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If most PCs today start shipping with a Linux distro then you will see how much of the Windows Market share comes down.. Why it does not happen because Microsoft has an absolute control over OEMs... That is how they grew in the first place and kicked all the competition out through bribing and predatory practices... Even OS/2 was not spared which partially had Microsoft code in it.


@safiuddinkhan I don't think it's that easy. True, they use whatever OS came with their device, but most take the OS into account when choosing what device to get. I can't imagine a person who wanted an iPhone, but then went to the store and got an Android device. If they decide to switch, they do it before going to the store. So if most laptops come with Linux they just might look for the ones that ship with Windows.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@m0xee @safiuddinkhan

Most people get iphones for the camera or status.

Had I told my mom that my cheap android can record calls (unlike her $1200 imonster) earlier she'd reconsider.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@cyberspook @m0xee @safiuddinkhan

At least the custom roms are usable. (while not giving everything to xi pingpong)


@iska @cyberspook @safiuddinkhan If you are willing to spend time on unlocking bootloader and installing custom ROM, I'm pretty sure you can get call recording on iOS too.
Also AFAIK call recording is illegal in some countries so it's disabled in stock ROMs.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@m0xee @cyberspook @safiuddinkhan

thing is the call recording was in stock ROM

Also why would that be illegal. Isn't call recording useful for court?

Call recordings' legality depends on the jurisdiction so even if it can be useful it can also be consequential.
MattZ replied to Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:
Many of the laws don't makes sense because they're a relic of past. Working with law is like working with patch works on top of patch works hence needing an entire profession dedicated to solving this patchwork of madness
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to MattZ
Bureaucracy stifles progress. That's one of the reasons Windows sucks. That's one of the reasons mathematics suck as well. All this legacy bullshit standardized by a central authority.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @m0xee
MattZ replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
Progress for the sake of it will also end in madness, and I prefer less of people be mad than all of them.

The nature of existence is to make compromises, the only thing you get to choose is what to compromise.
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to MattZ
How is progress for the sake of progress even related to this? It's a non-argument, I have concrete reasons to oppose stagnation. Neither do I care about upsetting people, I care about what I want first, about what others want second.

The nature of existence is to make as few compromizes as possible. The question is where to be less compromizable.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @m0xee
How is progress for the sake of progress even related to this? It's a non-argument, I have concrete reasons to oppose stagnation. Neither do I care about upsetting people, I care about what I want first, about what others want second.
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
But honestly, the nature of existence doesn't exist, it's a mental construct used to justify fixed ideologies and succumb people to the world of ideas. The thing is, ideological thinking is a kind of disease that paralyzes pragmatic thinking. That's why I don't have any concrete vision. To always be flexible and to not allow other people to force their interests on me, I want to force my interests first.

The nature of existence, the human nature, the meaning of life. All just nonsensical language games that try to reduce an infinitely complex multiplicity of existence into easily digestible ideas that dumb humans can understand.
@iska @m0xee @safiuddinkhan
But honestly, the nature of existence doesn't exist, it's a mental construct used to justify fixed ideologies and succumb people to the world of ideas. The thing is, ideological thinking is a kind of disease that paralyzes pragmatic thinking. That's why I don't have any concrete vision. To always be flexible and to not allow other people to force their interests on me, I want to force my interests first.
Same issue as with forking Mastodon. Plus, it runs on a fucking Java machine, isn't Unix-like in the slightest and has a terrible tendency to restrict what a root user can do with every new fucking release while still requiring unlocking the bootloader to get such functionality, compromising security and voiding the warranty, so its hackability is still extremely limited while having a huge overhead in general and lots of security holes.
@m0xee @safiuddinkhan
Same issue as with forking Mastodon. Plus, it runs on a fucking Java machine, isn't Unix-like in the slightest and has a terrible tendency to restrict what a root user can do with every new fucking release while still requiring unlocking the bootloader to get such functionality, compromising security and voiding the warranty, so its hackability is still extremely limited while having a huge overhead in general and lots of security holes.

Also, due to Android phones not being full-fledged pocket PCs I can’t find some basic shit like (local) file converters and stuff. And the stuff that I do find is riddled with garbage PREMIUM TIERS. And no, there are no F-Droid alternatives I did search. Android in Windows of mobile phones, iOS doesn’t have this bullshit at the very least.
@m0xee @safiuddinkhan

CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to Dushman
Ugh… It's Termux. You're using GNU/Linux on Android essentially. Which just proves my point that GNU/Linux just offers more stuff.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @m0xee
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to Dushman
Again, why not use some mobile GNU/Linux OS instead? It's even more robust than a terminal emulator.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @m0xee
Dushman replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
@cyberspook @safiuddinkhan @iska @m0xee
Why not? It's still quite clunky at this stage really. Not that I'm against the concept, it's just not very fleshed out as of now. LOS with termux and no google bloat is comfy.
m0xEE replied to Dushman

@dushman @safiuddinkhan @iska @cyberspook You can't get rid of Google bloat completely because a lot of stuff won't work without WebView. Replacing Google's implementation with Bromite is probably the best you can do at the moment. Mozilla tried to make WebView based on Gecko, but they've given up long time ago.

m0xEE replied to inference

@inference @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @iska @dushman But Graphene only supports Google phones, does it not?
Trusting Google with hardware and not trusting with software is a little weird 🤷

inference replied to m0xEE
@m0xee @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @iska @dushman Not exactly. Don't be part of the FOSS cult and you'll be just fine. The reason GrapheneOS only supports Pixels is because they are extremely sane with security and allow you to even sign your own OS with your own key which at that point even Google can't get it, because it's yours, just like a PGP key.

