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Felix Häcker

It turns out that the fabric seat cover, and/or the gas suspension creates such a strong electrostatic discharge (ESD) that my screen shuts off for a short time.

The solution? No idea yet, but it seems that insulating the chair with copper foil and connecting it to a socket (ground) might help. 🤦‍♂️

Welcome to 2023 - Your Ikea "MARKUS" chair is not compatible with your screen 👏

(Not my chair, the picture is from the forum post)

#ikea #chair #hardware #weird


@haeckerfelix ahaha, uau, that is interesting. I bet you went all Poirot on the situation. I'm glad you've found the bug 🤓

Amadeus Maximilian

@haeckerfelix wait, what? 😳😅

I have the same issue! With a different chair, not from IKEA and only my main screen (the secondary one is identical though) shuts off randomly sometimes. Thought my GPU was bad or something, never could've thought it might be linked to the chair. 😅

Felix Häcker

@amxmln Is it possible that your second monitor is connected via DisplayPort?

I have the feeling that DisplayPort is more "sensitive" than HDMI in that regard.

Amadeus Maximilian

@haeckerfelix My primary screen (the one which shuts off) is plugged in via HDMI and the secondary (which remains on) via Display Port—but the secondary screen is further away from my chair than the primary one. 🤔

I’ll keep an eye on whether or not I can reliably reproduce it now that I know it might be the chair. 😊

Daniel Schildt

@amxmln @haeckerfelix HDMI seems to be more sensitive to interference. I have two external displays on a laptop, and only of of those gets blanked frequently. Larger display has longer cable, so that might be part of the reason why it's more sensitive to any issues. Maybe better cable quality might reduce part of the issues, as some of the thinner cables don't have that much insulation.

But seriously, the chair is likely to the blame, not the cables. Floor covering might also matter a bit, too?


@autiomaa @amxmln @haeckerfelix I have the same screen connected to two computers, one via DP one via hdmi. Sometimes it blanks out via hdmi (especially when i feel a small electricity discharge) but never DP

But it can also be cable quality

Daniel Schildt

@dt @amxmln @haeckerfelix Yeah, my USB3.0 to DVI adapter doesn't have any of those issues (compared to the HDMI to HDMI cable), but it might also have something to do with the position of the screen. Oh well, living on the edge... 😅


@autiomaa @amxmln @haeckerfelix that whole thing is just Wow! I would not have figured out the connection! Luckily for tre past 7 years I’ve relied on a Yoga ball for computer seating.

Htaggert replied to microChasm

@autiomaa @amxmln @haeckerfelix @microChasm but but but I identify as a woman…. 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️

microChasm replied to Htaggert

@Htaggert @autiomaa @amxmln @haeckerfelix Oh my! I will edit that. My apologies. I obviously need to tap on the poster to see who they are and how they identify themselves when I am scroll posting.

Htaggert replied to microChasm

@amxmln @haeckerfelix @autiomaa @microChasm it’s ok. I can try to be a man! I just was laughing!


@Htaggert What size of ball? I've been thinking of trying this to improve posture/ergonomics, but had no idea what size to get. (Also, my kids would probably steal it, but worth a shot.)

Htaggert replied to dunham

@dunham a normal regular one- they sell them vi the inter webs with a small dish with rollers between 65-80 USD, sometimes less. 😻 I love my ball chair!

Håkon Alstadheim

@autiomaa @amxmln @haeckerfelix Could be the material in the feet (wheels?) of the chair and the floor interact to create static charge. I believe there exist floor coverings created specifically to avoid this problem.

Daniel Schildt

@hakona @amxmln @haeckerfelix Furniture ESD from chairs is difficult to "fix", as there are multiple different potential causes for it. It's not the floor covering, even while that can increase the risk. (PDF file, original article from 1993) tells that:

"Normal methods of ESD control such as wrist straps, floor wax, as well as "ESD safe" chairs have no effect on this problem. Therefore an equipment problem may exist in a location and ESD not be suspected as the cause."


@haeckerfelix @amxmln Yup, exactly this problem with a HÅG Capisco 8601 & DisplayPort.


