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Kit Malone

"Don't like posts, boost them."

"Don't block people, it's antisocial."

Babies, use this service however you like and in ways that bring you and your friends the most joy and the best sense of safety. Hammer the like button if you want. Block whoever you feel like, for whatever reason you want.

You don't owe anybody else engagement in the form they might prefer - or at all.

Kitchen Priestess (she/her)


Amen. Just because you appreciate something doesn't mean you want it on your home page.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@thekitmalone 💯

Muting/blocking people is self-care. Claiming it's antisocial is antisocial.


@rysiek @thekitmalone muting/blocking is just like how you'd decide not to interact with or pay attention to some people in the offline world

Fedi.Tips 🎄

@rysiek @thekitmalone

Yeah, this is really important to realise. It is always okay to block or mute for any reason! It isn't an offensive thing to do on here!

It's just a choice of what you want to see, and it isn't necessarily any kind of comment on the objective value of the account you block.

(I guess only exception would be some kind of public body, they shouldn't really be blocking their own citizens. But those kinds of accounts are only a tiny minority.)

Kit Malone

@feditips @rysiek at least here in the U.S. it's actually illegal for government accounts (including elected officials) to block constituents.

Andreas, DJ3EI, he/him

It happened to me a while ago: I had a discussion with someone who, after a while, decided they didn't want to think about my arguments any longer: I was blocked.

What I had not anticipated: I no longer had access to the other person's original toots, those that I had answered. My answers were now orphaned.

It did feel a bit rude to have that done to me.

You say I should not mind?

@feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone

Hippasus500 aka jwn2

@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone
That the context of your reply is lost feels wrong to me, too. It’s an unmoored memory. It’s the uncomfortable feeling evoked in Regina Spektor’s song, “Eet”:

It’s like forgetting
The words to your favorite song

I minded when I discovered after the fact that I’d been blocked by an acquaintance over what I thought was a joke.

Apparently, they didn’t agree.

My choice, their choice, true. A dilemma.

@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone
That the context of your reply is lost feels wrong to me, too. It’s an unmoored memory. It’s the uncomfortable feeling evoked in Regina Spektor’s song, “Eet”:

It’s like forgetting
The words to your favorite song

I minded when I discovered after the fact that I’d been blocked by an acquaintance over what I thought was a joke.


@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone You can mind all you like. And it may have been rude. But you're not owed access to that person.

Andreas, DJ3EI, he/him


"Block as you want" seems to be part of the current Fediverse code of conduct. I feel that code could be improved upon, but admit I'm not sure how.

If blocking happens, one of the two people involved is probably being rude already. Maybe the code of conduct improvement I'd like to see needs a better world than the one where that happens, to begin with.

I'm uncertain.

@Butterbee @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone


@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone The rule applies to real life interactions as well though. Noone owes another person their attention, outside of items directly affecting that persons safety and wellbeing. It's NICE if people communicate why they need to disengage, but they have every right to do so regardless.


@feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone
Wait, are you saying that they were obligated to keep giving you attention? Otherwise, why on earth would you mind?


@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone but isn't that how personalised blocking of someone's user account on social media has always worked?

The entirety of the blocked account's content becomes invisible to the blocker (but not to others), and the entirety of the blocker's account content becomes invisible to the blockee (but not to others).

It's always been the main point of personal blocklists AIUI.

@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone but isn't that how personalised blocking of someone's user account on social media has always worked?

The entirety of the blocked account's content becomes invisible to the blocker (but not to others), and the entirety of the blocker's account content becomes invisible to the blockee (but not to others).


@feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone

I’ve blocked everyone pretending to be Elon since they’re probably all him.
He needs attention like we need oxygen.


@Aleggra @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone

Just goes to show that self care can indeed be proactive!

Pumpkin Spice Cat

@rysiek @thekitmalone Amen. Sometimes people try to get into arguments and I’m way too old for internet arguments. The block button is right there!

Fish Id Wardrobe

@rysiek @thekitmalone came here to say that.

In fact, since blocking someone only effects me, I don't see how it can be anti-social, anyway. Might as well say that not turning up to a concert is antisocial.

packy Blocking someone also prevents them from mentioning you in a reply. I think *that's* where the "antisocial" angle comes from.

You can say something about a person while tagging them and then block them, and they won't be able to respond to the post.

John Ammerman

@rysiek @thekitmalone , this so much. My life is now 'people part of the solution' and 'people not part of the solution'. I can come off toxic, but I am just boldly tired of the inhumanity of our species. Sorry, NTs, I don't like your 'survival of the fittest'. If that's the case, then cool for being a successful replacement cog. I'm more than a means of mindless continuance for this species.

