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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

I just read another news article about why mastodon didn’t make it and is dying. It’s very sad to hear and probably explains why I have to keep adding more server capacity to handle all the people quitting mastodon.

Granny Art (Shrimp) (Joni)

@jerry i fucking love your dry sense of humor, Jerry.

Tim Hergert

@jerry Probably written by the same folks who keep churning out the "End of Remote Work" articles.


@Cjust @jerry those and the "quiet quitting (not performing beyond the requirements of your contract) is bad actually" articles, I'm sure.

Matt Kilgore

@jerry Well damn, maybe you can buy some servers off twitter since failure seems to need more compute than success.

Sarah Brown
@jerry It's dying so hard I had to turn on auto follower approval because I couldn't actually keep up with requests.
Michael Santaly

@jerry At least they’re talking about Mastodon I guess. Crazy how little any of the tech press has recognized Lemmy/Kbin considering the Reddit fiasco

fireshaper :lpuverified:

@wonkothesane The tech writers care more about their birdsite performance than Reddit karma.

Ben Tasker

@jerry It must be because everyone who leaves is added to the Clacks overhead

GNU Terry Pratchett


@jerry but jerry, what if people want Shatner to find them??

Sarah Brown
@doot @jerry Honestly, a man that stole a starship, set it to auto destruct, stole a Klingon bird of prey and time travelled back to grab a breeding pair of whales just to find ONE GUY sure seems to complain a lot about how hard it is to find people on Fediverse.
Daniel Waites :donor:

@jerry it turns out the killer feature of the Fediverse is not caring about interest rates.

[ick] :hotboi:

@jerry it works like a graveyard where you need to keep expanding space to have room to bury all those dead accounts, right?


@jerry The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

John Mastodon or Mark Twain
I dunno, I'm a bot.

Xavier «X» Santolaria :verified_paw: :donor:

@jerry Not sure where all these data come from... but frankly, I can't see it dying from where I sit. And I'm glad the #infosec sphere is here too! :apartyblobcat:​

Chris Drumgoole

@jerry Yeah very strange phenomenon where less users is actually more resource intensive…

Reiner Jung

@jerry public standardized open technology never works and is always replaced by special much more capable technology. When everyone can implement something and it is compatible with other stuff, how can you exploit people. Look what standardizing electricity plugs have led to. Thousands of companies implement devices. How to corner the market with this? *Italian hand gesture*


@jerry Mastodon is dead! Long live Mastodon!

[nate@social0 ~]$ :idle:

@jerry Mastodon is apparently so well engineered that it requires less resources with more users. all the folks quitting are reversing those optimizations.

Greg 🇳🇿 🇨🇵

@jerry The end is nigh. Repent Mastodons. :mastodon: 🙃


@jerry The Fediverse's exit gate is controlled by Maxwell's Demon.


@jerry Case in point, June 12th on Reddit.


@jerry I feel like they should stick this on cigarette packs.

Chris. R. 🎧🎼☕🍍

@jerry it’s called reverse engineering. Fewer users need more resources. That’s why Twitter is cutting their resources, due to the fantastic growth numbers.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@haploc that makes sense. I had been wondering how the math worked on their shrinking server estate and massively growing user base.

:mastodonworld: Caleb

@jerry Is this how Twitter DDOSed itself when they put up the “paywall”?

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@ccunning based on EM’s comments, I assumed it was because they crossed the 22 billion user mark

Adam Dalliance

@jerry We need to put a rate-limit on all the quit-requests so that it doesn't harm those who are staying.

No more than 600 quitting per day, something like that.

Simon Zerafa :donor: :verified:


In quantum physics this effect is known as the Bell inequality 😉



Neural Quitting or Deep Quitting even more so


@jerry the real question is why the three people left are producing so much content.



Ah yes, Mastodon is dying.. from success. :catjam:


@jerry Hamradio , according to sources has been dying for fifty years and multiple large companies are coming out with shiny new radios with better technology every year or so. No worries 😉

dantose :unverified:

@jerry no one uses mastodon because it's too crowded


@jerry mastodon is difficult to get started with, to make it for real you need to simplify the sign up process to the likes of twitter

Thread Tree

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Yuri Arabadji

When do you guys find time to read all these "news articles"... I woke up on Monday and I already missed on all the drama that has unrolled over the weekend.
Couldn't care less.


Sad that it's children and cousins are dying too... RIP Calckey, Misskey, Kbin and Lemmy! I'm guessing that all those new users are just people who've come to pay their respects.

Wendell Bell

@jerry It *is* kind of a shame, tho, because 'everybody's saying' is of considerable power to us apes.

Ken Newquist

@jerry Very sad indeed. All that extra usage is clearly a sign of the end.

Eniko Fox

@jerry mastodon is dying which is why in one day 500 new people followed me

Rev. GothAlice

@jerry 3.7K toots since November 2022.

I… somehow feel the premise of that article is woefully incorrect.

