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Eugen Rochko

199,430 is the number of new users across different Mastodon servers since October 27, along with 437 new servers. This bring last day's total to 608,837 active users, which is without precedent the highest it's ever been for Mastodon and the fediverse.


@Gargron Super impressive numbers!

I'm just confused by the concept of servers. Are these people spread across those new servers and can we access all from the platform?

Ignis Incendio :autism:

@haikushack @Gargron Hello! I can see your post and I’m on another server :verify:


@IgnisIncendio Hello there! So what's the difference between that server and the one I'm in?


@haikushack @IgnisIncendio

Hi from a completely different server. Our servers are run on completely different hardware than your server, and have completely different moderation teams and generally a different culture between our respective local users.


@iiogama @IgnisIncendio I'm starting to understand everything! I might join another server later, but I see that if you have the Federated Timeline set up properly, it won't be necessary, as we can all communicate without a hitch.

Ignis Incendio :autism:

@haikushack @iiogama True! Your server is your “window to your Fediverse”, your local culture. It’s quite cozy here.

I really like this article, it’s kinda long but it answers a lot of the questions I had!


@haikushack @IgnisIncendio

Exactly! You should also feel comfortable moving to a different server, if you happen to find one that seems cool to you. Mastodon has easy migration tools for moving servers in the settings.


@iiogama I see! But wouldn't I have to use a different app for each server?


@haikushack, the idea is that if you migrate from one server to another, you're shutting down your account on the original server. If you choose to have multiple accounts on different servers (which is a valid option), then you may want to use a different app than the official app. Toot! on iOS for example allows multiple accounts and you can switch between them pretty darn easily.


@iiogama Thank you! I fully understand now. Everyone has been so kind to explain!


@iiogama This all reminds me of MIRC, which I used in the early 2000s,, just after the MSN chatrooms closed. 😂


@haikushack, happy I could help! I can definitely see the similarities to IRC (which is still around and active, if you want to go down another rabbit hole, lol)

DELETED replied to iiogama

@iiogama Yes! IRC. I know it's not as alive as it used to be in the "old days", but it really reminds me of that. And yes, it is a complete rabbit hole! 😂

nadin brzezinski

@iiogama @haikushack @IgnisIncendio from what I understand, I could join multiple servers…I am happy here though.

Ignis Incendio :autism:

@haikushack My server is full of queer + techy people! This means that a lot of the content I see is quite tailored towards me, even when a lot of the content is from other servers.

That’s because our admin helps block the more hostile servers (from our POV, so that includes things like transphobic servers), and also the people in my server tend to follow tech + queer stuff (which appears in my federated timeline).

Finally, we can also talk to each other via the local timeline!


@IgnisIncendio Oh, so it's better to join specific servers to have a more tailored experience? I guess it means having several browser windows opened?

Ignis Incendio :autism:

@haikushack While you *could* join multiple servers for different interests, there’s no need to do that ^^

I compare it a lot to Twitter because that’s what a lot of us are familiar to 😛 Joining multiple servers is basically the same as having multiple Twitter accounts.

But if you want to have one account that is multi-interest, just choose any one of the servers that have the culture you like. For example, join the server of your main interest (but you aren’t restricted to it)


@haikushack @Gargron yes, assuming you have federation set up properly. Mastodon is like Email and twitter had a baby: you might be on Gmail and I might use outlook but they both work together for the most part! Same with Mastodon servers!


@madwonk That's fascinating! So I don't need to open another account anywhere, I guess?


@haikushack right since you can interact with all other servers. However note that you cannot log in to other servers directly.



@HeliumVisionary Yes, this I have figured out already. 😜

Is there a list of specific servers that we can join somewhere?


@haikushack not exactly. You can follow, reply, and favorite other people on other servers, but your account can't "join" them. Think of it like email. A @hotmail address can email a @yahoo address, but you cannot log into Yahoo with a Hotmail account.
All servers that your server knows about (from people following or interaction) is collected in the "Federated/Public feed".


@haikushack no, you shouldn't. There's still some clunky parts (just like searching for users on Facebook won't give you people on Twitter, searching across servers is hard to implement and the UI for cross-server interactions is definitely imperfect) but most of this can be fixed by more investment! Realistically, most people will gravitate to a few big servers but just like email nothing's stopping you from starting your own (which is what I did!)


@haikushack hello! yes and yes, mostly. the servers are also known as “instances” (when people have names not ending with and they are run by other people than eugen. instances can “defederate” from each other, which means that posts from one can’t reach another, but those are moderation decisions and not as common. mostly, all instances can talk to each other. for example, I’m posting to you from another instance! you could also move your account to another if you wanted


@christa Thak you! What I find fascinating is the fact that I can follow people across different servers.