@djb @haeckerfelix @amxmln I'm not alone 🥳

My mom who sold these at work for some time told me that they sell special ESD-safe variants of the chair... which is mostly intended for highly sensitive areas but it seems like they're needed for us regular folx as well :')


@ljrk @haeckerfelix @amxmln oh thanks for the tip. I'll see what I can dig up. Maybe I can modify it a bit. Hopefully nothing too ugly

Elias Probst

@haeckerfelix I had major issues like this due to a cheap, badly shielded DisplayPort cable. Whenever a USB cable came in contact with it, the screen flickered or went off. Bought a bit more expensive one - problem solved.


@haeckerfelix @amxmln wait is this why my screens randomly go black? I don’t have an ikea chair but I have the same issue. I use DisplayPort.


@greg_harvey @haeckerfelix That takes me back! One of my electronic engineering lecturers at uni in the 90's (the very cool Dr. Tozer) earthed his office chair to the radiator in his room. I must be getting old, just checked, and he's now an Emeritus Professor! 😀


@haeckerfelix eh, one of my external screens turns off for .5s when I turn on the light next to it, or sometimes when my fridge starts…

Kevin P. Fleming

@haeckerfelix WOW! I have this same symptom with a non-IKEA chair and hadn't yet been annoyed enough to figure out the cause. Thank you!

Timothée Ravier

@haeckerfelix OMG, I might be impacted by this as well! Thanks for sharing

Ivan Molodetskikh

@haeckerfelix lol, my blanket at home reliably shuts off my screen for a second when I make my bed. It's quite clear though because it's audibly sparking the static electricity

Julian Hofer

@YaLTeR @haeckerfelix i never heard of this effect. I also don't understand what exactly is happening here


@ju @YaLTeR @haeckerfelix my understanding is that static electricity or electromagnetic interference is causing physical cable connections to temporarily disconnect.


@haeckerfelix EMP chair was not on my bingo card for 2023.


Holy shit. I was looking at replacing my monitor, but if this is it.... wtf

Daniel Schildt

@GnoeJuan @haeckerfelix Another person shared a link to research paper from 1993 about Furniture ESD:

"A New Type of Furniture ESD and Its Implications" by Douglas C. Smith

Daniel Schildt

@haeckerfelix So this might be why my computer screen has been randomly going blank in the past two years. Happened at least 2-3 times per week recently. So it might be the chair. 😂

Phil Rees

@haeckerfelix Have you tried waiving a towel at it while shouting "Cooeee! Mr Spaceship!"

Worked for Arthur and Ford with a similarly perplexing problem that turned out to be more of a time paradox than an intelligence test.


Johan | PD1JMB

@phrees @haeckerfelix So that explains why some time ago my monitor shut off for five minutes and failed to detect the HDMI from my laptop while I was standing up and sitting down on my desk chair 🤪


@phrees @haeckerfelix Any observer would definitely lean more towards the “intelligence test”


@haeckerfelix huh an entirely new version of "problem exists between chair and keyboard"

Lady Artemis

@MindPersephone @haeckerfelix


Problem in chair, not in computer.

Usage : that last repair call was a picnic.

Fabian Schlenz

@haeckerfelix Whoa. I had exactly the same problem - except with a completely different chair. It disappeared once I got a new monitor, which apparently isn't as sensitive to ESD as the old one...

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@fabian @haeckerfelix Are they different in frequency? I have two displays equally close, one 1440p with 144hz and one 1366p with 60hz. The first has to resync, the second doesn't.


@fabian @haeckerfelix Dud you use the same cable or a new cable that came with the new monitor? Was it the same kind of connection or a different connection?

Felix Urbasik

@haeckerfelix I had the exact same issue with another IKEA chair! But I didn't know it was the chair until now. All I know is that my wife's chair turned off every time I got up. (I was right next to her until)

Do you really think it's ESD?


@haeckerfelix interesting, I get these brief black screen moments, I assumed they were micro-power cuts, as my UPS tends to kick in for a couple of seconds at the same time.

Jean-Francois Mezei

@haeckerfelix there are (or used to be) anti-static sprays and you could put that on fabric to reduce static on the fabric. Grounding metal frame may help, but if probem is between fabric and your own body, then grounding metal frame may not do much.