Nick Kelly

@rysiek @thekitmalone plenty of racism, antisemitism, and patronizing/condescending folks to block around here. Report button is handy too.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@themastodoning humans gonna human. But at least there are communities and community leaders (admins, moderators) around here who are willing to step up and step in.

We need more of them, and we're nowhere near where we need to be for all people to feel safe and welcome, of course. More work is always needed.



@thekitmalone yep. I've not had to block anyone here yet but it's absolutely essential on any social media, even nice semi-forum-like Masto, to have the option to block. It's inevitable there'll be *someone*.

As for likes, I never liked it when #Twitter made them boost stuff up in the algorithm to begin with. I love having my like button that's just a like button back.

Alex Von Kitchen

@thekitmalone nah, block people. You don't have to give dickheads the attention


@thekitmalone I like stuff that I like and I boost it when I think that my followers should see it. It's that simple

Alexander Hay

@thekitmalone One of the best things about Mastodon is that it is not for the sort of people you'd want to block in the first place.

Kit Malone

@alexanderhay it's generally friendlier right now, although I've had a few run ins with hate speech and trolls already. (Fewer than anywhere else.)

I do think that it's inevitable that it'll get worse if the user base grows. But I don't think it'll ever be as bad as traditional social media just on account of the fact that moderation here is a lot more directly accountable to users.

Fish Id Wardrobe

@alexanderhay @thekitmalone Agreed, which is why I'm much more free with the block button than I ever was in the other place. Block block blockity blockity block.

On Brirbsite I felt I had to put up with a certain degree of arseholery. I don't here.


@alexanderhay @thekitmalone for now. But if it is going to grow bigger, at some point it will need to reach the types of people that you don’t want here.


@alexanderhay @ix9 @thekitmalone Exactly. There is no way this place needs to make the far right, transphobes, antisemitic cranks, Tate fans, etc. welcome in order to succeed. It's a massive selling point that they aren't.

Braw ☕🏳️‍🌈

@thekitmalone I agree with one small part (‘don't block people’): mute people instead blocking them because some mastodon instances alert person when someone blocked them and they go out of their way to annoy you. muting doesn't have this problem


@brawaru @thekitmalone That's cute if they do, then I'll block the instance from my use.

I have yet to see a use case for someone using a bot to publicize someone being blocked that isn't to kick off a trolling campaign. If I'm wrong, I'd love to hear a positive use for it.

Maria Karlsen
@Kit Malone ""Don't like posts, boost them." "Don't block people, it's antisocial."

Actually, this is what many pre-mastodon fediverse people finds really annoying, so this kind of advice is really counter-productive. Excessive boosting is just noice on your timeline, and blocking can be a necessity - or at least a way to keep your sanity. Likes is a way of showing your appreciation and support and should be used more. Again - this is not a commercial place where the person with most followers "win".
@Kit Malone ""Don't like posts, boost them." "Don't block people, it's antisocial."

Actually, this is what many pre-mastodon fediverse people finds really annoying, so this kind of advice is really counter-productive. Excessive boosting is just noice on your timeline, and blocking can be a necessity - or at least a way to keep your sanity. Likes is a way of showing your appreciation and support and...
Maria Karlsen
@Kit Malone If it wasn't clear, I totally agree with you :-)
T Y Beaulieu

I acknowledge some, boost some and will block people when they are unnecessarily aggressive, I also follow people and hope they follow me, until engagement suggests it's not a good fit


@thekitmalone I don't think I have blocked anyone (haven't checked), but I have muted some people and I use filters fairly liberally. I consider that a combination of self-care and personal feed curation. There's certainly a number of things that people I follow, and people who participate in tags I am interested in, clearly want to talk about, but which I have no interest in. Instead of throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater, I grab myself a snack while they're talking about those.

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? 🦑

@thekitmalone With all due respect to whomever says it's antisocial to block people... wtf is wrong with them?

Kit Malone

@WhyNotZoidberg it's a thing I've seen pretty often here, typically from techy types, mostly dudes.

Kit Malone

@WhyNotZoidberg tbh I'd say anyone who doesn't think folks should get to block them is already waiving a big old red flag


@thekitmalone imo you shouldn't be able to prevent me from speaking, but you should be free to look away and ignore me if you want.



