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Felix Häcker

So folks, don't forget to check if your Ikea chair is compatible with your screen. I'm not kidding. A thread 🧵.

I've had the problem with my new screen for several weeks now, that every now and then the screen goes black for a few seconds.

Today I had enough and wanted to investigate the problem. So I started changing all the cables, plugging the screen into a different socket, and and and. Nothing helped.

#ikea #chair #hardware #weird

Felix Häcker

The only correlation I could find was that the screen only goes off when my Ikea office chair is somehow involved.

So I suspected a loose contact somewhere. But no. No matter how much I wiggled the table/cables, everything was fine.

The problem was only there when I sat down or stood up, although the chair didn't even touch the table.

Felix Häcker

That was the moment I had my doubts. So I got another chair and tested it with it. No problem, screen stays on.

Took the Ikea "MARKUS" chair again, sat down - screen went off again.

HUH?! My chair has a feature that automatically turns screens on/off? I guess nice privacy feature?

Felix Häcker

I started to lose faith and couldn't find a logical explanation. So I searched the internet for "ikea markus chair screen problems" 🤦‍♂️

WAIT! I am not the only one with this problem!? Found the following (German) forum post:

Felix Häcker

It turns out that the fabric seat cover, and/or the gas suspension creates such a strong electrostatic discharge (ESD) that my screen shuts off for a short time.

The solution? No idea yet, but it seems that insulating the chair with copper foil and connecting it to a socket (ground) might help. 🤦‍♂️

Welcome to 2023 - Your Ikea "MARKUS" chair is not compatible with your screen 👏

(Not my chair, the picture is from the forum post)

#ikea #chair #hardware #weird


@haeckerfelix ahaha, uau, that is interesting. I bet you went all Poirot on the situation. I'm glad you've found the bug 🤓

Amadeus Maximilian

@haeckerfelix wait, what? 😳😅

I have the same issue! With a different chair, not from IKEA and only my main screen (the secondary one is identical though) shuts off randomly sometimes. Thought my GPU was bad or something, never could've thought it might be linked to the chair. 😅

Felix Häcker

@amxmln Is it possible that your second monitor is connected via DisplayPort?

I have the feeling that DisplayPort is more "sensitive" than HDMI in that regard.

Amadeus Maximilian

@haeckerfelix My primary screen (the one which shuts off) is plugged in via HDMI and the secondary (which remains on) via Display Port—but the secondary screen is further away from my chair than the primary one. 🤔

I’ll keep an eye on whether or not I can reliably reproduce it now that I know it might be the chair. 😊

Daniel Schildt

@amxmln @haeckerfelix HDMI seems to be more sensitive to interference. I have two external displays on a laptop, and only of of those gets blanked frequently. Larger display has longer cable, so that might be part of the reason why it's more sensitive to any issues. Maybe better cable quality might reduce part of the issues, as some of the thinner cables don't have that much insulation.

But seriously, the chair is likely to the blame, not the cables. Floor covering might also matter a bit, too?


@haeckerfelix @amxmln Yup, exactly this problem with a HÅG Capisco 8601 & DisplayPort.

Elias Probst

@haeckerfelix I had major issues like this due to a cheap, badly shielded DisplayPort cable. Whenever a USB cable came in contact with it, the screen flickered or went off. Bought a bit more expensive one - problem solved.


@greg_harvey @haeckerfelix That takes me back! One of my electronic engineering lecturers at uni in the 90's (the very cool Dr. Tozer) earthed his office chair to the radiator in his room. I must be getting old, just checked, and he's now an Emeritus Professor! 😀


@haeckerfelix eh, one of my external screens turns off for .5s when I turn on the light next to it, or sometimes when my fridge starts…

Kevin P. Fleming

@haeckerfelix WOW! I have this same symptom with a non-IKEA chair and hadn't yet been annoyed enough to figure out the cause. Thank you!