@jfmezei @haeckerfelix
Many suspect the gas lift piston found in many office chairs. If so, anti-static fabric sprays might not help. Adding ferrite cores to the display cables has been suggested


@bornach @jfmezei @haeckerfelix Spraying the chair with a mix of liquid fabric softener and water has fixed this issue for me! Needs to be done once every couple of weeks.

Jean-Francois Mezei

@bornach @haeckerfelix If it is the piston, then "shorting" the lower cylinder with the actual piston (uipper portion) by soldering a wire between both would prevent static generation when the piston rubs against the cylinder.
If there is static discharge, far more dangerous than blanking your screen from time to time is zapping your keyboard when you touch it, or if wired keyboard, zapping your RAM or CPU chips.

Ethan Starkweather

@haeckerfelix a similar thing happens to me with my Steelcase Leap 2! I got the “billiard table” upholstery and the ESD will wake a computer from sleep that’s like ten feet away.

Carey :blobcatverified:

@ethans @haeckerfelix ESD waking a computer from sleep?! Here I was ready to blame my employer's Windows group policies.

Gustav Lindqvist 🇸🇪

@haeckerfelix Holy shit, I have this exact same issue with another IKEA-chair

JW prince of CPH

@gustav @haeckerfelix My colleague has this exact issue with his screen - now I have to find out if our chairs are from IKEA 😱


@haeckerfelix should read "chair not fcc (?) Compliant" :-) or who is the not refering to "may not produce harmful interference"? As the chair isn't an electric device it doesn't need to be tested I guess..


@haeckerfelix Yeah that's a well known problem.
At university we had this many times.
Than they tested out many screen stool combinations.
Also the floor covering has an impact.


@haeckerfelix I have this chair, but I never experienced this.

But I already knew that some chairs, not only IKEA’s, can have problems with screens.
There was a post about how the new chairs of a Dutch development company where their biggest problem. For almost the same reason.


@haeckerfelix Oh 😳so that‘s it. I‘ve been having this problem for years on my workplace. I always thought it was display related.

I was going insane because I though my electrical routing was fucked up or one of my monitors was broken. It was really weird because the problem persisted through 3 home moves.



@haeckerfelix @halfa ca m’était arrivé également avec des Herman Miller et écrans Dell !

Female-presenting nipples

@haeckerfelix My monitor does a similar thing where it blanks as if the signal was interrupted, and I've been unable to identify why, I was thinking there was a bad connection. But, thinking about it, it may have coincided with the timing of me adding an ikea cushion pad to my metal chair to aid in comfort. I'm gonna take the pad off and see if the interruptions stop.


@haeckerfelix I don't think you need to connect it to the ground; connecting appropriate two parts of the chair together should suffice. I would expect that the chair is not discharging any if that charge into air (it didn't have any spiky parts after all).

James Tinmouth

@haeckerfelix have this exact problem with a secretlabs chair (for gaming... yeah right). I have 2x external monitors both very different, the USB-C powered one always reacts if I move, the mains powered USB-C to DP doesn't so frequently. Thought it was a crappy usb dock to start with but then I completely changed computer setup and the problem remained.

Pascal Pupskönich 💨👑

@haeckerfelix 😂 That sparked a memory. JayzTwoCents had a video about it two years ago.

Looks like properly grounding your chair was the only solution :(

Martin Vogel

The leather variant of the Markus chair seems to be less dangerous. I have no ES problems here.
#ikea #chair #hardware #weird

Nikki | 2078

@haeckerfelix THANK YOU FOR THIS POST. I have a completely different chair (not even Ikea) that also does this and now I know why !!!!


@haeckerfelix This is astounding, nay, breathtaking.


@haeckerfelix @roobre buy a good display port cable that is shielded and grounding the screen are also a couple of things that had been told to work.


@haeckerfelix there's a reason real office equipment does not come from IKEA (and tends to be not cheap, if you buy according to spec)

Mitch Impey

@haeckerfelix Great post. I had this issue in other forms. Due to the clear plastic mat protecting the wood floor, combined with dry winter weather and clothes worn. ESD is an issue always! :)


@haeckerfelix This sounds…AMAZING! I would be ‘Static Man’ and wheel myself everywhere in IKEA branded office comfort. No electronics, cats, dogs, small children, or spouses would be safe from my electric shock touch!