@thekitmalone @WhyNotZoidberg as one very wise therapist once told me

Anyone who has an issue with you erecting a healthy boundary has a vested interest in it not being there

Block buttons are boundaries and I agree. It’s a red flag because they seem to legitimately have the expectation that you should have a worse or aggravating experience in the interest of listening to their drivel rather than learning to handle rejection gracefully


@WhyNotZoidberg @thekitmalone right? No. No, I don’t think I will because I have better things to do with my time internet rando.

Also personally I feel strongly about not legitimizing bad faith inquiries with good faith evidence or like any attention whatsoever but that’s my personal opinion on that. Not always the easiest to stick to because I’m human and even I have a limit on nonsense but I try.


@WhyNotZoidberg @thekitmalone I should note - a limit on the bad faith nonsense of others. On my own nonsense and shenanigans? All day every day, on my bullshit and I appreciate the nonsense and general tomfoolery of other silly geese

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? 🦑

@FeralBogHimbo @thekitmalone As an immigrant from Birdsite I have taken the mantra "just block and move on" with me.

It's even more important here if you are a small but not personal Instance (like me) because you can bring them with you like seagulls crapping all over the Instance.


@thekitmalone @WhyNotZoidberg

I'd like offer them a blue checkmark (like the bird place has), and tell them that it makes them unblockable. Anyone who would want such a thing is a great candidate for me to block. Let's let them identify themselves!

(Yes, that would be unethical, and so we wouldn't do it. But a guy can dream, can't he?)

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? 🦑

@thekitmalone (Answering my own post here but a metaphor has been rattling in my brain all day):

Are these people saying you shouldn't have the right to deny entry to your home if someone you don't want to visit you ring your doorbell?


@thekitmalone yeah, no to both of those. It's my experience, bruh... those folks can go dictate “etiquette” somewhere else.

Probably Paul 🌍 Amen to that! Especially given that a lot of people using ActivityPub implementations, aren't even on Mastodon, nor subject to its norms.

A. Rivera


Ha! Exactly. It is my little corner of this space, and I will engage or not as I see fit. Yes, you bet I use the block button generously and DGAF if someone whines "that is antisocial."

And yes, I have blocked some here (this place may be nice but it is not Nirvana. There is always an asshole or two).

Maria Karlsen
@Kit Malone Yes, think of it. Would anyone consider it antisocial if you don't want to engage in a conversation with every single person you happen to meet...?
Maybe Crocodile Dundee but few others I think.
Sharon Gibson Morgan

@thekitmalone You can also disable boosts from followers whose unwelcomed boosts show up in your timeline. Simply click on the ... of the boost's author and pick the option to disable boosts from that particular follower.

Leslie Burns

@thekitmalone @donmelton Yup! I see the “don’t block them” as the textualized “you need to smile more.” 🔪🔪🔪


@LeslieBurns @thekitmalone @donmelton Once in a while I post something that gets a few more boosts, and almost inevitably I get follows from blank accounts without avatars, profile text, or any post history. I always block those. I want to connect with people, not ghost accounts.

Kit Malone

@PalmAndNeedle @LeslieBurns @donmelton

I feel like I saw that same problem on Birdsite, and yeah, it's a problem. I wonder, though, if Fediverse currently has a larger than normal number of "lurkers." Maybe early adopters who aren't doing much with it but who are kinda hovering and waiting to see what shakes out.

Jorge Candeias

@thekitmalone YES!

Provided, of course, you understand what effect the various things you do will have. People used to twitter, for instance, may need to be reminded that liking posts will have zero effect on their visibility to others and that if they do want to amplify them they'll have to boost.

But otherwise, YES!

Jack Laridian

Thank you. I hate it when people try to police your feed. Go do something else and leave me alone. I'll block who I want. I'll put in alt text if I remember and if I don't, it doesn't mean I hate blind people. 😕

Matt 😎

@thekitmalone LOL

The antisocial one baffles me to no end.


@thekitmalone never been much of a blocker. Muting is enough for me unless i come across an account that blocked me so I return the treatment.
I get it’s your space, you do you. Keep your sanity,
Me, I don’t want an echo chamber. I spend enough time by myself. ;)
I’m an unabashed liker, have been since my FB days

Kit Malone


I hear that. I do quibble at the idea that an echo-chamber is the only reason or outcome for liberally blocking some folks.

My own is that I work in high-profile advocacy on controversial issues and have an awful lot of active, credible threats and tend to block the moment someone gives me a red flag.

I know that someone I've blocked can still get to my TL -- but any obstacle is helpful. Legit dangerous people take an interest in my professional doings.