Timothée Ravier

@haeckerfelix OMG, I might be impacted by this as well! Thanks for sharing

Ivan Molodetskikh

@haeckerfelix lol, my blanket at home reliably shuts off my screen for a second when I make my bed. It's quite clear though because it's audibly sparking the static electricity

Julian Hofer

@YaLTeR @haeckerfelix i never heard of this effect. I also don't understand what exactly is happening here


@haeckerfelix EMP chair was not on my bingo card for 2023.


Holy shit. I was looking at replacing my monitor, but if this is it.... wtf

Daniel Schildt

@GnoeJuan @haeckerfelix Another person shared a link to research paper from 1993 about Furniture ESD:

"A New Type of Furniture ESD and Its Implications" by Douglas C. Smith

Daniel Schildt

@haeckerfelix So this might be why my computer screen has been randomly going blank in the past two years. Happened at least 2-3 times per week recently. So it might be the chair. 😂

Phil Rees

@haeckerfelix Have you tried waiving a towel at it while shouting "Cooeee! Mr Spaceship!"

Worked for Arthur and Ford with a similarly perplexing problem that turned out to be more of a time paradox than an intelligence test.



@haeckerfelix huh an entirely new version of "problem exists between chair and keyboard"

Fabian Schlenz

@haeckerfelix Whoa. I had exactly the same problem - except with a completely different chair. It disappeared once I got a new monitor, which apparently isn't as sensitive to ESD as the old one...

Felix Urbasik

@haeckerfelix I had the exact same issue with another IKEA chair! But I didn't know it was the chair until now. All I know is that my wife's chair turned off every time I got up. (I was right next to her until)

Do you really think it's ESD?


@haeckerfelix interesting, I get these brief black screen moments, I assumed they were micro-power cuts, as my UPS tends to kick in for a couple of seconds at the same time.

Jean-Francois Mezei

@haeckerfelix there are (or used to be) anti-static sprays and you could put that on fabric to reduce static on the fabric. Grounding metal frame may help, but if probem is between fabric and your own body, then grounding metal frame may not do much.

Ethan Starkweather

@haeckerfelix a similar thing happens to me with my Steelcase Leap 2! I got the “billiard table” upholstery and the ESD will wake a computer from sleep that’s like ten feet away.

Gustav Lindqvist 🇸🇪

@haeckerfelix Holy shit, I have this exact same issue with another IKEA-chair


@haeckerfelix should read "chair not fcc (?) Compliant" :-) or who is the not refering to "may not produce harmful interference"? As the chair isn't an electric device it doesn't need to be tested I guess..


@haeckerfelix Yeah that's a well known problem.
At university we had this many times.
Than they tested out many screen stool combinations.
Also the floor covering has an impact.


@haeckerfelix I have this chair, but I never experienced this.

But I already knew that some chairs, not only IKEA’s, can have problems with screens.
There was a post about how the new chairs of a Dutch development company where their biggest problem. For almost the same reason.


@haeckerfelix Oh 😳so that‘s it. I‘ve been having this problem for years on my workplace. I always thought it was display related.

I was going insane because I though my electrical routing was fucked up or one of my monitors was broken. It was really weird because the problem persisted through 3 home moves.



@haeckerfelix @halfa ca m’était arrivé également avec des Herman Miller et écrans Dell !

Female-presenting nipples

@haeckerfelix My monitor does a similar thing where it blanks as if the signal was interrupted, and I've been unable to identify why, I was thinking there was a bad connection. But, thinking about it, it may have coincided with the timing of me adding an ikea cushion pad to my metal chair to aid in comfort. I'm gonna take the pad off and see if the interruptions stop.


@haeckerfelix I don't think you need to connect it to the ground; connecting appropriate two parts of the chair together should suffice. I would expect that the chair is not discharging any if that charge into air (it didn't have any spiky parts after all).

