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Jean-Francois Mezei

@haeckerfelix there are (or used to be) anti-static sprays and you could put that on fabric to reduce static on the fabric. Grounding metal frame may help, but if probem is between fabric and your own body, then grounding metal frame may not do much.


@jfmezei @haeckerfelix
Many suspect the gas lift piston found in many office chairs. If so, anti-static fabric sprays might not help. Adding ferrite cores to the display cables has been suggested


@bornach @jfmezei @haeckerfelix Spraying the chair with a mix of liquid fabric softener and water has fixed this issue for me! Needs to be done once every couple of weeks.

Jean-Francois Mezei

@bornach @haeckerfelix If it is the piston, then "shorting" the lower cylinder with the actual piston (uipper portion) by soldering a wire between both would prevent static generation when the piston rubs against the cylinder.
If there is static discharge, far more dangerous than blanking your screen from time to time is zapping your keyboard when you touch it, or if wired keyboard, zapping your RAM or CPU chips.

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