@thekitmalone of course. Keep your sanity. I’m a small presence and don’t attract the “crazies” like high profile accounts do.
I was always shocked when people with large followings blocked. I never imagined that they would read through hundreds of comments and be annoyed by mine enough to block. I’m generally civil until I’m not.


That can’t be said loud enough and often enough.
I’m highly allergic to people who give unsolicited advice, especially when it’s in the form of ‘you should or shouldn’t’.
It triggers my block finger.
I will not be intimidated by strangers on social media nor do I need to be told what to do unless I were to post something truly offensive which I would never do.
I appreciate your post! 😊

Big Cat Musty :verified:

@thekitmalone I think the "Boost, don't like" is driven in small part by people who want to see those follower/impression count numbers go up. Obviously, if you like something enough to want it on your page, boost away. Don't let others tell you how to use a decentralized platform...

Kit Malone

@mrtomlegit Absolutely. And I think some of it is, like, #Fediverse activism - folks wanna see more, richer engagement and that's one way to encourage it. And I'm real sympathetic to that.

But I really think that's one place where the standard social media wisdom is still the best. Produce interesting content, be consistent, and more people will want to share it with their friends!

Big Cat Musty :verified:

@thekitmalone I already get way more interaction on here than I ever did on Twitter and my content is nothing special.

Kit Malone

@mrtomlegit Obviously at least somebody thinks it is!

Sphinx of Black Quartz


"Don't like posts, boost them. Don't block people, it's antisocial."

Jiminy Christmas. That sounds like advice from somebody who just came to the Fedi and desperately wants it to be the same crabs-in-a-bucket middle-school popularity contest they just left behind on the bird site.

A Tiny Dragon :nite:

@thekitmalone Hell yeah, block and mute awareness!!

Also, if I may promote the filtering features, allowing you to yeet certain topics from your view based on keywords or phrases, allowing you to curate your experience even further!

Kit Malone

@toydragon I *love* the robust filtering options.

Really love the advanced interface too - and I'm hoping for more improvements (lists that allow you to add hashtags would really help). Generally, though, I love that I can actually provide myself with a number of different feeds with different focuses and don't have to pay attention to them all at once.

Flash Mob Of One

@thekitmalone While you're right, what distinguishes this place from Twitter or Facebook is that people make an effort to be kind and reasonable, so at least consider trying to adopt the norms that exist here, as they're the reason why there's so much less toxicity.

Kit Malone


I agree it's less toxic, but I disagree that that's entirely down to the norms here. (the existing community is in many ways fantastic, tho).

But I've already received hate speech and threats, although much much less than elsewhere.

I think it's down to size, and to accessibility of instance moderation. As some instances get big, and as adoption goes up - I think more trolling and rudeness is inevitable. I don't think we can rely on "people are just nicer here" for long.

Analog AI

@thekitmalone ... I mean, if "boost" was supposed to be what you use to like things, why would there be a "like"? Boost and like are different, so use them differently!

:rainbow_heart: Pandora

@thekitmalone I block people when I find their social behavior unpleasant. No need to have that kind of interactions in my life.

Shannon Skinner (she/her)

I've blocked more people on Mastodon than I ever did on Twitter.

It's not because Mastodon is more toxic. Quite the opposite.

Mastodon's relatively pristine environment is more worthy of protecting.

Twitter's polluted environment serves to remind us what happens when trolls don't get blocked.

Merle, Queen of Crime

That said, PLEASE do put alt text on pictures and use content warning fields, if you can.

charli (they)

@thekitmalone ironically, people making the argument "don't block people" are among the people i'm most likely to block


@thekitmalone blocking people isn't anti social, it's good for you.

If you're constantly having to get admins involved in disputes - you are the problem.

Jyoti Mishra



Why is it that people think they're entitled to other people's precious time and energy? WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?

If some random stranger came up to you in the street and started shouting at you, would you feel you owed them a civil conversation?

Block at the drop of a hat. Block rude people because *you owe no-one your time or even an explanation of why you're blocking them.*

This goes double for those of us struggling with long-term health problems.


@thekitmalone @AndyPerfors

I have three additions to make:

- yes
- yes
- yes.


@thekitmalone Affirming advice on *Mastodon* of all places? Must be a blue moon! I'll take it~



Exactly 💯

Control freaks are boring and tiresome.

Darwin Woodka


If they're gonna post dicks or act like one they're getting blocked, sorry.


Thank you for this.
I deleted a toot and blocked a few people that, after going through their mansplaining / techsplaning feeds, probably wouldn't know I did it anyway.
Self-care is freeing. 🌻



Seriously. Maybe you just like a post, but know that your friends or family might not.