James Tinmouth

@haeckerfelix have this exact problem with a secretlabs chair (for gaming... yeah right). I have 2x external monitors both very different, the USB-C powered one always reacts if I move, the mains powered USB-C to DP doesn't so frequently. Thought it was a crappy usb dock to start with but then I completely changed computer setup and the problem remained.

Sunflower Björnskalle 🌻

@haeckerfelix I love ESD and other EM weirdness... People underestimate what a wild zoo their homes can be. I have these bluetooth headphones that somehow pick up everything, turning things on and off always gives me some static... and I remember I had an old FM radio that was able to notice all kinds of weird shit too.

Andreas, DJ3EI, he/him

Medium wave radios (aka AM radios) may pick up noise from electric discharges in their environments, especially if tuned to the "static" (sic!) between stations. These might give you a somewhat sensitive detector.

Cat West

@haeckerfelix How do you thread a post? The post even has a banner: “THREAD”… I am going to check and see if I can just reply to myself and get a ‘thread’

Felix Häcker

@Catawu just replied to my own messages, I don’t think there’s any other possibility to create “threads”.

Cat West

@haeckerfelix It actually works for me too. I had simply overlooked that the thread actually gets a banner of its own, in the past. Today, I became aware. << scary statement

Nick Drage

@haeckerfelix I know you know this already... but this is *excellent* problem solving.

Jirah Cox

@haeckerfelix Happens with my SecretLab chair all the time. Goes away for a while if I spray the chair with Febreze.

Kirk Kittell

@haeckerfelix This is why we test all aircraft components and assemblies and the integrated whole like crazy for electromagnetic effects. Crazy unexpected effects among unrelated components if you don't control it. We try to avoid some situation like "This is the captain speaking. We've turned off the fasten seatbelt light and would like you all to stand up for the remainder of the journey so that the flight computer will stop cutting out."

Kirk Kittell

@haeckerfelix congrats on figuring it out, by the way—solid work. I can't imagine linking those two items, even if the correlation was shocking me in the face.

Brent Ashley

@haeckerfelix I have this *exact same problem with my Markus chair. For some time I had a heavy stranded copper wire connected to it that ran direct to my basement copper water supply pipe as ground. I also changed from a glass mat to a plastic mat and then to a 4x4ft OSB board underneath. Still didn't solve it completely. I have since changed to the Ikea JÄRVFJÄLLET chair and it happens much less frequently.

Brent Ashley

@haeckerfelix Interestingly, it only happens with one of my laptop/monitor pairs (I have 4 laptops each with a monitor on my desk) even after I swapped monitors so it must be a combination of the laptop, port, cable and wall mount that is susceptible to the field effect.


@haeckerfelix as someone who had to ground a chair that doubled as a supercap, i feel your pain! (no display issues though, i was just afraid to handle vintage chips when sitting on it)

Blind Mapmaker

@haeckerfelix I have the same problem! Was thinking it was monitor-related since it was happening with two different computers. Thank you so much for posting!

I can't check it right now, but I'll see whether that makes a difference as soon as I can.

#Ikea #Monitor #Graphics #ComputerTrouble


@haeckerfelix Solution: Baby terry mattress cover, works perfekt for me.

billy joe bowers is tired.🇺🇦


We used to do the fabric softener and water spray in the studio for static, might be easier than a big grounding cable.

GamePlayer :blobCat_hug:

@haeckerfelix Reminds of Cafe Simulator :blobCat_corrupted_joy:


@haeckerfelix you can find an article on the website of the DisplayLink organisation about this issue (which is not related only to the IKEA chair) :


@haeckerfelix Woah! I encountered similar issues with my (non-IKEA) chair and screen. It briefly turns off when I get up from my chair, but not when I do any other movements in front of it. It's very reproducible and totally weird. This might be the cause for it. Thank you for this thread!

Beko Pharm

@haeckerfelix huh, thought I'm the only one. For me it's putting the DECT phone back in it's charger or operating the light switch in the room.