I'd love to see how that compares, but I've found no way to easily identify how many titty toots (a tit is a type of bird) I've produced since 2008.

Babs 🐝⌛️🦋

@jerry Is it just Mastodon that didn't make it or all alternatives to #Twitter?

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@BabsSheKing according to the article there is only mastodon. I assume that means there is mastodon pixelfed, mastodon misskey, mastodon akkoma, etc

Daniel Taylor

@jerry The financial analysts have figured out that Mastodon instances can't be run on the DotCom model, and that the network effects only tie people to protocol compatible instances.

So to them mastodon will *always* be failing, even once it gets bigger than FB.


@jerry I stopped using it earlier this year because of how clunky it was. Vastly better now.

HRH ginsterbusch

@jerry Yeah, that must be why my mastodon timeline is always so laggy .. not because of 600+ toots that echo from the distant past (apparently) every day ..


@jerry Someone(s) really want this to fail.



No one goes to Mastodon anymore…It’s too crowded.

David Megginson

@jerry It's as if #Mastodon and the #Fediverse are playing soccer and the media keep telling us how bad we are at baseball.

We don't want exponential growth. 12M people behaving (mostly) decently and with (mostly) effective moderation make a much better social network than 120M bots, trolls, corporate PR accounts, and conspiracy theorists.


@jerry it's not dying, but it doesn’t seem to be taking off either. Hopefully things will change.

@infosec_jcp 🆓🐦🐈🃏 done differently

@rrennna @jerry

Obvs. 'not taking off' is a *checks journalism notes 📝 on this* doubling of the user count every 6 months - 9 months. 🤦‍♂️

Lawrence London

An example of why this is true:
The mastodon art admin(s) are incompetent morons. Backward thinking control freaks.
Read this:
"Looking at, the admins seem to have blocked/muted hundreds of instances, including,,, all of which are moderate instances with a clear policy against racism, harassment, etc., I don't see how this is good for artists, who probably need engagement. I think admins are trying to push their agenda by pressuring other instances to adopt stricter restrictions and limit users' freedom, instead of simply protecting their users (which is not achieved by restricting users from interacting with moderated instances)."

An example of why this is true:
The mastodon art admin(s) are incompetent morons. Backward thinking control freaks.
Read this:
"Looking at, the admins seem to have blocked/muted hundreds of instances, including,,, all of which are moderate instances with a clear policy against racism, harassment, etc., I don't see how this is good for artists, who probably need engagement. I think admins are trying to push their agenda by pressuring...

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@avantgeared I don’t agree with how .art runs their railroad, however the Fediverse was designed with this in mind. Instances can be as open or insular as they want to be, and the rest of the fediverse can decide how to/whether to engage with them. It’s rather like saying “big city living is dead because the Mayor and city council of Hartford, Connecticut are being making what I consider to be bad choices”


@jerry Maybe the process of not using Mastodon is very resource intensive?


Erin :spinny_fox_trans: (they/it/she)

Success is the best revenge against those who doubt you. :meowsip:

Jussy :verified_bottom: it's like the right wing extremists that are saying the knip was a failure one day after they put it up in a 6 week test that took years to greenlight.


@jerry not actively trying to grow into a massive social network in the vein of Twitter == dying for many people who weren't around in the early days of social media. Back when it was more about small groups of like-minded people rather than an endless feed of content.

Eppy NWS


Well, remember, Journalists have been able to "just search" an Internet that was slowly being taken over by corporations hell-bent on enshittification for about 20 years now.

So now they are Just Searching (and not using hashtags or following people) in mastodon servers and not getting everyone's inchoate thoughts on migration and assuming they're 'dead'.

I'm an elder millennial so I'm just waiting for the "Millennials are killing lazy journalism by leaving sites that are demanding payment to be treated shittier" articles...


Well, remember, Journalists have been able to "just search" an Internet that was slowly being taken over by corporations hell-bent on enshittification for about 20 years now.

So now they are Just Searching (and not using hashtags or following people) in mastodon servers and not getting everyone's inchoate thoughts on migration and assuming they're 'dead'.

Michael Z.

@jerry It's not making any money, so how can it be successful? /s




Anyone who believes there isn't a tech media agenda to slander #Mastodon and the #Fediverse -- probably to pimp for #Bluesky and probably #Meta - #Project92 - #Barcelona -- is simply not paying any attention

Or is in on the scam

@infosec_jcp 🆓🐦🐈🃏 done differently

@FinchHaven @jerry

You should look at the binary they put out. Pure malware☣️. For a text client. ☣️ So Meta. ☣️ So P92. ☣️

Ed Giardina

@jerry Crazy to me how people seem to assume if Mastodon is not instantly as big as say, twitter, it isn't successful. Things take time. Maybe Mastodon never becomes that big. Maybe it only becomes 1% of twitter. But in the mean time people are enjoying it. It's like IRC. IRC isn't nearly as popular as Discord but plenty of people use it.

