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@autiomaa @amxmln @haeckerfelix that whole thing is just Wow! I would not have figured out the connection! Luckily for tre past 7 years I’ve relied on a Yoga ball for computer seating.

Htaggert replied to microChasm

@autiomaa @amxmln @haeckerfelix @microChasm but but but I identify as a woman…. 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️

microChasm replied to Htaggert

@Htaggert @autiomaa @amxmln @haeckerfelix Oh my! I will edit that. My apologies. I obviously need to tap on the poster to see who they are and how they identify themselves when I am scroll posting.

Htaggert replied to microChasm

@amxmln @haeckerfelix @autiomaa @microChasm it’s ok. I can try to be a man! I just was laughing!


@Htaggert What size of ball? I've been thinking of trying this to improve posture/ergonomics, but had no idea what size to get. (Also, my kids would probably steal it, but worth a shot.)

Htaggert replied to dunham

@dunham a normal regular one- they sell them vi the inter webs with a small dish with rollers between 65-80 USD, sometimes less. 😻 I love my ball chair!

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