Last week I did put my mobile phone under one and it started drawing "scanlines" until I set the phone to plane mode o0

Super sensitive tech apparently. Some are connected via DP. Some are HDMI. Doesn't matter 🤷

No idea about the chair. It's also Ikea but the gas suspension gave up already and I'm still building courage buying a new one 😜

Fluffbell 🪼

@haeckerfelix I think I got a screen gifted to me thanks to this.
Someone claimed that this screen wouldn't be working correctly anymore and I said I'll take it
Works perfectly fine for me!
They have such an IKEA chair :D

Broke student is thankful!

@haeckerfelix you need to download the chair app to pair the chair with the screen. it does cost a subscription per unique butt.
Henrik Köstering

@haeckerfelix wait i‘m not the only one with this Problem 😂😂

Cat Ashton Ryan

@haeckerfelix I have a flintan chair that regularly discharges when I use it.

Cragsand :verified_coffee:

@haeckerfelix I'm sorry that it's causing issues but also, this is absolutely hilarious.
Which screen do you have?

Mx Autumn :blobcatpumpkin:

@haeckerfelix I remember JayzTwoCents having the same issue.

They discovered that because they live in a dry environment it causes static electricity buildup which was knocking out their monitors when they sat at the desk.

Lars Karlslund :verified:

@haeckerfelix I got the Dell XPS 15 some years ago, and it had random BSODs relating to the wifi driver.

There was no system to it, but it only happened in our living room, never at the office.

After much sleuthing I figured it out: every time I was in the living room, and my wife used the microwave, it had a BSOD.

It was 100% reproducible.

I switched to an Intel card and all problems were gone.


@haeckerfelix My Herman Miller chair doesn't turn off the screen, just Spotify.

Jimmy Sjölund

@haeckerfelix Yup, can confirm same issue with Ikea Hattefjäll. Workaround: hold the chair with one hand on the side every time you move. You get a nice electric shock every time but the screen stays on.


@haeckerfelix @heinragas This reminds me of a classic story where someone’s password was rejected when he was sitting down, but accepted when he typed it standing up.

It appeared that two keyboard caps were swapped. Sitting down he typed blind, standing up he peeked at the keyboard…

Danielle Vossebeld

@haeckerfelix Wow, Nice detective work. 🕵️ 👏🏼
I had similar black screens on my laptop, and they told me this was a known issue for this series. I wish I knew your story then, would have tried to test that theory. 🔍

Ed Davies

@haeckerfelix Same problem here with Acer external monitor plugged in via HDMI to a Toshiba laptop. IKEA Markus chair.

External monitor blinks off for about 5 seconds. Laptop's internal monitor is not affected. Happens every few days but not particularly associated with standing up or sitting down. Will try to observe how I'm sitting when it happens.

Carola :blobcatinnocent:

@haeckerfelix Incredible… For some time, my screen at work has been going off for few seconds. Although we do not have IKEA chairs, this may be a very good explanation! I do have an IKEA chair at Home, and still haven’t suffered this problem. Maybe it is better suited for the job as it is marketed as a “gaming” chair, whatever they mean with it? (Model is MATCHSPEL). Thanks for sharing!


@haeckerfelix Yesterday, I build such a chair…today I saw this toot and 5min ago I opened my laptop (T530) and blackscreen, I had to reboot. Well…coincidence?

Twidi / Stéphane Angel

@haeckerfelix my head exploded when reading your toot. Because the same thing happen to me. Not an ikea chair, and only happened since I got my new ultrawide screen months ago. I was like "This should be a problem with a cable" but couldn't find anything... and stopped looking for a reason... "ok, nevermind"

I didn't even think someone else could have the problem :D

Thanks for the explanation, and the "it blew my mind" moment I had while reading your first message, like "WHAAAAAAT" :D

GayCookie 🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️

Oh my god! I've been facing similar issues with my Ikea chair. Initially, I thought the reason behind it was the ungrounded sockets in my room.

