs its own block/mute functionality for the repeat reporters of the inane. It wouldn't help with one-off folks, but I suspect they don't stop with a single report.


@jerry did you block the reporter 😉​ ?


@jerry ruben sims fault is probally that people hate furries?

unixjunk1e 🌵

@jerry "Tell the 'verse you're new around here without telling the 'verse you're new around here."

:itsaliens:​ 😂​

When I first set up a mastodon account some years ago, manga/anime and furries were basically the core of the content 😄

Sandy Johnson

Holy hell. This isn't a joke is it? I'm gobsmacked. People are now equating furries with the truly unsavory sickos in society?

Dio I always fast scroll to the block option.

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