@haikushack that’s why it’s known as federated or decentralized social media! it’s very cool. means I can be on a small instance a friend runs and still talk to one run by someone else, or that I can find small communities specific to my taste but not be cut off from others. also means when there are influxes of users to that other instances continue on fine. also, fediverse isn’t just mastodon (which is the name of the software) - there are other softwares that talk together too


@haikushack it does make it a bit confusing for newcomers, though! definitely a different paradigm than other services


@christa Honestly, My mind is blown right now. I just had no idea how much I have been missing by just focusing on FB and Twitter. I hate Instagram and TikTok with a passion. So now, I have a place to rediscover real social media.


@haikushack sweet! there are also federated alternatives to many of those - pleroma is Instagram, bookwyrm is Goodreads, there’s been talk of building a federated event service, etc. lots of cool stuff built on the activitypub protocol, which links it all together


@christa I don't think I will be able to sleep from the excitement you brought to my life tonight. (I'm serious).

Forgive my newbie question, but where do I find all the alternatives you mentioned?


@haikushack @christa here's a website I know that has soo many fediverses listed:

A/N replied to DELETED

@haikushack you're welcome, welcome to fedi :)

DELETED replied to A/N

@difwwh Thank you! I feel part of a (big) family already. 🙂

Mr. Funk E. Dude

@haikushack @Gargron anyone that runs the Mastodon software on their server, is running an “instance“ of Mastodon. is one of many instances. Much, like how you can be on Gmail and still send email to someone on Hotmail, you can follow someone on a different instance from your instance on

Check out your “federated timeline" Those are posts from people on all of the different instances that your instance is connected to.

Dr. Dan Killam

@haikushack @Gargron generally yes, they are all federated (can talk to each other). There are exceptions where admins have blocked other instances/servers by choice (defederated).


@dantheclamman I guess it's because of privacy concerns? But it all makes sense now!

Dr. Dan Killam

@haikushack a lot of the time, instances block other instances because users are putting out hate, spam, or other unwanted content


@haikushack @Gargron yes and yes. I’m on, not, but I can see your post, and I could also add you as someone I follow. It’s more like e-mail — some are on Gmail, some are on Outlook, etc., but when you type the full address, you can reach them nonetheless.


@Gargron It doesn't feel as bad as it has for previous waves!


@Gargron what is all this predicated on? Is it seriously Twitter/Musk based?


@Gargron all thanks to you and if there is anything I can do to help just let me know

Elon Tusk 💎

@Gargron I’m super happy to see the work I’ve accomplished here. Worth every billion.


@Gargron can you give us a split per country? I feel there may be some peaks due to Mexican users joining this waggon in yhe last few hours

Idriss Neumann :verified:

@mexaroo @Gargron And also Mastodon were a trending keyword in France yesterday ^^


@Gargron that's awesome! Great to see more people interested in the fediverse/decentralized social media.

Scott Bronson

@AppApe that’s a lot of new users and not that many active users :)

Seems like a good sign for thw future

electronic Max Van Kleek 🌈

@Gargron amazing! genuine question: how are you able to get these stats given the decentralised nature of mastodon? is there some centralised reporting across the whole fediverse to you?

Carl Colglazier

@emax @Gargron

Not sure exactly what Eugen is using, but the user counts are easily accessible via the API and it wouldn't be too hard to run a calculation for all the instances which federate with, which is most of them. Won't be (totally) complete, but I'm not sure Eugen is claiming that.

electronic Max Van Kleek 🌈

@carl @Gargron great answer, seems likely. was just wondering whether there was another channel / phone homing behaviour built in , which would be potentially problematic for privacy but useful for rolling our emergency updates etc

Amanda Finley Digs All Things

@Gargron wow. I don't know if I should feel guilty or very very lucky. Just glad to be here. Unfortunate I didn't know about it sooner. Much prefer!

Jacob Gonzales 🇺🇸

@Gargron activitypub is a very cool technology would be cool to see more sites pop up using it

Ukraine War Bulletins and News

@Gargron How does it feel to have a site that is bigger than Twitter, and twice as popular for the right reasons? Congratulations! Well earned, and thanks.





@Gargron sorry but as one of those new users, I do not understand much about this platform and its application to my life and can’t seem to engage anyone in addressing my needs.


@Gargron are we allowed to change fediverses? I'm trying to find people that like Hip Hop

Son Gohan 🐘

@Gargron Just wishing the administrators of all the instances don't allow bullies nor harassment of any kind.