Whenever I try to move the chair after standing up, it's always a bit of a gamble whether I'll get a shock or not from touching the back-leaning part. It's become a bit of a game for me, in a way.

However, since this chair has already given up on me, I'm considering buying a new one. It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one dealing with these problems.

Oh my god! I've been facing similar issues with my Ikea chair. Initially, I thought the reason behind it was the ungrounded sockets in my room.

Whenever I try to move the chair after standing up, it's always a bit of a gamble whether I'll get a shock or not from touching the back-leaning part. It's become a bit of a game for me, in a way.

However, since this chair has already given up on me, I'm considering buying a new one. It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one dealing with these problems.


@haeckerfelix We had that once in the office (~10y ago) - one office chair and one specific monitor and only if you sat down with a lot of force. But yeah, since then I know that's a thing :P

Cyril Brulebois

@haeckerfelix @olasd I've been seeing this at home as well; moving from a Dell laptop, its dockstation, and DisplayPort to a different brand/model, without dockstation, and HDMI (with the same screen as before). With an X-chair by Milani.

Beyond Doomscrolling

@haeckerfelix maybe some kind of floor protection mat helps? IKEA is selling them too. 😈

Frederik Braun �

@haeckerfelix it’s known, but not widely known. Most people don’t make the connection from the bug to a non-computer-related physical issue :-)

Jonathan Kamens

@haeckerfelix This reminds me of one of my better "I was a fool" stories which you might find amusing.
One day at work back before flat-screens my monitor kept making a zapping noise and briefly going blank. I filed a ticket asking for someone to look at it, then I had to add a sheepish comment admitting I'd realized why it was happening: I'd put my boots on top of the monitor to warm up and the snow on them was melting and dripping onto the capacitor.
The fix: paper towel under the boots.

Rat Dad™

@haeckerfelix this is funny, I remember reading troubleshooting horror stories from as far back as the 90s tracking down this exact problem in different situations

Everton Favretto

@haeckerfelix not the first time I hear something like this

I think it's the gas piston that generates the EMP.

Dr. Sbaitso

@haeckerfelix Good work teasing out the details, and thanks for sharing!

I've got a similar issue with my non-Ikea chair. However, it only really happens when there's really low humidity. I'm in a place with cold, dry winters so a little humidifier solves this (and several other) problem almost entirely for the ~six months a year it's a real problem.


@haeckerfelix I had the same problem (cheap chair but not Ikea). After some googling, I tried spraying the chair and floor mat with a mix of fabric softener and water once every couple of weeks. Problem went away.

petur 🔵😶

@haeckerfelix interesting... Got another chair at work and from time to time one of the dual monitors blinks black, now I have to check the chair! WTF

Twelve :GrapheneOS:

Good to know I also having same issues with esd discharge on a diffrent not IKEA chair. I can hear the esd shock. Funnely out of 3 mlnitors. Only one is effected. I will probonly just ground it.

If it is the fabric I guess I can swap it out, but a lot of work. Think just adding a cable good enouth

Pēteris Krišjānis

@haeckerfelix I have Ikea chair and my monitor flipped on and off some time ago 😳

@haeckerfelix haha 😄 i did an office design some years back. The clients people working in the office were so frustrated with the static electricity from there furniture and clothes, they asked my to install copper "grounding plates" in certain parts of the office. I had a lot of fun doing what they asked : )

Later on we revised the entire offices grounding infrastructure but had quite a laugh. This really reminded me of that project 😊
@haeckerfelix haha 😄 i did an office design some years back. The clients people working in the office were so frustrated with the static electricity from there furniture and clothes, they asked my to install copper "grounding plates" in certain parts of the office. I had a lot of fun doing what they asked : )

@haeckerfelix OMG I don't have an IKEA chair but do have a monitor that sometimes goes black. I blamed my $70 KVM switch or the 9-in-1 Anker USB-C hub.

