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Peter Fisher

@Radical_EgoCom and if yes explain how an alternative system would work. I haven't ever heard of a system that isn't worse than capitalism.



Socialism (the collective ownership of the means of production by society), an alternative system to capitalism (the private ownership of the means of production by individuals or corporations) is better than capitalism in that it allows everyone in society, regardless of social status, to have access to the basic necessities of life (housing, food, healthcare, etc).

#Socialism #Capitalism

The Wolf of South End

@Radical_EgoCom @Reddog @FisherPeter Absolutely amazing isnt it that people having basic needs is controversial, but people having billions of pounds/dollars/etc of planes/houses/cars/yachts/hoarded cash whilst underpaying workers is acceptable and encouraged.

Peter Fisher

@Radical_EgoCom Please give me an example (country) of where this has worked



Cuba. The Cuban government under Fidel Castro nationalized industries and implemented extensive social programs, particularly in healthcare and education, and as a result has achieved high literacy rates and a strong public health system, though the economy has faced challenges, particularly due to the U.S. embargo and limited economic reforms.


@FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom saying a communist country is paradoxal, communism is against the state


@vipuri @FisherPeter

To be fair, they asked me to give an example of a country where socialism worked, not communism.


@FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Depends on what you mean by "worse than capitalism". Capitalism makes luxury goods common; socialism makes common goods into luxuries. If you value economic equality above all else, and don't care if everyone is equally destitute and desperate, socialism is the system for you.

Homem-Povo :v_com:

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom but people are desperate and common goods are luxury to the majority of people under capitalism. Remember that Africa, South America, and most of Asia is under capitalist regimes, it's not only the poor neighborhood in your town. Housing, for instance, is a very evident problem even in Europe nowadays, and has never been an issue in socialist countries. In fact, it's a fallacy that socialist countries fail to provide people with what they need and much more — fallacy that the US not only propagandise, but also attempt to make true by crippling socialist countries economies via embargoes (siege warfare).

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom but people are desperate and common goods are luxury to the majority of people under capitalism. Remember that Africa, South America, and most of Asia is under capitalist regimes, it's not only the poor neighborhood in your town. Housing, for instance, is a very evident problem even in Europe nowadays, and has never been an issue in socialist countries. In fact, it's a fallacy that socialist countries fail to provide people with what they need and...


@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

"but people are desperate and common goods are luxury to the majority of people under capitalism."

Perhaps you could provide a specific example of a common good that is a luxury under capitalism.

Homem-Povo :v_com:

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom I did mention housing, but examples are plentiful. Food is another obvious one. In the USA, the most paradigmatic capitalist country in the world, 13,5% of the people face hunger, which is worse than the global average (9%), but even the majority of people who have access to food would consider it a luxury to purchase organic non-industrialised food.


@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Well, first, let's be clear; there US is FAR from being a totally capitalist system. We have massive amounts of regulation on many sectors; including, relevantly, housing, and food. Both sectors are heavily regulated.

I do notice you compare your (unsourced) numbers to a global average, not to an average of non-capitalist nations.

Luna-Terra 1. Yes, it's regulated capitalism. Laissez-faire ancap is not the only form of capitalism...

2. 9% (1/11) per the WHO

3. There are 5 AES countries. China, the largest by far, has a hunger rate below 2.5% ( Vietnam is at 6.4% ( Laos is slightly behind USA at 14.8 ( Cuba is at 12.8% according to the US govt. ( and obviously there are no reliable stats for DPRK (no, Park "this was once revealed to me in a dream" Yeon-Mi is not reliable) due to its isolation, although I would imagine it struggles compared to less-heavily sanctioned countries. So the AES average, excluding DPRK since it has no stats, is only 0.1% higher than the global average. And still much better than USA. 1. Yes, it's regulated capitalism. Laissez-faire ancap is not the only form of capitalism...

2. 9% (1/11) per the WHO

3. There are...

Homem-Povo :v_com:

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom Regulations were introduced to save capitalism after the crash of 1929, not the other way around. The same thing happened in 2008. Regulations are a sort of bypass to some of capitalism's contradictions, and that (along with privatising) is what's called neoliberalism, as opposed to classic liberalism, where fewer regulations took place and state-owned enterprises filled the gaps in economy to keep businesses running. But regulations do not transfer the control over the means of production to the workers, nor do they keep capitalists from profiting from other people's labour by any means, so a neoliberal state is still entirely capitalist in nature, and even more so in some sense.

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom Regulations were introduced to save capitalism after the crash of 1929, not the other way around. The same thing happened in 2008. Regulations are a sort of bypass to some of capitalism's contradictions, and that (along with privatising) is what's called neoliberalism, as opposed to classic liberalism, where fewer regulations took place and state-owned enterprises filled the gaps in economy to keep businesses running. But regulations do not transfer...

