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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@thekitmalone 💯

Muting/blocking people is self-care. Claiming it's antisocial is antisocial.


@rysiek @thekitmalone muting/blocking is just like how you'd decide not to interact with or pay attention to some people in the offline world

Fedi.Tips 🎄

@rysiek @thekitmalone

Yeah, this is really important to realise. It is always okay to block or mute for any reason! It isn't an offensive thing to do on here!

It's just a choice of what you want to see, and it isn't necessarily any kind of comment on the objective value of the account you block.

(I guess only exception would be some kind of public body, they shouldn't really be blocking their own citizens. But those kinds of accounts are only a tiny minority.)

Kit Malone

@feditips @rysiek at least here in the U.S. it's actually illegal for government accounts (including elected officials) to block constituents.

Andreas, DJ3EI, he/him

It happened to me a while ago: I had a discussion with someone who, after a while, decided they didn't want to think about my arguments any longer: I was blocked.

What I had not anticipated: I no longer had access to the other person's original toots, those that I had answered. My answers were now orphaned.

It did feel a bit rude to have that done to me.

You say I should not mind?

@feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone

Hippasus500 aka jwn2

@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone
That the context of your reply is lost feels wrong to me, too. It’s an unmoored memory. It’s the uncomfortable feeling evoked in Regina Spektor’s song, “Eet”:

It’s like forgetting
The words to your favorite song

I minded when I discovered after the fact that I’d been blocked by an acquaintance over what I thought was a joke.

Apparently, they didn’t agree.

My choice, their choice, true. A dilemma.

@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone
That the context of your reply is lost feels wrong to me, too. It’s an unmoored memory. It’s the uncomfortable feeling evoked in Regina Spektor’s song, “Eet”:

It’s like forgetting
The words to your favorite song

I minded when I discovered after the fact that I’d been blocked by an acquaintance over what I thought was a joke.


@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone You can mind all you like. And it may have been rude. But you're not owed access to that person.

Andreas, DJ3EI, he/him


"Block as you want" seems to be part of the current Fediverse code of conduct. I feel that code could be improved upon, but admit I'm not sure how.

If blocking happens, one of the two people involved is probably being rude already. Maybe the code of conduct improvement I'd like to see needs a better world than the one where that happens, to begin with.

I'm uncertain.

@Butterbee @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone


@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone The rule applies to real life interactions as well though. Noone owes another person their attention, outside of items directly affecting that persons safety and wellbeing. It's NICE if people communicate why they need to disengage, but they have every right to do so regardless.


@feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone
Wait, are you saying that they were obligated to keep giving you attention? Otherwise, why on earth would you mind?

Andreas, DJ3EI, he/him

Blocking alters the record of what has happened. I might want to re-evaluate my own actions in the context of the conversation, and maybe learn a thing. That becomes more difficult as I no longer get to see the other person's old posts, including those directed to me or even privately sent to only me.

I'm not demanding someone keeps listening to my future musing if they don't want to.

@jargoggles @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone


@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone but isn't that how personalised blocking of someone's user account on social media has always worked?

The entirety of the blocked account's content becomes invisible to the blocker (but not to others), and the entirety of the blocker's account content becomes invisible to the blockee (but not to others).

It's always been the main point of personal blocklists AIUI.

@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone but isn't that how personalised blocking of someone's user account on social media has always worked?

The entirety of the blocked account's content becomes invisible to the blocker (but not to others), and the entirety of the blocker's account content becomes invisible to the blockee (but not to others).


@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone

There should be a way for you to access all your own toots, but the way I think about it, that's a software problem, not a people blocking people problem.

Elias Mårtenson

@dj3ei @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone Probably. Your answers are going to end up being orphaned anyway, it's just the nature of federation. Scroll back a few months in someone's feed who don't purge their posts (such as my feed). Click on a random reply and it's highly likely the post it was a reply to is no longer available.

Someone blocking just causes that to happen quicker.


@feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone

I’ve blocked everyone pretending to be Elon since they’re probably all him.
He needs attention like we need oxygen.


@Aleggra @feditips @rysiek @thekitmalone

Just goes to show that self care can indeed be proactive!

Pumpkin Spice Cat

@rysiek @thekitmalone Amen. Sometimes people try to get into arguments and I’m way too old for internet arguments. The block button is right there!

Fish Id Wardrobe

@rysiek @thekitmalone came here to say that.

In fact, since blocking someone only effects me, I don't see how it can be anti-social, anyway. Might as well say that not turning up to a concert is antisocial.

packy Blocking someone also prevents them from mentioning you in a reply. I think *that's* where the "antisocial" angle comes from.

You can say something about a person while tagging them and then block them, and they won't be able to respond to the post.

John Ammerman

@rysiek @thekitmalone , this so much. My life is now 'people part of the solution' and 'people not part of the solution'. I can come off toxic, but I am just boldly tired of the inhumanity of our species. Sorry, NTs, I don't like your 'survival of the fittest'. If that's the case, then cool for being a successful replacement cog. I'm more than a means of mindless continuance for this species.

Nick Kelly

@rysiek @thekitmalone plenty of racism, antisemitism, and patronizing/condescending folks to block around here. Report button is handy too.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@themastodoning humans gonna human. But at least there are communities and community leaders (admins, moderators) around here who are willing to step up and step in.

We need more of them, and we're nowhere near where we need to be for all people to feel safe and welcome, of course. More work is always needed.


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