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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

I just read another news article about why mastodon didn’t make it and is dying. It’s very sad to hear and probably explains why I have to keep adding more server capacity to handle all the people quitting mastodon.

331 comments | Expand all CWs

@jerry I’ve never personally seen something fail so successfully

David Koff (he/him)

@jerry Terrible news. I just hope that the 200 people who have re-tooted this and the hundreds of others who starred or replied to it… really take the personal time for themselves that I’m sure this mourning process deserves.

Null you’re just being “data pillaged” really hard, brah. — Musk fanboys, probably.

warmoaran3 :heart_bi:

@jerry dying sooo hard that servers have to update !! and that people are leaving that one app, forgot what its called, twitter i think?


@jerry I see that occasionally...self-styled influencers who are losing the influence they seem to think they have. Of course, media reports that masto is failing are from the sort of companies with a vested interest in people NOT having control of their own social media.

Rob Chapman :ohai: ✍🏼🐧

@jerry it shall be forever known as 'The Mastodon Paradox'
That's would make a great title for a book about this very subject


@jerry So? Is there any other way to scale down than adding more servers?

Mrs Raven


They are telling on themselves.

The whole model is feeding you ads in those other places. And those newsfotainment services can't stand it.

Oliver Schafeld

Imagine tech journalists having bet their private pension on shares in Tesla, Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Or online magazines that exist on affiliate ads and kickbacks, pardon, PR services.

Suddenly all the other factories start producing nice electric cars and there are other search engines and social networks that work just fine on a fraction of FAANG budget. Or that aren't commercial at all!

Cui bono — a.k.a. "Where's the money, Lebowski?" 😎😉

Imagine tech journalists having bet their private pension on shares in Tesla, Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Or online magazines that exist on affiliate ads and kickbacks, pardon, PR services.

Suddenly all the other factories start producing nice electric cars and there are other search engines and social networks that work just fine on a fraction of FAANG budget. Or that aren't commercial at all!

Matt ⎊ :verified:

@jerry damn it really is tough out here 😮‍💨

Catalina the Lesbineer :ubuntu: :mint_linux_logo:​ :v_lesbian:​

@jerry media doesn't get how Mastodon works tbh, like it isn't just one server its multiple


@jerry 😂 such a shame, and you’d think it’d mean less work 🤔

Travis Newton :node:

@jerry I love how “Mastodon isn’t successful” because corporations can’t figure out how to make money off of it. Meanwhile, my business has got more business off Mastodon than Twitter so 🤷‍♂️


@jerry thanks while it lasted. Too bad we will keep donating and inviting our friends for no reason at all.

Phil Thane ✅

@jerry News journalists are too focused on cash lost or profits made. They have never given much attention to any FOSS despite it underpinning the internet and corporate IT.

Ujun Jeong

@jerry Could you refer to that news article ?

Tero Hänninen

@jerry Ah, we're dead again. Oh well, we had a good run. RIP Mastodon 2023 - 2023.


Just came from Twitter, everybody's exiting from there @jerry

Philipp Michel Reichold

@jerry Wikipedia has the same problem with being declared dead by the jealous


@jerry As hard as we try to fall down and die, we miss the ground and only gain more users.

We need Dorsey or Musk to help us. Only they know how to do shit like they do.


@jerry Oh no I guess my mastodon-dedicated second monitor goes in the trash now.


@jerry Thank goodness corporate media is here to tell us it's literally impossible for people to learn to use a new tool that's different from a tool they used to use, but they're totally okay with constant rule changes from a megalomaniac billionaire.


@jerry RIP mastodon. The only social media I regularly get posts shared over 100 times.

The Doctor

@jerry I wonder how many folks who write those articles are hanging out on smaller instances having a grand old time, but writing those "Mastodon is dying" articles because their paychecks depend on it.

Assuming that they're sapients and not LLMs writing those articles, that is.