Homem-Povo :v_com:

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Look, capitalism is certainly the best system to extract wealth from the resources available, I give you that. The point is workers, in this system, are also an available resource from which wealth is extracted, and the less we fight it, the more wealth is taken away from us. Our wealth is our time and workforce, and as you can probably see, more and more people are having to take a second job or do Uber to afford housing, which, in this shared-economy we're living, has become a sort of means of production. I see regulations taking place to save the system in a short time, but why should we still have to pay to have a roof over our heads at nighttime when there are houses already built literally for everyone in the first place?

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Look, capitalism is certainly the best system to extract wealth from the resources available, I give you that. The point is workers, in this system, are also an available resource from which wealth is extracted, and the less we fight it, the more wealth is taken away from us. Our wealth is our time and workforce, and as you can probably see, more and more people are having to take a second job or do Uber to afford housing, which, in this shared-economy...


@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

"Look, capitalism is certainly the best system to extract wealth from the resources available, I give you that."

I never asked for that, nor did I make that claim.


@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

"Regulations were introduced to save capitalism after the crash of 1929"

That implies regulations did not significantly exist beforehand. Is that an assertion you make?

"The same thing happened in 2008."

Why didn't the regulations already in place suffice?

Homem-Povo :v_com:

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom bypasses are bypasses and will only do so much, I'm not defending neoliberalism, far from me. Just saying it doesn't take away the features of capitalism that identify it. I said fewer regulations, but I'm not here to educate anyone on classic liberalism, neoliberalism and ordoliberalism, all of those are based on letting people who profit from other people's labour decide what is produced and to whom. Capitalism has never and will never end misery, and that should suffice for people to reject it.

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom bypasses are bypasses and will only do so much, I'm not defending neoliberalism, far from me. Just saying it doesn't take away the features of capitalism that identify it. I said fewer regulations, but I'm not here to educate anyone on classic liberalism, neoliberalism and ordoliberalism, all of those are based on letting people who profit from other people's labour decide what is produced and to whom. Capitalism has never and will never end misery,...


@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Capitalism is an economic system, not a god. Asking for it to "end misery" is pointless, as it would be to ask ANY economic system to "end misery".

Homem-Povo :v_com: replied to AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom not at all, that's the point, although I'm talking strictly about economic misery, not existential suffering, if that's what you mean.

Misery as in not having access to housing, healthcare, education and food could already have been extinguished with what we actually produce nowadays. Shortage is fabricated as a side effect of the offer and demand that governs the economy (which is run by the owners of the means of production). Excess production is wasted while people are hungry to keep prices up and profit possible, and the same thing goes for unoccupied houses, which become assets while people live in the streets.

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom not at all, that's the point, although I'm talking strictly about economic misery, not existential suffering, if that's what you mean.

Misery as in not having access to housing, healthcare, education and food could already have been extinguished with what we actually produce nowadays. Shortage is fabricated as a side effect of the offer and demand that governs the economy (which is run by the owners of the means of production). Excess production is...

AKingsbury replied to Homem-Povo

@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

That's not the point. Capitalism simply says that taking a certain approach optimizes the distribution of scarce resources. WE decide what "optimum" means. And one of the great things is that we can come to different answers but still work together to achieve those disparate goals.

Homem-Povo :v_com: replied to AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom but that's not how capitalism work. Resources are not scarce, they are already taken when we're born, and the owners and their heirs are the only ones to decide what to do with it. We only get to decide, through our representatives in government, how much tax to charge and what to do with the taxes collected. Simple as that.

AKingsbury replied to Homem-Povo

@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Of course resources are scarce. That's an entering premise of an economy even existing. If resources were not scarce, we would need no mechanism by which to allocate them; we would need no economy.

Homem-Povo :v_com: replied to AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

A flawed system can always be built over flawed premises.

"There are currently 28 vacant homes for every one person experiencing homelessness in the U.S." —

AKingsbury replied to Homem-Povo

@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Look, I'm sorry, but this isn't just ECON 101 stuff. This is first day of ECON 101 stuff. Heck, this is basic common sense stuff.

Just because you can point to A resource that you regard as plentiful (in a specific area) does not change that resources are scarce. People all have about as much air as they want to breath; that doesn't mean that there is enough of everything for everyone to have as much as they want.

Homem-Povo :v_com: replied to AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom well if by scarce you mean finite, ok, you can't always get what you want, but by not scarce I mean everyone could get what they need, and excuse me if I just quoted The Rolling Stones right now 😂

AKingsbury replied to Homem-Povo

@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

No, by scare I do not mean finite. By scarce I mean scarce.

AKingsbury replied to Homem-Povo

@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Look, I'm sorry, but you just don't seem to be grasping the basic idea here.

Maybe a specific example will work. Do you understand that titanium is a resource?

Homem-Povo :v_com: replied to Homem-Povo

@AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom That's an excellent example, thank you. Can we all decide to prioritize the medical use of titanium so that treatments are more affordable, or is it up to the owners of the mines and that's why we get titanium watches and cellphones instead?

AKingsbury replied to Homem-Povo

@Homempovo @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

Okay. Do you understand that it's better than steel for a lot of applications? Let's stay specific; it would be WAY better for most car components that are currently made from steel to be made from titanium. It's lighter, which means better fuel efficiency, and it's far more resistant to corrosion. Does that make sense?