Also I guess if you can't make money off it its DOA in everyone's mind somehow.


@jerry All of these articles seem to be making the assumption that Twitter, with its debts and lack of ad revenue, is actually viable.


@jerry it's almost like there is a compulsive need among a large swath of media to destroy things which are explicitly set up to be egalitarian and social, instead of set up to exploit others for profit. Hence, BlueSky, which I just read sells user generated data to train AIs, is good, while Mastodon is bad and failing.

Anything which shows people that another way not only is possible but within which people can thrive must be terminated as a matter of urgency.


@jerry guys today mastodon is offically dead everyone delete ur accs 😂

Bill :tux: 🌌

@jerry ChatGPT is hella confident and good at writing acceptable bullsh*t.

Karl Katzke

@jerry Anything like the articles that talk bout how happy everyone is about returning to work in person five days a week?

Wesley Cook ⚡🚲

@jerry It's very unfortunate and sad that I'm constantly wasting so much time on this dying service that no one is using

@infosec_jcp 🆓🐦🐈🃏 done differently


Tell that to the journalists' and the billing department at the hosting provider, eh? 🤦‍♂️👍

Perhaps they will give you a Quiet Quitting Mastodon discount off the storage usage fees. /€



I love the comments, but I'm going for the serious side on this one.

I expect we'll see a lot more of this in the coming weeks and months as the Fediverse ramps gradually to a household name.

It represents a public open platform that has no dependence on the corporate model and I'm sure it scares the shit out of them. So we'll see all the tricks. Quiet digs, rephrasing and some musical chairs with syntax to convey the idea that the Fediverse will never work.

#Fediverse #CorporateCreep

Allen B. Skye

@jerry It’s dying so much that my phone hasn’t stopped buzzing in a couple of days from notifications. When I left the other place, I had hundreds more followers but way, way less engagement. I’m having actual, mostly civil back and forths with folks about all sorts of topics.

Bealtaine Healy-Rae-Nua ✅️

@jerry Did the article copy all of the other articles, and state "It's really hard to sign up to Mastodon!" despite it being no more difficult than, say, picking an ISP or an email provider?

Dan Bocain

@jerry Was it from one of those news networks with the dwindling amount of TV viewers?!

Alexander Trivia Dragonson

@jerry if the big names think we're not worth it, maybe they'll leave us alone


@jerry After seeing the first news articles that the #Fediverse/#Mastodon dwindles, shrinks and doesn't catch on, I thought that the journalists didn't do enough research or that they were misinterpreting the data (huge spike in November and then it went down a while). However, now I think that there is some economic interest involved or that they are paid. In fact, within 12 months, the Fediverse number of users almost tripled and the active users almost quadrupled.


@jerry Netcraft confirms it: mastodon is dying.

Anders Moumoulidis

@jerry Someone should inform the couple hundred thousand people who joined over the weekend they chose wrong and should forget it right?

This is highly irresponsible.

Does it matter TwElon ghost wrote that article?

Probably not.

Polychrome :clockworkheart:
@jerry the way ActivityPub requires more storage for reduced activity was an odd design choice.
gavinisdie :troll:

@jerry by that definition, other Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are also dying

chris actually

@jerry It's interesting to note how the notion of 'mastodon sign-up process is too hard' persists even in the technical media. I mean, I'm a COMPLETE tech faker and figured it out *before* they made it easier.


@jerry I quit Reddit to join mastodon. Does that count?

💙 I Bleed Blue 💙

Ooooooooh others are jealous! 🤣😆
"Waves" at all the fediverse "losers"👋

Vaguely here 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

@jerry if we can get all these people posting to shut for a moment, perhaps we could hold a minute's silence...

C. R. Collins


I just read a blog post about all the "problems" with it. This has not been my experience at all. It's my all-time favorite social media where I get the most engagement & spend the bulk of my online time.


@jerry Mastodon as phenomenon caused the series of glitches in the Matrix.
Will it be just another one Matrix reboot or complete destruction?

#mastodon #matrix

Mat DJ 🐶 :verified_paw: :donor:

@jerry Well, that's because it says in the Mastodon docs deleting old posts is an expensive operation.

We're all sat here clearing out our toots, and it's killing the servers.

Pia Herself :v_lesbian:

@jerry My thin foil hat just becomes tighter every time a major company has issues and then a lot of news sites start to crap on its competitors, downplay the issues in oddly non-news and more like apologist way or just directly attack generally expressed opinions about the said company.

I'd love to see some investigative journalism on how PR companies spin certain concepts really fast into every possible social media after some big company needs a PR disaster deflection.

The Real OgBallaz

@jerry I hear that people started moving back to the bird app

James Valleroy

@jerry "Mastodon is dying, NetCraft confirms it."

Aris Adamantiadis :verified:💲Paid

@jerry looks like you're doing the exact opposite from twitter, who's cutting their servers after the influx of new subscribers - I mean after not paying their GCS bills

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