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Lawrence London

An example of why this is true:
The mastodon art admin(s) are incompetent morons. Backward thinking control freaks.
Read this:
"Looking at, the admins seem to have blocked/muted hundreds of instances, including,,, all of which are moderate instances with a clear policy against racism, harassment, etc., I don't see how this is good for artists, who probably need engagement. I think admins are trying to push their agenda by pressuring other instances to adopt stricter restrictions and limit users' freedom, instead of simply protecting their users (which is not achieved by restricting users from interacting with moderated instances)."

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@avantgeared I don’t agree with how .art runs their railroad, however the Fediverse was designed with this in mind. Instances can be as open or insular as they want to be, and the rest of the fediverse can decide how to/whether to engage with them. It’s rather like saying “big city living is dead because the Mayor and city council of Hartford, Connecticut are being making what I consider to be bad choices”

Compuguy, Lover of Cats 😸😼

@avantgeared @jerry Wow....they have a *really* detailed CoC. And they blocked for "Poor moderator conduct". 😬

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@compuguy @avantgeared indeed it is. They block many, many sites. I think may be the only one that has them beat. But again, they are doing what they believe is right for their users and their users are free to move if they wanted (well, they can’t migrate to an instance that is blocked, so would be starting over)

Compuguy, Lover of Cats 😸😼

@jerry @avantgeared I get that. At the end of the day the admins can do those things. Though some of the banned instances are from the part of Mastodon/Fediverse that is not as well moderated...including those, er "free speech" instances...😬

Lawrence London

@compuguy @jerry
I have not found a single instance regardless of software used that was not properly moderated......except It's a joke. A scam. The snivelling admin is no more than a control freak playing drama games under the guise of anti-racism and anti whatever else suits them on any particular day. All that is old hat. Anyone who has been around on the Internet for a while knows that game. They lure people to their art microblog, throw the rule book at them and then watch every single post and comment hoping to find some suckerhead to ban. Very funny. The joke is on them, hoist on their own petard. They jacked around an amazing blind guy, who put in the work to make his home there, when they defederated some instances/networks and he lost contact with vital friends. For me that is one thing, for him it is on another order of magnitude. He was pissed and put them in their place for ruining his stay at their microblog. They will probably sell out to Meta eventually.

@compuguy @jerry
I have not found a single instance regardless of software used that was not properly moderated......except It's a joke. A scam. The snivelling admin is no more than a control freak playing drama games under the guise of anti-racism and anti whatever else suits them on any particular day. All that is old hat. Anyone who has been around on the Internet for a while knows that game. They lure people to their art microblog, throw the rule book at them and then watch every...

Lawrence London

@compuguy @jerry
I registered first there using the name I have here. I know something about renewable energy technology and construction so I offered the admin and partner advice on adding an inline solar thermal water heater to their solar powered electric one for preheating DHW in a reply in their thread describing installation of their solar panels and related equipment. I guess I spoke out of turn. I got an "I am not looking for advice" thrown in my face. I have spent years with permaculture folks talking and brainstorming about renewables so I was not used to such rudeness. I picked up and left, cancelling my account. Too bad. I had made a lot of really good friends,; out of the ordinary interesting. Wrong people to be owning and managing an important instance, especially right now with the threat from Meta and right wing corporate religious whack jobs.

@compuguy @jerry
I registered first there using the name I have here. I know something about renewable energy technology and construction so I offered the admin and partner advice on adding an inline solar thermal water heater to their solar powered electric one for preheating DHW in a reply in their thread describing installation of their solar panels and related equipment. I guess I spoke out of turn. I got an "I am not looking for advice" thrown in my face. I have spent years with permaculture...

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