Not a single other phone allows you to do that. GOS knows their shit, and it's the reason I only use Pixels. I want real security and privacy, not fairy tales. Fairphone even signs their OS with Google's publicly available test key... as their private signing key.
@m0xee @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @iska @dushman Not exactly. Don't be part of the FOSS cult and you'll be just fine. The reason GrapheneOS only supports Pixels is because they are extremely sane with security and allow you to even sign your own OS with your own key which at that point even Google can't get it, because it's yours, just like a PGP key.
GNU/neko :cursed_verified::makemeneko: replied to inference
@inference @safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @cyberspook @m0xee

actually I believe OnePlus also allows custom signing keys (however not all models have an unlockable bootloader)
inference replied to GNU/neko :cursed_verified::makemeneko:
@roboneko @safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @cyberspook @m0xee They do, but their implementation is very bad. Their recovery has SELinux set to permissive, making it useless, and it also fails to wipe the memory on reboot. It also has no HSM unlike Pixels, so you're relying on weaker TEE.
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to inference
The magic is, the phone is secure… until you root it.
"Well, don't root!"
Not an option.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @m0xee
inference replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
@cyberspook @safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @m0xee I'm focused on security, so of course I'm anti-rooting.

If you're not focused on security and want more freedom, sure, root it.
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to inference
That's the flaw of Android itself, making root so insecure. It's the design issue. One would think getting root is a core functonality of an OS. Not on Android.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @m0xee
inference replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
@cyberspook @safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @m0xee Linux hardening always includes restricting root access, regardless of Linux proper or Android.

root is, by design, the worst security flaw of Linux.
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to inference
Root is flawed if there's no proper permission control system in place like sudo or whatever. Nobody suggests this.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @m0xee
inference replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
@cyberspook @safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @m0xee Even sudo and doas are flawed.

I can give you a simple code block which can save your root password and feed it back:
inference replied to inference
@cyberspook @dushman @iska @m0xee @safiuddinkhan root access via any means, on any Linux system, regardless of OS, is fatal. Game over. The end.
inference replied to Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:
@iska @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @m0xee @dushman Because no Linux hardware other than Android is really using HSMs or TEEs with verified boot. The only company I know which does that is Google, using the Titan.
Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix: replied to inference

@inference @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @m0xee @dushman

Verified boot is not a requirement for android, and exists in standard PCs.

inference replied to Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:
@iska @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @m0xee @dushman Verified boot does not exist in normal PCs. Verified boot is not the same as secure boot, it is an extra layer above which protects the OS integrity, not just checking the bootloader signature. You are very wrong.
inference replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
@cyberspook @safiuddinkhan @iska @dushman @m0xee But you also get the hardened security of Android, including full verified boot, all apps sandboxing, and SELinux across entire system by default.

No chance on a Linux phone.
m0xEE replied to inference

@inference @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @iska @dushman You won't need Android app sandboxing in you've got no Android apps 😅

m0xEE replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺

@cyberspook @inference @safiuddinkhan @dushman @iska That's until you try using desktop Firefox on a phone. Believe me, it's THAT bad!
I have an old Lumia phone running desktop Windows 11 and Firefox is rather usable on it, but on e.g. Droidian it's clunky as fsck!

CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to m0xEE
*uses Windows 11 on a phone*
Man, and I thought it can't get worse than Android.

@inference @safiuddinkhan @dushman @iska
inference replied to m0xEE
@m0xee @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @iska @dushman Don't have no privacy without sandboxing.

*Insert dumb... I mean smart person pointing towards head here.*
m0xEE replied to Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@iska @inference @safiuddinkhan @cyberspook @dushman What's the point in sandboxing if hardware has more holes than Swiss cheese? Sandboxing looks good on paper, but with all this Spectre/Meltdown shit, Apple has this Heartbleed thing… To me it's just a waste of resources security-wise.

grey@fosstodon:~ $ :idle:

@m0xee @safiuddinkhan exactly. I wanna switch from android to a fork like graphene or linage but my phone doesnt support it

And i dont have the proper hardware requirements to build my own os from graphene


@safiuddinkhan I don't need PCs to start shipping with a Linux distro, I need PCs to be built with hardware that's supported without additional voodoo in all Linux distros.


@birnim yeah like those no OS Dell, Lenovo and HP laptops I always buy those. They used to come with FreeDOS but now I have observed they come up with Ubuntu or something preinstalled.. They have an excellent support for Linux and no drivers issue in them..

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