GarysTradingStübchen ✅

@Gargron nice to hear :-) schön zu hören......das wir bestimmt noch mehr in naher zukunft wie schaut es aus mit einer blockchainanbindung mit dazugehörigen token? nur mal so eine idee....


@Gargron how's the data on bot accounts and such?
This week, the mexicant president asked Tw to eliminate them and in the las few days many of the big names, mostly anon or "parody", came over here
Any info on that?

Brar Piening

@Gargron Please take a break soon!
Watching your dream come true can make you work tirelessly until the dream ends up as a nightmare. You would not be the first to burn out in such a situation.


@Gargron qq: how do I search for plp that maybe in diff mast servers?

:sm64_c:​ :sm64_h: :sm64_r: :sm64_i: :sm64_s: (Chris Davis)

@Gargron is there an architecture overview you like of the platform? Knocking around, I didn't see one.


@Gargron thank you for letting us own our data while connecting with the world!

Ingeborg :ffxivmsq_comp:

@Gargron Something I wondered. Is it possible to make a private server? That is not visible but you can get invited to?



Does it matter which server I’m on ?
What’s the difference between servers as far as ‘visibility’ to other users. Can I still see everyone that’s on Mast’ regardless of server - or is it more like discord ?

JW 🕸

@Gargron I started mine back up after 6 months, burned the new droplet down and built one. so -2 on that and 4 users. :) Thanks for this great software.


@Gargron can the servers facilitate this? The user database will only grow

Dr Geertje van Keulen

@Gargron is it possible to see the list of names of the new servers? Searching for keywords does not work so well in my experience


@Gargron Very cool - all thanks to you #mastereugen !

all accounts related to #randompolitics I follow on Twitter in NL have already joined. Just not too many #football #soccer fans amongst those 608,837 users yet. But football fans (even the more socially engaged) are probably not early adopters.

tsallinia :arch: :kdenew:

@Gargron On behalf of the Mastodon community, "Thank you for your service Mr Elon Musk"! 😜

Leo Burtscher

@Gargron It's still only a very small fraction of the estimated ~300 million active Twitter users... Still a lot to do!

Loony loon

@Gargron This is great news,but it seems that ppl aren’t so active on Mastodon. Some have thousands of followers,but yet ,no likes and no comments,that is strange.


@Gargron It's not a lot of new users, I hope soon 500 000 more :)

feline shady, déclassée

suspect there would also have been a surge around the time i joined (late apr 2022) when elongated muskrat first mooted buying #birdsite

Blake Eastman :debian: :emacs:

@Gargron how did you get this number? How can you count users on other servers?

Mark Britten

@Gargron great news! Hopefully this growth continues and people actually start being active!


@Gargron de tafel van vier op VT4, bedank Gert Verhulst maar...


@Gargron Its going to grow more in time. Elon Musk is making sure of that by making twiter as unatractive as posible

Gail Fairlamb

@Gargron I reckon this is just the start of a much bigger migration.

Vastmans 🌈🌱

@Gargron Let’s s try to keep the momentum. Thank you for your efforts, sir.

Alan Wright

@Gargron brilliant, how's holding up?


@Gargron hi I’m new just now. Looking for fellow Socialists ✊🏻


@Gargron I would be interested in where you get that information from? Do you have a scrip asking all servers you know of for their user count? How do you get to know about new servers?


@Gargron That's awesome. Need to preserve the momentum and continue to improve the user experience and discovery. Especially on mobile.

Mathew Jobs

@Gargron Might be because twitter is falling apart?


@Gargron O gajo do :birdsite: a pensar que foi mau negócio. Ihihihih!


@Gargron I am trying Mastadon for the first time, despite being an open-source and free software fan for more than 20 years.

I am very tempted to deploy my own server to integrate into the fediverse and control my own data...



Got to suspect that Elon Musk is probably the best recruiter for Mastodon, judging by various comments on Twitter over the last few days.

Agnew Hawk :bongoCat:

@Gargron It's brillland. Wonder how many of them will stick around.


@Gargron please can someone that is still on Twitter thank you Elon's for this? This is probably the first thing he does by himself that is a good thing.


@Gargron gotta admit, i wouldn’t have known if not for elon

Chidike Okeem

@Gargron I am happy to say that I got in before Mastodon hit 1 million users.

(am Stella Omega)

@Gargron I am so grateful to the work that went into this system, making it consumer-friendly.


@Gargron Hopefully more people leave the terrible website that is twitter(.)com and come here, truly a better place than the bird site

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