@Homempovo @AlexanderKingsbury @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom The messed up thing is the movement never intended to be that unaffordable


@FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom there it is! As soon as I saw Cat's simple binary question, I just knew your wholly incorrect take would surface in response. Congratulations for falling for the trap lol

Peter Fisher

@mrpieceofwork @Radical_EgoCom plesse explain your reply, i habe no idea what you are taliking about.


@FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

The OG post says 'state your case if you DO NOT think capitalism should be abolished, not state what the alternatives are, yet you come in asking just that, with this statement:

"I haven't ever heard of a system that isn't worse than capitalism."

Insinuating that all alternatives to capitalism are also "worse". Maybe you worded that wrong. There ARE systems that are better than capitalism, and to not have ever heard of them means you're not trying to...

Peter Fisher

@mrpieceofwork @Radical_EgoCom well, i asked, and i still haven't been given an answer. So please give one real life example of a better working system.


@Radical_EgoCom In a mild defense of @FisherPeter , It should be said that believing “capitalism should be abolished” implies belief or promotion of a better, workable alternative—with workable being the operative word. While one commenter made some nice statements about socialist ideals, attempts to achieve these have come with their own destructions and injustices historically, which is a fair point to make.

Jackie 🌹

@IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter

Keep in mind that most countries where ostensibly socialist revolutions took place were underdeveloped, essentially emerging from feudalism. In addition, the Bolsheviks and their supporters worldwide were themselves not really advocates of things like worker's self management or participatory democracy.

I would argue that "Communism" as seen in practice was, in reality, a form of Jacobinist developmentalism, near-totally divorced from the actual intentions or beliefs of the first socialists.

@IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter

Keep in mind that most countries where ostensibly socialist revolutions took place were underdeveloped, essentially emerging from feudalism. In addition, the Bolsheviks and their supporters worldwide were themselves not really advocates of things like worker's self management or participatory democracy.

Jackie 🌹

@IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter

The USSR was communist in the same way Robespierre's France was democratic.


@burnoutqueen @IndyHermit @FisherPeter

The USSR wasn't communist. It was a socialist country that was aspiring towards communism.

Jackie 🌹

@Radical_EgoCom @IndyHermit @FisherPeter

I dispute this.

The USSR should be understood the way it was, not the way it claimed to be. Isn't that the spirit of historical materialism anyways?

Given the historical development of the USSR, it would be most accurate to say it was distinct from socialism, state capitalism, and communism. It was a hierarchical, state society where the working class had essentially no power over the economic process. The process of accumulation in the USSR was significantly different from both socialism and capitalism.

The USSR was the result of a Blanquist coup by a developmentalist and fierce clique of highly dedicated revolutionaries, and from the start was a perversion of the democratic vision of proletarian rule envisioned by Marx and Engels.

@Radical_EgoCom @IndyHermit @FisherPeter

I dispute this.

The USSR should be understood the way it was, not the way it claimed to be. Isn't that the spirit of historical materialism anyways?

Given the historical development of the USSR, it would be most accurate to say it was distinct from socialism, state capitalism, and communism. It was a hierarchical, state society where the working class had essentially no power over the economic process. The process of accumulation in the USSR was significantly...


@burnoutqueen @IndyHermit @FisherPeter

I understand the USSR the way it was, and it was socialist. Socialism is the collective ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange either directly or through the state, and the USSR had collective ownership of those things through the state, making them socialist. There are many different versions of socialism. Just because the USSR didn't adhere to your specific preferred version of socialism doesn't make it not socialist.

Jackie 🌹

@Radical_EgoCom @IndyHermit @FisherPeter

Is America even a little socialist for owning the public libraries and parks?

Citoyen_De_Catharsis ⏚

@burnoutqueen @IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter Robespierre was way more democratic than Staline USSR, there is no point about this

Jackie 🌹

@Citoyen_DC @IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter

Yeah, the Stalin period is a whole can of worms on its own.

Citoyen_De_Catharsis ⏚

@burnoutqueen @IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter Robespierre had been killed because he pushed for more democratic system, end of the monarchy and more equal society. "La terreur" was a special moment of counter-revolutionnary riots, not representative of his fights

Jackie 🌹

@Citoyen_DC @IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter

Exactly the same argument is made to defend Lenin and Stalin.

Jackie 🌹 replied to Jackie

@Citoyen_DC @IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter Lenin directly modeled his actions on Robespierre, and there was even a statue of Robespierre built in the early USSR.

Citoyen_De_Catharsis ⏚ replied to Jackie

@burnoutqueen @IndyHermit @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter Lenine's politic wasn't the same as Staline's... Moreover, displaying a root doesn't mean copying it

The Frog

@FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom

What will replace capitalism doesn't exist yet, so doesn't have a name, so you can't hear of it.

Replace capitalism with what?

First, you must be clear of what a system should provide for *everyone* (like material comfort, education, safety, breathable air, a future...). Then you look at the system we have, capitalism, and tweak it. And tweak it. And tweak it until your goal is met. At this stage, it won't be capitalism anymore.

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