Jared Cherup

@haeckerfelix Not IKEA, but we dealt with this with this exact scenario a few years ago with one individual and... it was mind boggling.

damien :donor:

@haeckerfelix this is another reminder that IKEA is Swedish for HELL

Nour (aka Autistic Enby) 🏳️‍⚧️

@haeckerfelix I don't have that specific chair but I've had that same issue before, it didn't take me long to figure out it's a problem with static electricity though because I always get zapped when I touch metal after getting up from chairs/couches (I joking call this the curse of Nikola Tesla).
It happens so much that I have a rule/ritual: always touch metal while getting up from a seat (not after!), this way the charge didn't build up in the first place!

K Hamilton 🚂

@haeckerfelix I’ve been having this issue! I finally have an explanation. 🥳


Could it explain an electric desk. The electrician came to replace the control ventilation, the tester light up when in contact with the table (fake wood from Ikea)


@haeckerfelix my non ikea office chair does that sometimes too.


@haeckerfelix @siracusa I had this problem with my Secret Labs chair. I made a video about it:

Not only was it interfering with various devices, but it was also hurting me.

I fixed it with a leather(faux, I think) seat cover from an auto parts store.


@haeckerfelix might be more practical to shield the monitor, since having a tethered rolling chair kind of sucks. But that ESD can be hitting all your other electronics too


@haeckerfelix @siracusa they do make ESD-safe chairs that we always use in our electronics labs, so I guess they actually do something!


@haeckerfelix Wow, that's wild!

Would a humidifier in the space help? I live in a super dry area and haven't heard of this, but it makes sense given the materials and constant rolling.


@haeckerfelix makes me nostalgic for the “Internet of Shit” account I used to follow on twitter.


@haeckerfelix I was aware of the problem, found it at my office chair at work and showed a coworker already. Other chair manufacturer. Connection dont remember, either HDMI oder DVI-bss


@haeckerfelix HA! Your screen blackout saga resonates with me because my keyboard completely locks up, requiring a replugging, thanks to the same exact IKEA chair!

It's a Drop CTRL mechanical keyboard that I believe is known for being a bit sensitive to static electricity. I've been contemplating replacing the keyboard for a while, but now I'm wondering if I should replace the chair instead. Hmm...

😼🐔 Animal Spirits 🇺🇦🏴‍☠️

@haeckerfelix Yo' Momma so fat, she sets off an electromagnetic pulse every time she sits down.

@haeckerfelix I'm going to investigate this with my non IKEA chair because I have similar problems with my screen going off for a second or so. WTAF
Daniel Roth

@haeckerfelix I have the exact same problem with my chair and monitor. I only have this happen when:
a) my (work) laptop is using the screen
b) I’m getting up from my chair

My desktop PC is using display port is not affected and it does not happen a lot.
My desk is wood with a metal frame and adjustable height, standing on hardwood floor.

It is very frustrating at times. I was thinking of buying a rubber mat to put the chair on for some time but I don’t think that’ll solve it

@haeckerfelix I have the exact same problem with my chair and monitor. I only have this happen when:
a) my (work) laptop is using the screen
b) I’m getting up from my chair

My desktop PC is using display port is not affected and it does not happen a lot.
My desk is wood with a metal frame and adjustable height, standing on hardwood floor.

M. Tashbook

@haeckerfelix So *that’s* what’s been messing with my DisplayPort monitor! Thank you for posting this; I thought the power supply was going bad after leaving it in sleep mode for an extended period. Time to ground my computer chair…


@haeckerfelix this... Wow. I should check this for my USB-c monitor, which randomly goes black for half a second seemingly at random...