And maybe a user is just toxic and needs to be blocked.

Adam John

@thekitmalone Love this. Cannot over-emphasize how much. Natural circles will develop, evolutionary puddles as it were. And that is okay... with natural and expected caveats and limitations to this analogy. (I am now following #evolutionarypuddles) The only courtesy I would do for even the most vile encounter unless I am somehow reasonably overly emotional would be to change "Babies" to something like "Countrymen" or "Friends" or the like... kudos, random friend.

Wes L

@thekitmalone Got it. Liked and blocked. Well... not blocked.

don Elías (como los buses) 🥨

@thekitmalone this.

Also people think liking doesn't have an effect on visibility. Posts with many likes are featured in the "explore" tab on different servers.

Raymel A. Monte💙💛🇺🇦🇨🇦

@thekitmalone even my hometown sports teams.for that matter.
I blocked them not too long ago because they can't bring home one championship trophy & those losses pretty much sums it all up. For me, it has reach a point where I can't even watch their games for the next 10 years.


@thekitmalone Getting really tired of the Mastodon-Finger-Wagging.


@thekitmalone "Don't block people, it's antisocial" my friend in Christ you are on the internet


@thekitmalone - Say. About that “Like” button. The service doesn’t seem to record/report it with much accuracy. I can “like” a post and come back 30 seconds later and it still registers “0.”

Josh (like the wine)

@thekitmalone @brandonscript Pretty sure I’d block someone just for telling me I shouldn’t block people. 😂

Les Orchard

@thekitmalone Over 8 billion people on the planet, surely it's okay if a few of us find someone else to talk to after being blocked.



“Don’t block people…” pff, fuck that, block anybody you never want to hear from again, for any reason at all. It’s cathartic.

José/Joana de Castro Arnaud

@thekitmalone This! No one person has the right to dictate how you live and like and dislike, except yourself.

Hyperlink Your Heart

this post earned a like-boost combo from me, whatever that's worth!

:trans: QueerPaladin :wlw:

@thekitmalone yeah I will block all Nazis and chuds I wish. I don't care about algorithm. I boost and like posts and liking posts is far more helpful in my view.


@thekitmalone I do whatever I want on my account and timeline.

Collette Lynner

@thekitmalone i wanna know, how could you unblock accounts after awhile

👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

@thekitmalone I usually find that if I like something, it's also worth boosting, so I have no problem doing both! Not always, but very often. I've noticed most people do the same for me.
As for blocking, my rule has always been that if I'm just not interested in what someone says or if I never interact with them, I unfollow. If they're harassing me or a friend, then I block. On Twitter I would send them a message telling them just what I thought of them first, lol, but here I don't think I will.


@thekitmalone I generally agree with you, so long as it doesn't lead to public shaming of people without an opportunity to defend themselves.

It's okay to block anyone for any reason.

It's not okay to make it your mission to have someone isolated for any reason.

I've seen far too many people burned by an angry mob not to mention the risk

ETA: There are of course cases where it's appropriate to isolate bad actors but we're talking about blocking for any reason here


> You don't owe anybody else engagement in the form they might prefer - or at all.

I agree with everything you say here. But...

... some of us try to be good neighbours by making sure newbies know the difference between using Mute (you don't hear from them anymore) and Block (they can't read your posts anymore either). Also that Favourite - unlike Like on Titter - doesn't help increase a post's visibility, only Boost does.

I hope you're not mistaking this for telling people off.

> You don't owe anybody else engagement in the form they might prefer - or at all.

I agree with everything you say here. But...

... some of us try to be good neighbours by making sure newbies know the difference between using Mute (you don't hear from them anymore) and Block (they can't read your posts anymore either). Also that Favourite - unlike Like on Titter - doesn't help increase a post's visibility, only Boost does.

Maria Langer | 🛥️ 📝 🎬🚁


That's right. If they don't like what you toot, they don't have to follow you. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Kraven The Haunter

@thekitmalone I don't boost a lot of posts, but this one deserves all the attention I can give it.


@thekitmalone Yes! A simple like makes me so happy. I don't need a boost.


I will never understand why people tell other people not to like/favorite posts. Why in the heck not?

I do understand making folks aware of the difference between liking and boosting though.


@thekitmalone the sad part about this remark, is the fact it has to be said at all. By you posting this it means some people actually try to make others feel “bad” for “for silencing their voice”. All the while those people don’t think about WHY they were blocked. Instead of looking inward they look outward and blame others for being antisocial. It’s a sad sad World Wide Web

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