So, it's not #bleptober as I originally mistakenly believed, but #bleptember 😸
Can we have another hit then?
He can look both: silly and elegant — even with his tongue sticking out.
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Wall 14 posts
So, it's not #bleptober as I originally mistakenly believed, but #bleptember 😸 It's Wednesday, my dudes. And I have a confession to make: I'm an avid frog collector 🐸 @m0xee ЭТО ЖЕ ПРОСТО СОКРОВИЩЕ! Афигенные жабы! Когда-нибудь ты откроешь музей жаб. Наподобие как в Зеленоградске есть музей котов. Иначе зачем прятать ? ) |