Jan Wasserhahn

@haeckerfelix Same chair and regular disconnects of USB devices when standing up 🤷‍♂️



Now I'm wondering if my chair is the reason one of my monitors sometimes goes black for a couple seconds... :ablobgrimace:


@haeckerfelix this might be the first case of PEBKAC thats not the user's fault


@haeckerfelix this is wild. I got rod of a Samsung ultra wide because it would shut off randomly. My wife took it to her office and it has zero problems. Now I need to take my chair into her office and test lol

Mark Stosberg

@haeckerfelix Once I also had problem with my computer turning off when I got up to get a drink. I thought it was random for a while, then I noticed the pattern of finding a dead computer when I got back from getting a drink.

The extra force of standing was enough to move the floor a little in our old building, and that moved the desk and power supply a little... enough to trigger a short.

Replacing the power supply solved the problem deadly water breaks.


late 90’s i had a Mac that would get stuck on boot up while the extensions were loading. after a bunch of investigating and see what was wrong I discovered that if i moved the mouse around during boot up there was no problem. never did figure out how or why but it worked so…

remote procedure chris

@haeckerfelix this is like a much more absurd version of the time i noticed my old phone was blinking infrared light all over the place for no reason and the remote sensor for my preamp from the 80s would catch it and turn on and off

Kevin Neely :donor:

@haeckerfelix Crazy! I have this same problem with an Office Depot chair I've had for years. In my case, it's pretty rare, maybe once every couple weeks, but it is when I sit down hard on the chair.

Axel Hartmann

@haeckerfelix - same here. Markus on a PVC carpet protector mat, typically wearing isolating Birkenstocks. Gives me loads of little shocks when I get up. I've noticed that stretchier pants are worse than all-cotton.
Ended up buying another 4K monitor to solve it - now I have two :-] and I believe a solution to the issue...


@haeckerfelix I've been having a similar issue and i'm not bothered enough to do anything about it, so i hope it's not damaging to the hardware. It's probably a good end though, because i thought that some of my computer components were dying.


@haeckerfelix cool story. Never thought that a chair can turn off a computer by ESD.

Andrei Neamțu

@haeckerfelix OMG, I don't have this chair in particular but ever since I've built my new pc i've had random usb disconnects, mostly my microphone or my DAC and it only happened when I got up or sat back down. I've tried everything, even replaced the motherboard. I've now just realized that it's the static discharge from the chair. Thank you so much. It was driving me insane. I've found a way for my chair to ground it, i can't wait to test it out.

Timo Tijhof


Please don't make this go viral. If IKEA "fix" this bug, I would need to buy both a chair *and* a screen protector going forward. Look, my setup works for me, I shan't be pressured by Big Chair into buying both! #xkcd

Timo Tijhof


^ This IKEA thread reminds me of this classic Mr Bean episode 😅 #mrbean

Graham :ohno:

I had this exact problem about 5 years ago, but with a different chair. It's the cylinder (pressure change causes a slight static buildup/discharge, that's just physics) and my research found that (at least in my case) it wasn't the screen, but the connector. Specifically it was connected through a cheap passive HDMI to DVI adapter with poor shielding. If I used an all-in-one HDMI-DVI cable or a better quality adapter, it was just fine.

Hopefully this helps someone!

I had this exact problem about 5 years ago, but with a different chair. It's the cylinder (pressure change causes a slight static buildup/discharge, that's just physics) and my research found that (at least in my case) it wasn't the screen, but the connector. Specifically it was connected through a cheap passive HDMI to DVI adapter with poor shielding. If I used an all-in-one HDMI-DVI cable or a better quality adapter, it was just fine.


@haeckerfelix Thank you for sharing this! We've had so many problems with screens at the office. We've changed cables, docking stations and screens in some cases. But no one expected that it could be the chair. Almost everyone has this chair. For now...


@haeckerfelix Might this be somewhat mitigated by raising the relative humidity in your home?

Aurin Azadî

@haeckerfelix Okay … so I can tell that Markus is compatible with the Samsung SyncMaster 2443BW, as I never had that problem. 🤓

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