Andrea Clayton Vail

@haeckerfelix oh my gosh I'm not going crazy - it does have to do with my chair 🤯


@haeckerfelix Can also be caused by wearing silk underwear.


@haeckerfelix 🤯 I had the same with my old office chair in my old office. Weird AF every time I sat down.


@haeckerfelix Had that happen in a Office with Dell monitors and (I forgot the brand but expedience ones) Office chairs.
It was a Hardware company, so we had faraday/EMF blocking fabric around and that reduced the occurrence of that issue significantly

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸


Ever since I bought this chair my main monitor infrequently has to resync every time I stand up. It gets way worse once I wear specific pants (!) as they're out of polyester, causing the chair to not just disable the monitor but build up such a high charge that once anyone gets too near they receive quite the strong shock, including visible blue arcs and an audible bang.
Would attaching a virtual ground to the chair help? Don't know this stuff.

Evan Heisman

@haeckerfelix I am trying to decide if I fried a SBC I was messing with as a result of the fabric on my (not Ikea) chair. I get a static shock off of it constantly.

Kelvin n0mql EN35ld


Dude, sarcastically: "Hey man, nice electric chair."

You: "Thanks, yeah, I got it at IKEA."

Dude, mutters to self: "Damn, those Swedes are weird AF."

Aditya Palwankar :verified:

@haeckerfelix hahah wtf this is such an intriguing story. Worth investigating... Report this to IKEA

Etienne Delay

@haeckerfelix same issue here but whit a not ikea chaire 😱 I will test your solution


@haeckerfelix Love your idea, I may try it this winter!

I ran into the same problem a few years ago with my HP LP3065. Not sure if this is just ancedotal, but I have had success grounding the cabling well via grounding both devices being connected. This fixed most of my problem, other than the sparks on my butt as I get up :) Laptops have the biggest issue in my experience as they generally are isolated. Many screens are *also* isolated now...



Urban legend though it may be, the moral of the story is still pretty good - Just because the error report is crazy doesn't mean it's not real.


@haeckerfelix Who would have known chairs need to be FCC compliant?

Sébastien Alexandre Andrivet

@haeckerfelix My own solution is to ensure that the humidity in the room isn't too low, making static electricity much less likely to form.

R. David Atwell

@haeckerfelix wild. I've had this problem myself and assumed static electricity from my clothes. I never thought about it maybe being my chair.


@haeckerfelix Wow. I have the same chair, but haven't observed this issue yet. Will keep an eye on it!

Dawn Tåke 🏳️‍⚧️


I've thought about getting one of those grounding bracelets when it's super dry in the winter at work. Maybe you need one on the chair. XP


@haeckerfelix Glad I got the leather version, I guess. 😅


@haeckerfelix Put a good ferrite bead on each of your monitor cables right near the monitor. That should help radiated immunity like that.

I wear EH shoes for work and live in the frozen north so winter is a shocking experience even without "helpful" furniture.


@haeckerfelix This is actually a know and documented issue with displaylink adapters. The gas strut compressing is the problem somehow but no one (that I’ve seen) has worked out why it happens. Even expensive chairs like some Herman Miller ones do it.

Dorothea Salo

@haeckerfelix IME a little Static Guard to the chair seat and possibly back (my chair has a fabric back, yours might not) works for a week or two.

joene :ecoan: :bij1_flag: :antifa: 🇵🇸 🕊️

@haeckerfelix To make it more complicated. I have a Markus chair as well, but have not any problems using my (Samsung) monitor. 🤔


@haeckerfelix wow, exact same problem; Corsair chair, HDMI to a 2nd screen, how bizarre!!

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@haeckerfelix Once Upon A Time there was just one woman in the office who crashed the computer every time she went near it.

Eventually we had to suggest to her - she hadn't worked it out for herself - that maybe she could try not wearing nylon underwear.

Which solved the problem.