I have noticed some more undesirable posts, imho… mostly bad information. Mute works for me. 😻😻

@jerry @tstrike78 bots && tools, them goons, bots && tools who dont appear like '#make sense' (both statically as dynamically linked) and them goonish bots && tools supposedly fail in erry other field of interest when linguistically proving incorrect, incomplete. unconforming to message formatting and transmitting subjective preference and expectance, too, even!!1!

@jerry Funny, I don't *feel* like an AI bot. 😆

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity:

@jerry I’m perfectly happy if the meta, alphabet, and AOL users think we’re gone, because it means we dodged a bullet. Whew!


@jerry The fact that I’m still gaining follows and finding more and more interesting people is a clear sign of rapid and inevitable decline.

Ongo Gablogian

@jerry I just showed up, so if experience tells us anything this place is over the hill and not cool anymore


@jerry elon can afford to have anti-mastodon propaganda written, but not to pay for his server infrastructure 😂


@jerry these articles always highlight the conflict of interest that Capitalist financial models of journalism are exposed to. Journalism should and must be run without the backing and/or interest of anyone except their readers.

Hamish Mack 🏳️‍🌈

@jerry It is very sad how it is dying as the member numbers increase so much.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@HamishMack I assume part of the dying process is all sorts of new members and increased activity.

Hamish Mack 🏳️‍🌈

@jerry Oh yeah all that extra activity and new members points to the demise of the place.

Ozzie D, NP-hard :bikepump: :vegan:

@jerry @HamishMack In medicine, this is called a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (, seen shortly after you hit a spirochete infection with antibiotics -- they generate a lot of toxins while dying, causing an inflammatory reaction (or so goes the theory).

Guess we're just a big ol' case of syphilis!

PS I love this thread, but it's too damn big, can we quiet down the death rattles a bit?

Luke Fabis

@jerry How does an open, federated platform even die anyway? People are still on Usenet and IRC. What do journalists think Mastodon is?


I wonder who's funding those articles...any guesses?



Mastodon is dyeing, in the same way democracy is dying because of the Republicans fetish for money and power of oligarchs and corporations pushing for Fascism.



Probably also why I’ve commented 4 times today. Yeah, mastodon sure is dead/s

@jerry why you gotta have the good toots in with the stupid everyone-must-play-by-my-rules toots
Luis Levy

@jerry From the same award-winning analysts behind "The End of History" and "640K Ought to Be Enough for Everyone."


@jerry There is no such thing as Mastodon.

There is, however, such a thing as people using Mastodon the way they weant it to be used.

Hans Bot

@jerry Just like . Dead on Arrival and Doomed according to then influencers up until there was no denying anymore

Daigoro Toyama :cargo:

@jerry I see a red flag whenever the media calls the Fediverse "Mastodon."


@jerry I just saw an article about how Elon is failing and mastadon is winning, just depends on the outlet


@jerry AH, the dying platform. I guess I picked a really bad day to make mu account here.

Jason Petersen

@jerry @briankrebs I swear to Christ the journalists’ treatment of this platform will be the end of me.

They’re just incredibly hard to defend, as a group.

Saad Farhan

Brother, can you tell me how to create engagement on platforms like these? I do lack in this.

Drew Naylor

@jerry Mastodon is dead. Long live Mastodon.


@jerry maybe twitter users will migrate to here after the tweet limit hiatus?


@jerry Was it the Verge think piece?

James Endicott


Mastodon is failing so hard that Meta/Facebook/Instagram's new Threads app is designed to be compatible with instead of .


@jerry ohh that’s why I’m having so many positive interactions on here in the last few days. Guess it will keep increasing as the user count drops!


@jerry Twitter’s more social anxiety than social media.
Elon Musk should stick to SpaceX.


You got me for a minute not gonna lie :rainbowlaugh:

PB Livin'

@jerry All the advertisers and centralized social media sites aren't happy about people leaving for the fediverse. They've prob got a PR push going to put hit pieces out.


@jerry Quitter! That rhymes with something bird related!!!

