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Phil M0OFX

@realtegan For some reason this thread isn't fully loading on my instance -- but what a great story and a huge contrast to my experiences (the group I met routinely picked fights with attendees, were incredibly ableist, really nepotistic and were just generally toxic people).
I'd heard the US ones were more friendly and that's certainly been my experience. Really glad you had a great time with them!

Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

There are nasty people in any fandom. I've never met a group that didn't have some stinker involved at some point.

I'm just glad my experiences with furries have been almost entirely positive.

Phil M0OFX

@realtegan I guess we've got small island syndrome or an overabundance of broken stairs. I was involved in the scene over here for a long time and even ran events for them. "Competing" groups would start vile rumours (we didn't see ourselves as competing) and in the end we all just burned out.
A lot of the folks I know/knew used to do the US/CAN cons and spoke highly of them.

Keep those friendly, helpful furs close, you'll not meet many like them!

@realtegan I guess we've got small island syndrome or an overabundance of broken stairs. I was involved in the scene over here for a long time and even ran events for them. "Competing" groups would start vile rumours (we didn't see ourselves as competing) and in the end we all just burned out.
A lot of the folks I know/knew used to do the US/CAN cons and spoke highly of them.

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