Tim McCormack

@TimWardCam @haeckerfelix This... might explain the woman who was not allowed to touch the computers at my dad's company. 😆 She was always getting zapped on light switches, and just sitting down at a computer (not even touching it) was often enough to make it crash or go wonky. So she got non-electronic tasks.

Tom Fitzpatrick


This happens to me every day but only when my headphones are in. It’s a pretty incredible journey for the static charge:

Chair -> Pants -> Legs -> Ears -> Earbuds -> 3.5mm extension cable -> 3.5mm to RCA Adapter -> Audio Mixer -> Macbook Audio Input -> Macbook Mobo -> HDMI Out -> Monitor

I've never doubted the cause, though. The monitor going black is always timed with a jolt of pain in my ears.

I'm using a #HermanMiller Embody and have no plans to ground the chair lol.


@haeckerfelix I had the same problem, not with IKEA, but with some other chair. First i thought I was having power fluctuations or bad wiring in the apartment.
I realised it was static when I once bent to grab something, my hair came close to the screen and it turned off!

chibi-[N]ah🇫🇷 :gold_account:

@haeckerfelix Dave Jones (from eevblog) talked about chairs that makes ESD and turned off a screen a few years ago :)


@haeckerfelix this is not PEBKAC but PIC (problem is chair).


@haeckerfelix I've had to do similar things with Herman miller embody's, they make a lot of static in a dry winter environment at 20% rh. I fried a displayport cable from a good distance once.

They were more or less banned from the EE lab, where esd compliant chairs and everything got installed after a few components met an untimely end.

Chris Coleman

@haeckerfelix had the same problem, solved it by buying display cables with a ferrite choke, or just adding on on your current cables.


@haeckerfelix That is super weird. Luckily I got the leather one and never experienced the issue but that would truly be maddening. I had a similar issue with a projector in our old church building where our hdmi splitter would randomly power cycle with no rhyme or reason. I finally found the culprit when a toddler went crazy on a light switch in a separate room and the power cycling lined up. Bad wiring + cheapo electronics!

Gregory Wild-Smith

@haeckerfelix guessing you want to upgrade your HDMI cables to something heavily shielded. Most modern cables are barely shielded at all (usually not many heavy transformers or similar in homes anymore). An upgrade may fix it.

If not… it’s something inside the screen being affected & some kind of foil/metal barrier would be needed

Håkon Alstadheim

@haeckerfelix If it is the fabric, you can dilute some fabric-softener in water and spray the fabric. This reduces the fabric's ability to hod a charge.


@haeckerfelix Yeah this is a funny issue to find out. I used to have USB devices blip out and disconnect/reconnect every time my SO sat down or got up from a chair next to me.

Not so much an Ikea specific issue but gas suspension certainly and I guess the materials count too :)

Mandy (she/her)

@haeckerfelix Woah - you just solved why my TV turns off when we get up from one part of our new sectional sofa. I hope you figure out a solution to the problem other than the obvious: reupholster the seat with a less static-prone fabric.

Tim Bray

@haeckerfelix I wonder what the electromagnetic effects are doing to your genitals?


@haeckerfelix I have this problem! Not an Ikea chair, but periodically my computer screen will go off for a sec. I wonder if my chair is the issue!

Nobilis Reed


WHOA! Thanks for posting this, I think I've got the same problem!


@haeckerfelix A funny coincidence, El Reg recently posted a similar story

with a hairy pullover!

John-Mark Gurney


Umm, I might have a similar problem with my chair, though not as bad. I've been having troubles with my screen randomly going blank as well. Thanks for this post, I'll investigate.

#ikea #chair #hardware #weird

Steve Riggins

@haeckerfelix Should probably consider screening our furniture

Loïc Denuzière

Ha, sounds similar to this French streamer who spent an entire session trying to figure out why his keyboard got disconnected every time he got up from his chair 🤔

Asmir Mustafic

@haeckerfelix whoa, I have exactly the same issue, I would never think about the chair


@haeckerfelix is your computer a macbook and/or are you using the short, non-earthed power cable with the power brick?

Felix Häcker

@EndlessMason nope, using a ThinkPad, no Apple (charging) devices involved here.

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