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Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

So reading that someone reported someone else for being a furry makes my head hurt.

Despite that, thank you for bringing back some lovely memories with your mention of furries.


Mark Tomczak

@realtegan @jerry Love this story.

Steel City Comic-con hosted William Shatner last year, so no surprise that folks were out in their Star Trek garb. But it's Pittsburgh, so folks were also out in their fursuits.

A group of the two fandoms got together for a photo op in front of the photo-op wall with the Trekkies pulling out their tricorders and getting scans on the furries. Funniest damn thing I saw all day. Wish I'd had the courage to ask if they minded if I snapped a photo too; it was great.

Chaotic Natural 20

I was not expecting that level of wholesome; thank you

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