Ben Toh

@jerry Pitchbot: Twitter is limiting tweet read to 600 per day, here’s why this is bad news for Joe Biden and Mastodon.


@jerry rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated, eh?


@jerry Meanwhile they're confused by why their article is hardly getting any incoming traffic from their tweet about it.

Barry Schwartz 🫖

@jerry It’s truly horrible how Mastodon continues to fail at doing the thing it isn’t meant to do.

[REDACTED]™, Right on the Butt

@jerry every one of those articles should just be called "i didn't like it so no one should"



People want instant success. What they don't realize is that people take decades to grow in both skills and connections.


Twitter. Not enough bandwidth. Mastodon critics. Also not enough bandwidth.

Nicola 🏳️‍⚧️ 🌱

@jerry They really can't stand John Mastodon. Looks pretty good to me. 😂

Jim Jones

@jerry all the new people following me must be here to pay their respects.

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@jerry @northernlights Those so called "news" articles are merely fear, uncertainty, and doubt fueled. They are written by people with clear bias at best, or at worst, they have a vested interest in seeing the fail. The genie is out of the bottle now. There's no putting it back in. No amount of wishing will make the fediverse go away.

Greg Stolze

@jerry You'd expect a professional journalist to know "twitter" isn't spelled with an M.


Inactive accounts are the heaviest

AndThisIsMrsPeacock 🏳️‍🌈

@jerry tbh I'm fine with these dumbass articles. Send some of the normies off to wait for a bluesky invite, let them hang out there for the 6 months before Jack sells it to Elon, gives Masto time to absorb the last wave and scale up 😆

Dispatches from Floor 13

@jerry What is driving me crazy is one of my friends on Twitter dismissed joining Mastodon because of these articles believing it was niche and there was only a few thousand people here. I pointed out 110,000 people alone joined in the 24 hours after chucklehead rate limited everyone.

I think I've talked them into it now they know the actual truth.

I saw Mastodon mentioned in the same sentence today as Reddit and Twitter burning to the ground.

Clearly an agenda going on there.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@RetroSponge yeah. I think media that is used to reporting on commercial enterprises struggles with things like the fediverse. For a variety of reasons.

Dispatches from Floor 13

@jerry It can't be aggressively monetized nor will it advertise so there is no commercial gain.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@RetroSponge I suspect that is it for some, but for others, the normal metrics they are used to seeing used as measures of success don’t apply

William Hughes

It's one of those overly dramatic, multi-episode, highly choreographed deaths like on 1980s soap operas.

Only to have a surprise reveal of 's long lost twin, Mastodan!

MarvinTheMartian 🍺

@jerry our demise has been greatly exaggerated 🤣🤣


@jerry there is this idea that a forum is either dominating or dying.

Juan Florez

@jerry Hi I’ve been quitting mastodon for a while now and loving it


@jerry Yea it's crazy how Mastodon didn't make it and is a massive failure that no one is using. Crazy.


@jerry See whats funny about this is I just got into an argument with a twit refugee about how "mastodon is gonna need a central body to compete with twitter." I was like ohhhh honey, you arent from around here are you. We arent competing with anyone. You are competing, there is no back end to save you here. He then went on to say how xyz needs to happen that amounted to Mastodon functioning like twitter, algothim and all. Didnt catch the decentralized memo I guess.

Of Bookish Things

Death by a thousand sign-ups. :bl46:

mav :happy_blob:

@jerry it'd be a lot damn easier if the protocol didn't add load everytime someone leaves

Andrei Kucharavy

@jerry they must have read your posts about calckey 🤣

Carl Anthony

@jerry "So much quitting over there, you wouldn't believe the amount of quitting; many people have said it, right there on the app with the thing, they toot, not like a tweet but a toot, but they kicked me off of there, the RINOs did; and that's why so many people quit and came over to Truth Social from Mastodon. It's true. They won't say it but it's what's happening, more quitting than you could imagine." ~ President Donald J. Trump on the fall of Mastodon.

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